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66 mustang

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Ghostbusters II on the TV last night. Not as good as the first but still enjoyable.

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Terminator - 3

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Inglorious Basterds


Thought I would hate this film, but it was very good, with a great ending. What did you think?


(Just a personal thing, but I find threads like this a bit pointless if there are no comments and they just end up being lists. Ho hum.)



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Eagle Eye and Descent Part 2...


Both fair to midland, Eagle Eye nice and action packed and if you liked Descent this part 2 will be very similar for you with lot's of claustrophobia and jump scaares from the bugga boos.


spoiler for those that have not see Descent



so I've just seen the first movie (a while back) and have a question. Are the crawlers real or in the chicks head?


Real and the ending of 2 opens a whole new can o' worms?!?!

Yeah, it didn't even cross my mind they might be in her head. :lol: I didn't mind that film, had no idea where was a 2nd one. Wouldn't mind seeing it.


The Air That I Breathe - Really not so bad at all. Pretty decent cast, including Sarah Michelle Gellar. It may be a little substandard for this genre of movies (whatever that is - it's one of those films with a bunch of different stories that all link together in the end) but I enjoyed it.

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"The Punisher" (1989 - Dolph Lundgren version)



When I first saw this back in the VHS days, I was still on active duty as a full-on Comic Book Geek, and the Punisher was one of my favorite books at the time. Back then I frickin HATED this movie. The movie had little to no resemblance to the comic book (The Punisher does not even wear his iconic Skull Emblem on his chest, for cryin' out loud!!!!) and was basically a "Punisher' movie in name only. I'm fairly sure the only reason this got made was because when New Line Pictures got the "Punisher" license they didn't even bother to read any of the comics prior to filming, they simply slapped his name on a generic action-movie script they had stashed away in a drawer someplace.


So anyway, 20+ years later, I'm now a retired comic book geek, and I find this DVD in the bargain bin at the supermarket real cheap so I give it another shot. I figure, enough time has passed since I've read a Punisher comic that I should be far enough removed from the "source material" to enjoy the film on its own merits. And y'know what? I like this "Punisher" better now than I did back in the day.


In and of itself, "The Punisher" is actually a pretty decent B-Grade action movie. There are crazy gun battles every two minutes, martial arts battles against ninjas, some decent gore, shell casings everywhere, wall to wall violence, and occasionally ol' Dolph actually displays a few acting chops!


It still bugs me that they made "Frank Castle" into an ex-cop in this version (he was an ex-Marine in the comic), that his hideout is in the sewers (he's not a dang Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!), and the complete and total lack of The Skull is unforgivable, but as a straight up action movie it was better than I remembered. Still a "Punisher" movie in name only, but if you can put fanboy-ism aside it's an OK flick.

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Dramatisation of the meeting at Wannsee where some of the leading Nazis got together to discuss and agree the Final Solution. Pretty brutal, but very interesting. Top film, despite the subject matter being so shocking and terrible. Highly recommended for those with any interest in history and/or the war.

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Shocker - this film is hilariously bad. Belongs in the "crap film - awesome soundtrack" category. Also features Kane Roberts in an acting role, albeit a brief one...

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Shocker - this film is hilariously bad. Belongs in the "crap film - awesome soundtrack" category. Also features Kane Roberts in an acting role, albeit a brief one...


Not a good film, but a I liked the typical dream sequences a la Wes Craven.

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Back into the "Dollar Store DVD" pile! Last night's feature presentation was "Blood Tide," a 1981 horror film in which treasure hunters on a tiny Greek island accidentally unleash an ancient, virgin-chomping sea monster from an underwater cave where it had been sealed up since the Middle Ages. The story was complete nonsense, the acting was pretty bad, and the gore quotient was nil. Only 80 minutes long but it felt like it was twice that.


The only redeeming qualities this movie had was that all of the female actresses were hot as hell and since the film took place in the sunny Mediterranean, none of them were wearing a whole hell of a lot. :lol:


If you do make the mistake of buying this movie (and I am not for a moment suggesting that you do), just fast-forward to the scene where Lydia ("Too Close For Comfort") Cornell practices some aerobics on the beach, with plenty of loving close-up shots. Meow-za! :wub:

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Not a good film, but a I liked the typical dream sequences a la Wes Craven.

Oh definitely. The film does have its moments and that was one of them.



Back into the "Dollar Store DVD" pile! Last night's feature presentation was "Blood Tide," a 1981 horror film in which treasure hunters on a tiny Greek island accidentally unleash an ancient, virgin-chomping sea monster from an underwater cave where it had been sealed up since the Middle Ages. The story was complete nonsense, the acting was pretty bad, and the gore quotient was nil. Only 80 minutes long but it felt like it was twice that. The only redeeming qualities this movie had was that all of the female actresses were hot as hell and since the film took place in the sunny Mediterranean, none of them were wearing a whole hell of a lot. :lol:If you do make the mistake of buying this movie (and I am not for a moment suggesting that you do), just fast-forward to the scene where Lydia ("Too Close For Comfort") Cornell practices some aerobics on the beach, with plenty of loving close-up shots. Meow-za! :wub:


Long live the Dollar Store DVD pile! Checked "Blood Tide" on IMDB. It has James Earl Jones it! And Martin "Sweep The Leg" Kove aka the Cobra Kai sensei in Karate Kid!!!

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Long live the Dollar Store DVD pile! Checked "Blood Tide" on IMDB. It has James Earl Jones it! And Martin "Sweep The Leg" Kove aka the Cobra Kai sensei in Karate Kid!!!


Yep, both of them dudes are in "Blood Tide" too... and I suspect that they (and the rest of the cast) only took roles in that cinematic turd in order to get a free trip to the Mediterranean. :rofl:

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Long live the Dollar Store DVD pile! Checked "Blood Tide" on IMDB. It has James Earl Jones it! And Martin "Sweep The Leg" Kove aka the Cobra Kai sensei in Karate Kid!!!


Yep, both of them dudes are in "Blood Tide" too... and I suspect that they (and the rest of the cast) only took roles in that cinematic turd in order to get a free trip to the Mediterranean. :rofl:


Haha :D Artistic integrity aside, can't say I blame them!

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