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The Hogfather


This is a two part miniseries. My friend kept talking about this, so I figured I should watch it. It was my introduction to Terry Pratchett and the Discworld universe. I didn't know it was technically a Christmas story, so it was kinda out of season, but I still enjoyed it. I'll just wait til December before I watch it again.


The Colour of Magic and Going Postal are both excellent as well...check them out if you haven't seen them yet....

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The Hogfather


This is a two part miniseries. My friend kept talking about this, so I figured I should watch it. It was my introduction to Terry Pratchett and the Discworld universe. I didn't know it was technically a Christmas story, so it was kinda out of season, but I still enjoyed it. I'll just wait til December before I watch it again.

The Colour of Magic and Going Postal are both excellent as well...check them out if you haven't seen them yet....

I'll definitely look into those. Cheers.

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"Stuck!" (2009)

Wrongly accused of matricide, an innocent Southern belle is sentenced to hang and is sent to await her fate on Death Row in a womens' prison full of bizarre inmates (including former Go-Go Jane Wiedlin!) and brutal guards.

This ultra low budget, shot-in-B&W, campy on purpose (at least I think it was on purpose) ode to '50s style "Women in Prison" flicks wants to be sleazy and shocking ala John Waters (longtime Waters associate Mink Stole even plays one of the inmates) but it never seems to figure out whether it's supposed to be a spoof or not.
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"Spectre" (2015)

Daniel Craig's fourth go-round as James Bond finds 007 traveling from Rome to Austria to Tangiers, hoping to expose the head of a vast criminal conspiracy known only as SPECTRE -- who are planning to take advantage of a major shift in worldwide intelligence-gathering methods. As usual, lotsa stuff blows up and Bond hooks up with a hot chick.
Not as good as the preceding "Skyfall," but I'm a Bond fanboy so it was still quite entertaining. Worth a night's rental.
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"From the Orient With Fury" (1965, aka "Fury on the Bosphorus")

This is the second film in the the low budget '60s Eurospy series starring Ken Clark as agent Dick Malloy, aka "077." An international criminal gang has kidnapped a scientist who invented a disintegration ray (seriously!), so Malloy and the inventor's daughter have to track him and his prototype weapon down before the bad guys can use it for nefarious purposes.
Aside from the eye candy quotient (Mamma mia, those Sixties chicks!) this flick was pretty dull. The action/fight scenes are comically over-choreographed and the English language dubbing sucks, as usual. The first "Malloy" movie ("Mission Bloody Mary") was no great shakes, but compared to this one it's solid gold.
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"Special Mission Lady Chaplin" (1966)

This was the third and final go-round for Roger Moore-lookalike Ken Clark as Agent Dick "077" Malloy, and it's the best in the series. When a sunken nuclear submarine mysteriously disappears off the ocean floor, Malloy is ordered to discover what happened to it - and its full load of nuclear missiles. The "Lady Chaplin" in the title is played by Italian hottie Daniela Bianchi of "From Russia With Love" fame, a femme fatale who acts as a go-between for the missile thieves and their buyers.

This one loses steam in the last 30 minutes when it suddenly gets needlessly complicated (as so many Italian B-Movies do) but for the first hour or so it's pretty first-rate spy movie stuff. The first two films in this series were "meh" at best so I guess the third time was the charm.
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That Sausage Party looks funny.


Scouts Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse this was really quite funny.


Room watch this one if and only if you spend your Saturday's watching the Lifetime network and your Sunday's watching the Hallmark network. Academy award huh. WTF for?

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10 Cloverfield Lane


A very good film. John Goodman is great, as usual. I wish I had seen this earlier, while it was still in Ultra AVX with the Dolby Atmos, because it was lacking in the sound department. Not the movie, but the theatre. I pretty much see everything in Dolby Atmos, so it feels weird to watch in a theatre without it.

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The 5th Wave

Big let down. I think someone here described it as Twilightesque, which is pretty spot on.

If I was a 17 year old girl I would have loved it.

It was ok, the premise was good.

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The 5th Wave

Big let down. I think someone here described it as Twilightesque, which is pretty spot on.

If I was a 17 year old girl I would have loved it.

It was ok, the premise was good.

My daughter (15) wants to see this badly.



On topic: The Favor not a bad little indie thriller. Not a lot of budget and the acting is pretty stiff, but there is a Jeffrey Combs cameo so there you go.

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