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66 mustang

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"Fast & Furious" (2009)



Fourth installment in the "F&F" series re-teams the late Paul Walker's FBI agent with Vin Diesel's street racing ex-con, both of whom want to take down a Mexican drug lord. As you might expect, lots of cars get destroyed in the process.


Believe it or not this is the first "F&F" flick I've seen in its entirety. I probably won't be bothered to catch up on the rest of the series but for what it was, this flick was a decent time waster.

gets better with each movie. 5 is better and 6 is even better than 5.

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watched the new 3D release of Predator, which considering its age, worked really well in 3D.

had to splash out and buy the limited collectors edition of it as well, which came with this





And yes its the size of a human head so the mask fits me .. sorta.



Just had to have it regardless of the price. Nice heavyweight piece as well.

Plus the movie actually looks really nice in 3D.

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Started watching the Fast & Furious box set a few days ago but didnt end up getting past the first film as got distracted by Assassins Creed 4 on my PS4, but as I got a nice little stack of blu ray discs for Christmas, I have been working through them in the last few days.

So far its been:

Alan Partridge:Alpha Papa



Aeon Flux

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Insomniac Double Feature last night:

"The Gingerdead Man" (2005)

The cremated ashes of a serial killer wind up in the seasoning mix at a family-owned bakery, resulting in a real live Cookie Monster - with the voice of Gary Busey. No-budget hilarity ensues as the bakery staff try to avoid being sliced and diced by a walking, talking psycho killer cookie. I'm not making this up. This notorious cheapie from Charles Band's Full Moon studios has inexplicably spawned two sequels and a crossover film with Band's "Evil Bong" franchise.

"Scarecrow" (2002)
When a small town nerd is accidentally killed in a cornfield, his spirit inhabits the body of the scarecrow to exact vengeance on all of his tormentors.
This is an early film by The Asylum and geez, if people think they suck at making movies NOW, they ought to watch this one and discover how far they've come over the years. Pretty much everything about this movie sucked. I've watched pornos with better acting and higher production values. AVOID.
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"The Hunger Games" (2012)

Blockbuster adaptation of the young-adult novel about a dystopian future society whose youths are forced to battle to the death once per year. My 11 year old watched this on Netflix last week and has been insisting since then that I "HAVE" to see it. I was impressed, it's well acted and action packed. Now I want to see the second one.
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Based on a true story - a group of Bielorussian Jews, led by the Bielski brothers, set up a community in the forest to escape the Nazi purges. Really good film, highly recommended.

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  • My Little Pony

"The Hunger Games" (2012)



Blockbuster adaptation of the young-adult novel about a dystopian future society whose youths are forced to battle to the death once per year. My 11 year old watched this on Netflix last week and has been insisting since then that I "HAVE" to see it. I was impressed, it's well acted and action packed. Now I want to see the second one.

"Catching Fire" is better.

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  • My Little Pony

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Great film. I highly recommend seeing this one.


47 Ronin


Pass. Don't waste your time. Quite boring.

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The Lives of Others


Set in post-war East Germany, the story of a writer under surveillance and the Stasi captain watching him. Great character study, really moving story and apparently quite an accurate portrayal of like in East Germany at the time. Very good film.

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"Taken for Ransom" (2013)

Don't ask me why but I actually got involved in this made-for-Lifetime TV melodrama starring Teri Polo ("Meet the Parents") as a high powered female exec who gets kidnapped shortly after suffering a personal tragedy. After some time in captivity she begins to suspect the two events are related.

The flick is well acted and has a decent amount of suspense for most of its run time, till a totally B.S. twist ending straight out of "Scooby Doo" completely ruins it. Pffft.

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