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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Alice In Wonderland - way better than I thought it would be.




HACHI - wow, what a story. based on a true story the time has been updated (took place in Tokyo back in the 1920's) and place but the heart of the story is intact. I cried like a baby several times






I thought I might get a comment from at least Geoff about Hachi, being the dog lover he is. I know most haven't even heard of the movie before but it is worth a watch.

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Alice In Wonderland - way better than I thought it would be.




HACHI - wow, what a story. based on a true story the time has been updated (took place in Tokyo back in the 1920's) and place but the heart of the story is intact. I cried like a baby several times






Never heard or this, or saw it, not being a movie watcher. But, it sounds like Fluke? Ever see it? I didn't read about/watch the clip (don't want to spoil the movie), but I remember being in college and watching Fluke with a GF and her mother. The 3 of us went through what seemed like an entire box of Kleenex during the movie. (It was rather heartwarming too, not just crying for crying's sake.)

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Just saw Rock Star on HBO.


First of all, I don't know why everyone bagged on it so much. Yeah, it was total cheese, but it was OUR total cheese. The only complaint I have is that they didn't compose a soundtrack of all Steel Dragon tunes.


Secondly, I've watched that movie so many times on VH1 that I've forgotten about parts of the movie. Damn "for TV" editing!

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Shutter Island - A wonderfully acted movie with a twist, although I saw it coming.


Green Zone - much better than I expected and the sad part is it's probably all true.


Edge of Darkness - A very good movie with Mel Gibson with plenty of action.

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Shutter Island - A wonderfully acted movie with a twist, although I saw it coming.




agree 100%. it doesn't help when the description on the movie tells you there is going to be a twist in the plot. then you spend the movie looking for it and it is kind of useless to have a twist. but yeah, this twist you could see a hundred miles away

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Shutter Island - A wonderfully acted movie with a twist, although I saw it coming.




agree 100%. it doesn't help when the description on the movie tells you there is going to be a twist in the plot. then you spend the movie looking for it and it is kind of useless to have a twist. but yeah, this twist you could see a hundred miles away


Good point - I remember the film media hyped up the twist in Sixth Sense so much that I was looking out for it and got it by about half way through. Still a great movie though.

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.


Hm, when I managed to see that movie I knew the whole plot inclunding the twist but I was amazed after watching it though. Great film.

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.


Hm, when I managed to see that movie I knew the whole plot inclunding the twist but I was amazed after watching it though. Great film.


Yes a great twist at the end. Have you guys seen Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins?

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.


Hm, when I managed to see that movie I knew the whole plot inclunding the twist but I was amazed after watching it though. Great film.


Yes a great twist at the end. Have you guys seen Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins?


Great film!

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Very strange, low budget Spanish "sci fi" film (it doesn't play like a sci film at all, but I suppose it has to be that genre). Quite an insane film, but recommended to those who like something different.

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Blood Diamond


Depressing look at what the diamond trade has done to some countries in Africa; at times what people can do to other people can be really shocking. Not the first example of a film showing how badly neglected Africa is by the wealthier countries. Good film though; very watchable, well filmed and plenty of action.

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i never knew anything about sixth sense at all so I got the full effect when the twist came into play


I didn't know anything about the film other than hearing DJs, reviewers, etc saying it had the biggest twist ending ever. The people I saw it with didn't get it though, so I was a bit smug at the time.


Hm, when I managed to see that movie I knew the whole plot inclunding the twist but I was amazed after watching it though. Great film.


Yes a great twist at the end. Have you guys seen Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins?

Sure have and it's a good film.

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Star Trek


OK'ish remake - Enjoyable enough.



Anvil: Storyline


Excellent documentary on the Metal band.

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