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66 mustang

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Too Big To Fail


A great movie and made the financial crisis make so much more sense and made it even scarier to consider how worse it could of been and could be again.


always interested to watch any Wall Street-related movie as I'm also in the same business, will check out later friend

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'Partition' ; pretty poor film, but I didn't mind it. Neve Campbell and a British accent looked a little awkward together, but the story was okay I guess, for the romantics upon us. ;)

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Too Big To Fail


A great movie and made the financial crisis make so much more sense and made it even scarier to consider how worse it could of been and could be again.


always interested to watch any Wall Street-related movie as I'm also in the same business, will check out later friend


It's an HBO original so don't know when it will be out on video. I'm a banker and there was stuff in there that was making head spin. I watched the making of the movie that had a lot of insiders that were explaining things in even more depth and how close things to getting much worse with the possibility of General Electric failing next due to not being able to getting credit from the big banks after the failures. Scary thought. Of course the possibility of AIG failing would of probably destroyed the financial system on the entire planet and now I understand why they had to be bailed out.

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yeah Wes, but there's also another risk of bailing out which is to print more money and of course led to extreme inflation in the long run, but yeah that's another problem to be taken care of.


In financial world like this, every disaster is one man's gain, and to think of it, it might be caused by a several people actually, like what Soros did in 1997 or John Paulson's hedge fund gaining $1 billion betting on Citibank's recovery.


back to topic again, just see an IMDB user's review, citing this as 'the scariest movie i've ever seen', now that's interesting :christmas:

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yeah Wes, but there's also another risk of bailing out which is to print more money and of course led to extreme inflation in the long run, but yeah that's another problem to be taken care of.


In financial world like this, every disaster is one man's gain, and to think of it, it might be caused by a several people actually, like what Soros did in 1997 or John Paulson's hedge fund gaining $1 billion betting on Citibank's recovery.


back to topic again, just see an IMDB user's review, citing this as 'the scariest movie i've ever seen', now that's interesting :christmas:


Yup there's risks both ways to say the least but I guess what I was trying to say is that I understand why they felt they had to do it now more than I did before I saw the movie. And I agree with that reviewers description.

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Paranormal Activity 2


Not as good as the first but in one scene I jumped more than I ever have before and that`s rare for me! :yikes:

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"Ice Road Terror"

- SyFy Channel nonsense about a team of Alaskan Ice Road Truckers who have to deal with an unfrozen prehistoric carnivore. Hilariously bad.

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Green Lantern: Emerald Knights - was an ok history kind of movie leading up to the big movie release. I enjoyed it


True Gritt (2010) to be honest I was disapointed in this. it wasn't a bad movie but just wasn't what I was expecting with all the buzz about it and all.

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Awesome. :bowdown:


Absolutely Wes, watched this the other day, a great insight, I`m not a fan but excellent stuff

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Possibly the greatest movie ever.




:rofl2: You've just reminded me that I recorded this flick when it premiered on SyFy Channel a couple of months back but haven't watched it yet. I need to go digging through the pile of DVD-R's atop the TV and find this damn thing now.

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