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66 mustang

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Besides Miss Brook, this film is fucking terrible mate - i'd save your $ (it's not a dollar without good reason) for something more worthwhile. ;)




What a difference of opinion! Obviously the impact of Ms Brook's chest on our enjoyment of the film differs enormously! :D

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Besides Miss Brook, this film is fucking terrible mate - i'd save your $ (it's not a dollar without good reason) for something more worthwhile. ;)




What a difference of opinion! Obviously the impact of Ms Brook's chest on our enjoyment of the film differs enormously! :D

Yeah, I must admit that I go to lengths for decent opportunities and this looks like a good one. Plus, it looks like an awesome location for a film too. So if there's sexy nudity and an awesome location that's already ticked two big boxes for me. :)

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Besides Miss Brook, this film is fucking terrible mate - i'd save your $ (it's not a dollar without good reason) for something more worthwhile. ;)




What a difference of opinion! Obviously the impact of Ms Brook's chest on our enjoyment of the film differs enormously! :D

Yeah, I must admit that I go to lengths for decent opportunities and this looks like a good one. Plus, it looks like an awesome location for a film too. So if there's sexy nudity and an awesome location that's already ticked two big boxes for me. :)

Goddamn! Just looked it up on ebay and I know that cover well! I've seen it many times before. Why on earth have I never bought it? Guess it hasn't been quite in my price bracket just yet. :)

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I've never heard of this flick "Three" but I gotta say, that poster is making a case for me tracking it down most admirably. :lol:

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I've never heard of this flick "Three" but I gotta say, that poster is making a case for me tracking it down most admirably. :lol:

This is the cover it got over here:




Uh... awful... isn't it?

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"Strong Sex Scenes" and "Violence?" Coolness. Where do I sign up? :lol:

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Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)


Quit stallin' and watch "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" already. :lol:

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Kelly Brook topless. Nuff said. :drink:


Abso-f***ing-lutely! Two of my favourite movie scenes of all time! :tits:

Is it just called 'Three'? I want to see it immediately but it's not showing up on the site where I usually buy my films. Is it brand new?



'Swimfan' ; another $1 pick-up. Seen this everywhere but I've never actually seen the movie. I enjoyed it. Again, pretty basic type of psychotic stalker stuff, but I was pleased with it all the way through. And although Julia Stiles looks a little like a pug, she's kind of sexy and has a delicious looking body on her too.


Good call, you need to check Three out! :tumbsup: Not new, should be fairly easy to find and very cheap, e.g.:

Three (Amazon)


Saw about half an hour of Swimfan and quite enjoyed it. Looked like a new, younger Fatal Attraction, will have to check it out eventually...


Three is also called



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  • My Little Pony

Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)


Quit stallin' and watch "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" already. :lol:

I gotta work myself up to that one. Maybe tomorrow night. We'll see.

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"Toolbox Murders" - silly slasher crap about a psycho picking off the residents of a run-down Hollywood apartment building with various common household tools (hammers, electric saws, etc.) ... it started out OK but quickly went downhill, despite some good gore scenes, then a totally what-the-f*ck supernatural sub plot in the last half hour that feels shoehorned in completed its descent into utter craptacularity.



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'Cashback' ; odd one. For 99% of the film it was typically British bland, slow and boring nonsense. BUT... and this is a big BUT, there were random scenes that made this totally watchable. The main guy was an artist and the first awesome scene of the movie features a childhood flashback of a Swedish exchange student walking naked through his house. The body on this thing is delightful... absolutely delicious. So that was awesome, and then after that he goes on this tangent where he thinks he can stop time. So he's working in this supermarket stopping time, undressing all these outrageously sexy ladies and sketching them as they're frozen in time. That was an awesome scene too, and then there's an A+ grade stripper later in the film who is sexy as sin. So that's all awesome and makes an otherwise dead in the water film watchable, but I need to know why then, does this guy who loves the female form and has always been captivated by true beauty (shown in copious amounts throughout the film) fall viciously in love with this sinfully ugly trainwreck:




NSFW screenshots of the Swedish exchange student:


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"Toolbox Murders" - silly slasher crap about a psycho picking off the residents of a run-down Hollywood apartment building with various common household tools (hammers, electric saws, etc.) ... it started out OK but quickly went downhill, despite some good gore scenes, then a totally what-the-f*ck supernatural sub plot in the last half hour that feels shoehorned in completed its descent into utter craptacularity.




Well damn I had DVR'd that since I'd wanted to see it since it came out since Juliet Landeu(Druisilla from the Buffy/Angel Universe) was in it but your review makes me want to hit the delete button.



"The Town" - Pretty damn good movie with some good acting from Affleck and Jeremy Renner and some good directing from Mr. Affleck as well.

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Well damn I had DVR'd that since I'd wanted to see it since it came out since Juliet Landeu(Druisilla from the Buffy/Angel Universe) was in it but your review makes me want to hit the delete button.


Juliet's in it but she only has a small role. I wouldn't bother sitting thru this flick just for her.

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Well damn I had DVR'd that since I'd wanted to see it since it came out since Juliet Landeu(Druisilla from the Buffy/Angel Universe) was in it but your review makes me want to hit the delete button.


Juliet's in it but she only has a small role. I wouldn't bother sitting thru this flick just for her.


I guess I'll stick with my old Angel DVD sets if I need my Juliet fix.

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Drusilla was awesome on "Buffy" and "Angel" back in the day. Nobody could play batsh*t crazy like that chick. Favorite bit:


Dru (sadly) "Spike...why won't my little birdie sing to me anymore?"

Spike (angry) "Because it's DEAD."

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Drusilla was awesome on "Buffy" and "Angel" back in the day. Nobody could play batsh*t crazy like that chick. Favorite bit:


Dru (sadly) "Spike...why won't my little birdie sing to me anymore?"

Spike (angry) "Because it's DEAD."


Juliet and James Marsters on screen chemistry was incredible.

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"The Ruins"

...pretty cool horror flick in which a bunch of American twenty-somethings on vacation in Mexico decide to spend the last day of their trip exploring the remains of a Mayan pyramid in the jungle. Unfortunately said pyramid is home to a particularly nasty creeping vine/plant infestation that's carnivorous in nature. Hilarity ensues.




Though I didn't have high hopes for it at first "The Ruins" was a pretty decent, fast moving, gory flick that kept my interest throughout. A worthy entry in the under-utilized Killer Plant Genre.

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"The Ruins"

...pretty cool horror flick in which a bunch of American twenty-somethings on vacation in Mexico decide to spend the last day of their trip exploring the remains of a Mayan pyramid in the jungle. Unfortunately said pyramid is home to a particularly nasty creeping vine/plant infestation that's carnivorous in nature. Hilarity ensues.




Though I didn't have high hopes for it at first "The Ruins" was a pretty decent, fast moving, gory flick that kept my interest throughout. A worthy entry in the under-utilized Killer Plant Genre.


The book is leaps and bounds better than the movie, but aren't they all. I did enjoy the movie though.

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The book is leaps and bounds better than the movie, but aren't they all. I did enjoy the movie though.


Haven't read the book but I'm told it differs greatly from the film (even tho the author of the novel also wrote the movie's script...). Good stuff either way. That blonde chick was a piece of a** too. :lol:


Nice sig pic, by the way, Terry. Wonder where you found that? ;)

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The book is leaps and bounds better than the movie, but aren't they all. I did enjoy the movie though.


Haven't read the book but I'm told it differs greatly from the film (even tho the author of the novel also wrote the movie's script...). Good stuff either way. That blonde chick was a piece of a** too. :lol:


Nice sig pic, by the way, Terry. Wonder where you found that? ;)


Some East Coaster located it for me... :beerbang:



Still need to know who in the heck they are?

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