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66 mustang

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.REC 2


Pretty average sequel to a great first film. Hyped as the best horror of the year, but SAW VI is a million-miles better than this zombie-killing bore. A couple of good frights but a dismal storyline and a poor ending ruin it...

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The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen


Really disappointing film imo.


I bought the Blu-ray for my son & he really enjoyed it.


Glad he liked it! I saw it after reading the graphic novel and thought it was poor in comparison.

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The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen


Really disappointing film imo.


I bought the Blu-ray for my son & he really enjoyed it.


Glad he liked it! I saw it after reading the graphic novel and thought it was poor in comparison.


Hm, I liked that one too, though I didn't read the graphic novel.

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'Quarantine' ; awesome. Totally loved this film and look very much forward to seeing 'Rec.'


'Funny People' ; a bit awkward at times but overall not bad. I kind of dug it.


'Meet the Spartans' ; so f*cking atrocious it made me angry. This is seriously meant to be amusing? My nuts being swallowed by a dolphin and dragged off into the ocean for eternity would be funnier than this, for me. Me having my face eaten by a pack of ferrets and antelopes would amuse me more. I was sooo close to turning it off when they had the dance off. If I hadn't wasted my stupid shithouse money on it ($5, thank Christ) I would have. Thank my lord and saviour Jesus Christ that Carmen Electra's appearance made it a little less death-inducing, but this movie is f*cking pathetic, no denying it.

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The League Of Extrodinary Gentlemen


Really disappointing film imo.


I bought the Blu-ray for my son & he really enjoyed it.


Glad he liked it! I saw it after reading the graphic novel and thought it was poor in comparison.


Hm, I liked that one too, though I didn't read the graphic novel.


Fair enough. :anon:

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The Living Daylights


On TV last night, never bothered to watch it before. Quite a decent Bond film. Maryam D'Abo is gorrrrrrgeous!

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The Living Daylights


On TV last night, never bothered to watch it before. Quite a decent Bond film. Maryam D'Abo is gorrrrrrgeous!


Good flick but I preferred Dalton's second (and final) turn as Bond in "Licence to Kill." "The Living Daylights" was originally written with Roger Moore in mind so some of the more light hearted stuff in it doesn't really mesh with Dalton's more serious portrayal of Bond. But yea, Maryam D'Abo is a piece! :lol:

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The Living Daylights


On TV last night, never bothered to watch it before. Quite a decent Bond film. Maryam D'Abo is gorrrrrrgeous!


Good flick but I preferred Dalton's second (and final) turn as Bond in "Licence to Kill." "The Living Daylights" was originally written with Roger Moore in mind so some of the more light hearted stuff in it doesn't really mesh with Dalton's more serious portrayal of Bond. But yea, Maryam D'Abo is a piece! :lol:




Fully agree with your assessment overall. I don't think I've watched Licence To Kill all the way through in one sitting, but I've seen bits of it several times. As an idea for a Bond film, it rocks.

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'30 Days of Night' ; I generally hate movies set at night, but this one was not bad. I actually quite enjoyed it. I was quite touched by the ending too... almost got my eyes a little moist.

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"Freddy Vs. Jason" -- a lot of horror geeks hated this movie when it first came out (after spending several years in Development Hell), which I have never understood. Were these folks expecting Shakespeare?


"FvJ" pretty much gave me everything I wanted to see, i.e. gory, violent nonsense with Freddy and Jason carving the crap out of each other (and a few annoying teenyboppers that get caught in the middle). Just like the first time I saw this one a few years back, I had a big stupid fanboy grin on my face for the entire run time.

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