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66 mustang

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Herbie Fully Loaded - my daughter and I sat down and watched this today. a cute movie and since I was a fan of the movies back in the day I thought it was a good addition to the Herbie movies. Oh, and one last thing. Was this one of the last movies that Lindsay Lohan looked pretty sweet?

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"The Boogens" (1981)



Illogical but enjoyable early '80s drive-in schlock about carnivorous creatures who get loose in a small Colorado town after an old silver mine is re-opened after 70 years.

The creatures (when we finally see them) are absolutely ridiculous looking (they look like pissed off giant turtles with tentacles) but till then, the girls are cute, the atmosphere is nice and creepy, and there's the requisite amount of "early 80s horror T&A." Good stuff.

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Pitch Black


I've always liked this one.




I never heard of it but it was listed on the streaming Netflix. Sorta interesting movie set a half century after NASA discover's life in our galaxy, they try to bring samples back and on re-entry the ship has issues and the life forms over take part of Mexico/USA. The movie is not so much about that or the life forms really but this rescue mission a photographer is assigned. Just decent and short enough for me to not regret the time I spent watching it. Main actress could have been a little hotter though I did like her haircut.

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Used up our last two vouchers before we head for the tropics:


'Unknown' ; pretty descent film with Liam Neeson about a dude who has a car accident and wakes up to find out no one knows who he is anymore. Decent explanation at the end. Not a brilliant flick by any means, but not bad at all - entertaining enough.


'The Adjustment Bureau' ; I quite liked this one. Not at all what I thought it'd be. Actually turned out to be a sneakily nice love story at it's core - but certainly nothing "normal" when it comes to love stories. Yeah... I actually dug this one.

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"Ghoulies" (1985)


Semi-classic schlock piece that's sorta like a Satanic "Gremlins," in which a young man dabbles in the black arts and unleashes a horde of nasty little creatures. Mostly terrible flick with a nonsensical story and atrocious acting. The lone point in its favor is the semi-decent (for their time anyway) puppet/creature FX, otherwise this one's ridiculous all the way around. Followed by three (!) sequels!


Trivia geek note: a very young, very hot Mariska Hargitay (of TV's "Law & Order" fame) makes her film debut here as one of the teenybopper victims.

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Inferno - The 'sequel' of "Suspiria" and it's worse than that... Some random killings at surrealistic places. The End.

Dario Argento: An Eye For Horror - A documentary (actually it was on the DVD as an extra feature).


I saw Inferno 20 odd years ago, can`t remeber if it was any good or not, really like Suspiria though. :beerbang:

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"Ghoulies" (1985)


Semi-classic schlock piece that's sorta like a Satanic "Gremlins," in which a young man dabbles in the black arts and unleashes a horde of nasty little creatures. Mostly terrible flick with a nonsensical story and atrocious acting. The lone point in its favor is the semi-decent (for their time anyway) puppet/creature FX, otherwise this one's ridiculous all the way around. Followed by three (!) sequels!


Trivia geek note: a very young, very hot Mariska Hargitay (of TV's "Law & Order" fame) makes her film debut here as one of the teenybopper victims.

First one was fun. Second one was easily the best. Third was weak. Fourth had absolutely nothing in common with the previous three, and is worth avoiding like the plague.

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I just watched Universal Soldier Regeneration, again in hopes that it was better on second viewing. It wasnt.


I loved the first one, and thought the sequel was fun (I dont include those horrible tv movies that didnt even feature JCVD), so I had high hopes for this one, especially as Lundgren was back.

The film though was boring as hell. The main two characters were emotionless which meant that any humour that was present in the prequels, was totally missing here.

Also, the fact that it seemed to ignore the second film existed, and even ignored how the first film ended with Van Dammes character losing all the personality and memories that he regained as that film progressed.


Lundgren was the highlight of the film, but was wasted as he probably only appeared for 5-10 mins at the most. Plus the whole thing with him being cloned negates the whole point of the Unisol programme surely.

Why would you revive & repair dead soldiers when all you need to do is clone them perfectly?


Hell, even Van Dammes screen time is minimal really, and he spends most of the film sitting down talking or being talked to.

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"Ghoulies" (1985)


Semi-classic schlock piece that's sorta like a Satanic "Gremlins," in which a young man dabbles in the black arts and unleashes a horde of nasty little creatures. Mostly terrible flick with a nonsensical story and atrocious acting. The lone point in its favor is the semi-decent (for their time anyway) puppet/creature FX, otherwise this one's ridiculous all the way around. Followed by three (!) sequels!


Trivia geek note: a very young, very hot Mariska Hargitay (of TV's "Law & Order" fame) makes her film debut here as one of the teenybopper victims.

First one was fun. Second one was easily the best. Third was weak. Fourth had absolutely nothing in common with the previous three, and is worth avoiding like the plague.


The only other "Ghoulies" I've ever seen was "II," and that was years ago so about all I remember of it was the W.A.S.P. song playing over the end credits. :D


I hadn't seen this one since I was a teenager, I remember that even back then it wasn't very good, and wow, time had not been kind to it at all.

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'I love you, man' ; haha, oh my dear wife. She borrowed this from a friend and was all like, wow, this is meant to be hilarious. And I'm all like, yeah, it's pretty good... we've seen it. And she's all like... really? No... So instead of watching 'Family Guy' last night she puts it on and in the opening scene she's all like, oh, I remember this. And then half an hour later she's fast asleep. :lol: Me being me, if I start on a movie that interests me, I see it out to the end. Sometimes even if I've seen it before. So I watched it again and still dug it. The awkward names and moments between the two lead dudes are just brilliant. Love it. Very funny. I really like this film and will purchase it one day.

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'I love you, man' ; haha, oh my dear wife. She borrowed this from a friend and was all like, wow, this is meant to be hilarious. And I'm all like, yeah, it's pretty good... we've seen it. And she's all like... really? No... So instead of watching 'Family Guy' last night she puts it on and in the opening scene she's all like, oh, I remember this. And then half an hour later she's fast asleep. :lol: Me being me, if I start on a movie that interests me, I see it out to the end. Sometimes even if I've seen it before. So I watched it again and still dug it. The awkward names and moments between the two lead dudes are just brilliant. Love it. Very funny. I really like this film and will purchase it one day.


I was suprised to like this one too, plus you gotta love all the RUSH in it. SLAPPA DA BEYS!


Not a movie, but I just watched the DVD for (the most recent) DR WHO- WATERS OF MARS, I thought it was pretty good. I haven't seen any of these but I think I'll look them up. I still prefer Baker :)

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Railroad disaster flick about a runaway train packed with toxic chemicals, headed for a Pennsylvania city - and the only two people who can do anything about it are grizzled veteran engineer Denzel Washington and a rookie played by the new Captain Kirk guy (whose name continues to escape me). A cool, fast paced, blue-collar action/thriller directed by Tony Scott (Ridley's brother).

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Railroad disaster flick about a runaway train packed with toxic chemicals, headed for a Pennsylvania city - and the only two people who can do anything about it are grizzled veteran engineer Denzel Washington and a rookie played by the new Captain Kirk guy (whose name continues to escape me). A cool, fast paced, blue-collar action/thriller directed by Tony Scott (Ridley's brother).

and based on a true story

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and based on a true story



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