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66 mustang

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Yes Man


YES! :tumbsup:


Ooh no! I might be on my own here, but I get a bit pissed off when overseas books/films are 'Americanised'; i.e. set in America, American actors, etc. 'Yes Man' is a decent modern British (mostly biographical) novel, so it's a bit frustrating that the film is set in the States with Jim Carrey in it. Another example I can think of is U-571. Great film, but the whole story is made infinitely less impressive when the text reveals that the device the subjects went through such an ordeal to get hold of had already been captured by the Brits at leas twice! I can see the reasons for doing it though; it makes perfect commercial sense, and at the end of the day a good film is a good film.


Nice to see the tables turned recently when there was a French version of an American thriller - the book was 'Tell No One' by Harlan Coben. One of the best films I've seen in years, too. I'm such a hypocrite! :whistle:


Just watched Ice Age 3 again with the kids - great, great film. Some very adult jokes at times, surely the epitome of a family film.

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Rainy afternoon, watched the live action "101 Dalmations" with my kids. Hadn't seen that in a while. Was kinda surprised to see Hugh "Dr. Gregory House" Laurie in the movie, as one of Cruella DeVil's idiot henchmen...

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Worth a watch if you loved Part One. Though the whole premise is a bit stupid - I mean,if I'd escaped alive from Part One then nothing on earth would drag me back down into that cave (unlike the main character who decides to check it out again). Oh, and didn't they all die at the end of Part One?

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Worth a watch if you loved Part One. Though the whole premise is a bit stupid - I mean,if I'd escaped alive from Part One then nothing on earth would drag me back down into that cave (unlike the main character who decides to check it out again). Oh, and didn't they all die at the end of Part One?


I loved the first one and I want to watch the sequel but... I've read several bad reviews about it. Is it really enjoyable? How about the 'horror factor'? Because the first movie scared the shit out of me back then.

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Worth a watch if you loved Part One. Though the whole premise is a bit stupid - I mean,if I'd escaped alive from Part One then nothing on earth would drag me back down into that cave (unlike the main character who decides to check it out again). Oh, and didn't they all die at the end of Part One?


I loved the first one and I want to watch the sequel but... I've read several bad reviews about it. Is it really enjoyable? How about the 'horror factor'? Because the first movie scared the shit out of me back then.


It's not bad. The horror factor is less because you already know what the creatures will look like, and the overall story and premise is pretty weak. But it has it's moments and the ending is pretty good. Definitely don't buy it, but worth 90 minutes of your time IMO.


Btw: Have just read a review and it seems the original film ended differently depending on whether you bought the UK or the US film. The UK film ended with no survivors, which is why I made the comment that to start the sequel with a survivor didn't make any sense.

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Worth a watch if you loved Part One. Though the whole premise is a bit stupid - I mean,if I'd escaped alive from Part One then nothing on earth would drag me back down into that cave (unlike the main character who decides to check it out again). Oh, and didn't they all die at the end of Part One?


I loved the first one and I want to watch the sequel but... I've read several bad reviews about it. Is it really enjoyable? How about the 'horror factor'? Because the first movie scared the shit out of me back then.


It's not bad. The horror factor is less because you already know what the creatures will look like, and the overall story and premise is pretty weak. But it has it's moments and the ending is pretty good. Definitely don't buy it, but worth 90 minutes of your time IMO.


Btw: Have just read a review and it seems the original film ended differently depending on whether you bought the UK or the US film. The UK film ended with no survivors, which is why I made the comment that to start the sequel with a survivor didn't make any sense.


Yes, that was the version I've seen too. But I think that ending wasn't obvious at all. Maybe she survived. There are theories that there weren't any creatures however she lost her mind and she killed all her friends. But now, there is a sequel and all these speculations become pointless. Too bad. :D

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Finally saw ANVIL- THE STORY OF ANVIL and cannot believe what a great movie it is. I found it very compelling and even emotional, and the film had structure, unlike many documentaries. You don't have to be an ANVIL fan, or even like heavy metal to enjoy this movie.


The DVD commentary with Lipps, Robb and superfan director Sascha lends an even greater depth to the story, and is very entertaining. Recommend! :)

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"AvH: Alien Vs. Hunter" -- an extremely low budget, not-subtle-at-all (just look at the artwork for cryin' out loud!!) ripoff of the "Alien Vs. Predator" flicks from The Asylum, the studio infamous for such "mockbusters" as "Transmorphers," "The Terminators," and "Mega Piranha." This was pretty piss-poor even by Asylum standards. "AvH" wasn't "so bad it's good," it was just BAD!! It was slow moving, had terrible acting, crap looking monsters/effects, etc.


Basically this "movie" follows this formula: take a bunch of idiot characters and send them stumbling around the woods in broad daylight making up their dialogue as they go along. Have a cheap looking creature pop up occasionally, so they all scream and run the other way. Then repeat this scenario over and over till the (merciful) end.


The "AvP" flicks may not be the most highly regarded series in filmdom, but compared to this cheap ass "homage" they're Shakespeare.


Y'all know I love me some bad movies, and I've actually liked a couple of the previous Asylum flicks, but this was close to the bottom of the barrel.

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Basically this "movie" follows this formula: take a bunch of idiot characters and send them stumbling around the woods in broad daylight making up their dialogue as they go along. Have a cheap looking creature pop up occasionally, so they all scream and run the other way. Then repeat this scenario over and over till the (merciful) end.



What's not to like? ;)

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Basically this "movie" follows this formula: take a bunch of idiot characters and send them stumbling around the woods in broad daylight making up their dialogue as they go along. Have a cheap looking creature pop up occasionally, so they all scream and run the other way. Then repeat this scenario over and over till the (merciful) end.



What's not to like? ;)


Well, I was kinda hoping that DeDee Pfeiffer (Michelle Pfeiffer's younger, less successful sister) might take her top off at some point. Sadly, she didn't. Otherwise my rating for the movie would've shot up about 1000 percent. :lol:

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Worth a watch if you loved Part One. Though the whole premise is a bit stupid - I mean,if I'd escaped alive from Part One then nothing on earth would drag me back down into that cave (unlike the main character who decides to check it out again). Oh, and didn't they all die at the end of Part One?


I loved the first one and I want to watch the sequel but... I've read several bad reviews about it. Is it really enjoyable? How about the 'horror factor'? Because the first movie scared the shit out of me back then.


It's not bad. The horror factor is less because you already know what the creatures will look like, and the overall story and premise is pretty weak. But it has it's moments and the ending is pretty good. Definitely don't buy it, but worth 90 minutes of your time IMO.


Btw: Have just read a review and it seems the original film ended differently depending on whether you bought the UK or the US film. The UK film ended with no survivors, which is why I made the comment that to start the sequel with a survivor didn't make any sense.


Yes, that was the version I've seen too. But I think that ending wasn't obvious at all. Maybe she survived. There are theories that there weren't any creatures however she lost her mind and she killed all her friends. But now, there is a sequel and all these speculations become pointless. Too bad. :D


I loved the first one...not sure I want to ruin it by seeing a sub standard sequel.


Maybe i'll catch it on Sky..

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The Yangtse Incident


Really interested to know what this film is like! Any views?


(This is why I get quite frustrated with lists, it would be great to get an opinion as well.)

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A Very Long Engagement


I'm going to rave about French films again, sorry. This is a war film, a love story and a mystery all in one and it is fantastic. So well filmed, acted, scripted ... all great in fact. I'm fascinated with trench warfare and there are some great trench scenes, but I would have loved the film anyway.

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Saw the new NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET on Friday, no big deal, kind of pointless really. Same story, almost scene per scene, but without the cleverness of the original. No great FX, I actually think the original had better gore. Also, new Freddy has no personality, and his one liners just fall flat. JMO but wait for DVD.

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Saw the new NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET on Friday, no big deal, kind of pointless really. Same story, almost scene per scene, but without the cleverness of the original. No great FX, I actually think the original had better gore. Also, new Freddy has no personality, and his one liners just fall flat. JMO but wait for DVD.


I knew it would be crap... I have to see it though.

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American Cousins


Described as a romantic comedy, set in Glasgow. I had quite low expectations for this one. To be honest, I only really watched it because I have an enormous crush on Shirley Henderson. But what a bloody great film! Highly recommended - not funny, but great characters and a really good story. Loved this film, highly recommended. Don't suppose anyone else on here has seen it?

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