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Christians, Muslims, Atheists... nobody's hands are clean. More atrocities have been committed throughout the annals of history either in the name of, or against, someone's "God", than for any other reason.

It's not the deities that are the problem, but rather humans' projection of their deities' intent.

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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Hey thats fucked up shit G-Off, how many times have you told me those same words.

Couple of times a week, I admit, sheepishly. 

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4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

I'm sorry for editing your post mate.

Just making a point.

Notice I did not post vast swathes of writings from Christian prophets in the thread? Yet, atheists did so to "prove" their point. Like the name Stephen Hawking is supposed to make all the difference. Stephen Hawking was an atheist therefore all people should be atheists. Ummm... ok.

Atheists should learn to accept that others, actually the majority of the world, do not adhere to their belief set. Instead of whining every time they see a cross or hear someone praying, they should just accept it is OK for people to believe whatever they want to believe. In Western society, atheists are the only group who collectively try to force their beliefs on others or who mock those beliefs with sayings like "spaghetti monsters in the sky" or whatever is the latest bigotry.

I'm not an atheist.  I never will be an atheist. I am a Christian. I also don't go to a church nor do I speak for all Christians.

(I also can't stand synthwave) Deal with it!!! 😀

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4 minutes ago, auslander said:

Notice I did not post vast swathes of writings from Christian prophets in the thread? Yet, atheists did so to "prove" their point. Like the name Stephen Hawking is supposed to make all the difference. Stephen Hawking was an atheist therefore all people should be atheists. Ummm... ok.

Atheists should learn to accept that others, actually the majority of the world, do not adhere to their belief set. Instead of whining every time they see a cross or hear someone praying, they should just accept it is OK for people to believe whatever they want to believe. In Western society, atheists are the only group who collectively try to force their beliefs on others or who mock those beliefs with sayings like "spaghetti monsters in the sky" or whatever is the latest bigotry.

I'm not an atheist.  I never will be an atheist. I am a Christian. I also don't go to a church nor do I speak for all Christians.

(I also can't stand synthwave) Deal with it!!! 😀

Just for the record, I'm not an Atheist either.

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11 minutes ago, auslander said:

In Western society, atheists are the only group who collectively try to force their beliefs on others

That's nonsense. Athiests don't think there's a god. No more .

It's not a moral code, unlike religions. 


Edited by PeterS
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16 minutes ago, auslander said:

No, but I spee plenty of atheists setting up death camps, genocides, gulags and re-education centres. If you want to have a "who killed the most people recently for their beliefs" competition, atheists win hands down.

Also, I notice how atheists always attack Christianity and really give other religions a pass. It's what you guys do. I suspect you aren't real atheists but are people who are angry with God, or a church, or your daddy or something. That's cool, but get over it mate. Why do you spend so much time trying to convert people to your hopelessness (belief in nothing)?

You say "life doesn't really matter" etc. (earlier post) but if that was true, why do you spend so much time worrying about politics and what people believe, etc? Why do you care who people vote for or who people pray to? It makes no sense at all.


Now now, don't spout off lies, you ever heard of the crusades? Where are these death camps located, do not say Hitler, his was not atheistic in meaning,  there's a world of difference in an atheist killing somebody as opposed to an atheist killing in the name of atheism, your claim is false and no matter how hard you try, you'll never convince anyone otherwise cause it's simply not true, plus I'm not poking at you for being a believer I'm simply correcting what you stated that most atheists claim life is an accident, which is also not true, I think I can speak to this being an Atheist myself, I don't expect u to believe what I believe, I'm not going to attempt to proslatize or try to convert you, I was just clarifying that minor mistake you made, that's all

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Most of the world believe in a higher power, not the same one, and as time goes on that number is becoming far smaller, look how offended you get, why is that? This absurd notion that Atheists are trying to convert people is also asinine, atheism is not a religion or a following, there are no centralized meeting places, they don't all get together to worship nothing, it's very simple, I've already said it, we just don't believe, spaghetti monsters are just as believable to us, as is the prove it argument, atheists don't have to prove a negative cause they aren't making any claims, we simply reject the god nonsense that's it, there's no more to it then that.

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6 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Now now, don't spout off lies, you ever heard of the crusades? Where are these death camps located, do not say Hitler, his was not atheistic in meaning,  there's a world of difference in an atheist killing somebody as opposed to an atheist killing in the name of atheism, your claim is false and no matter how hard you try, you'll never convince anyone otherwise cause it's simply not true, plus I'm not poking at you for being a believer I'm simply correcting what you stated that most atheists claim life is an accident, which is also not true, I think I can speak to this being an Atheist myself, I don't expect u to believe what I believe, I'm not going to attempt to proslatize or try to convert you, I was just clarifying that minor mistake you made, that's 

Can I convince a turtle that how they see the world is not right, and could you convince a lion that their worldview is incorrect? No. So why make this about the differences and rather we should focus on ROCK N ROLL!

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1 minute ago, Leykis101 said:

Most of the world believe in a higher power, not the same one, and as time goes on that number is becoming far smaller, look how offended you get, why is that? This absurd notion that Atheists are trying to convert people is also asinine, atheism is not a religion or a following, there are no centralized meeting places, they don't all get together to worship nothing, it's very simple, I've already said it, we just don't believe, spaghetti monsters are just as believable to us, as is the prove it argument, atheists don't have to prove a negative cause they aren't making any claims, we simply reject the god nonsense that's it, there's no more to it then that.

And there you go again. "I am right and you are wrong" and "I don't have a belief cause I believe in nothing" and "insert_insult about your belief" and "why do you get insulted when I insult you". It's tiresome. 

This thread is just like atheism: It is just words about nothing shouted into an empty room that no-one hears.

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2 minutes ago, auslander said:

Can I convince a turtle that how they see the world is not right, and could you convince a lion that their worldview is incorrect? No. So why make this about the differences and rather we should focus on ROCK N ROLL!

I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you made statements concerning Atheism, that were incorrect, I figure if your going to talk about something you might as well be accurate in what your talking about, so thats all im trying to convince you of, never did I once talk down to you, or tell you that what you thought was stupid, I simply told you what Atheism is really, I gave MY opinion on it, then I basically said believe whatever you want, I wasnt being a dick, nor am I upset or anything, being an Atheist im pretty use to it, that's all, theres no reason to get huffy about it either, nobody can prove anything, it's all personal taste, nothing more.

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2 minutes ago, auslander said:

And there you go again. "I am right and you are wrong" and "I don't have a belief cause I believe in nothing" and "insert_insult about your belief" and "why do you get insulted when I insult you". It's tiresome. 

This thread is just like atheism: It is just words about nothing shouted into an empty room that no-one hears.

Thats not even close to what I said.

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haha, just what this place has been missing. A religious thread.

I don't believe in any higher power, just like I don't believe in ghosts or aliens.
Show me one and I will believe, until then....

As far as mainstream religions go, they are all equally silly to me.
Defining a 'god' or 'gods' and creating images on them, and worshipping them?
Just because you don't know?

Christianity is ridiculed in Australia, because like it or not we are a Christian society.
Want proof? attend parliament, and they say the lord's prayer before every sitting.
Having travelled extensively around the world, I will say that Catholicism is the worst of them all. Money hungry, money grabbing religion that it.
Asian religions and much more realistic.

Anyway here's the thing.

I don't know how we got here. I know how we evolved. But I don't know where our consciousness came from, and I don't know where it goes, if anywhere. And I don't care, because I can't change it anyway.
For me life is more about being a good person, doing right by others and living a happy life.
I've said for years, the secret to life is in two parts. Stay healthy and he happy. That's it.

Worship whomever you like. Doesn't affect me. You guys create some great temples and churches and I enjoy visiting them.

Interestingly, even 10 or 15 years ago, not many dared to come out and admit they had no faith.
These days, this is common, but rare for people to come out and say they are Christian, or whatever.

Jesus was real. His life is fairly well documented. Was he the son of a god? lol
If anything he was a magician of sorts. Probably a decent bloke though.

Scariest thing I've seen recently was the NY mayor talking about covid and how god has chosen it and people should get immunised to serve god or whatever.
Damn, I would HATE to live in a bible belt of the US.
Hell, people in my country don't ever really get a flag out except for one day a year that everyone hates because it's now all about invasion etc.

I've been through the US and was amazed at the amount of flags on front lawns, letterboxes, and everywhen.
You guys care about your country far more than us :)

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9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:


Jesus was real. His life is fairly well documented. Was he the son of a god? lol
If anything he was a magician of sorts. Probably a decent bloke though.


That's really not proven. Opinions split. On the balance of it there is a fair chance he existed but it cannot be proven definitively he did.  His life isn't well documented outside of the bible. 

It's long but this is a good video on the topic. 


Edited by PeterS
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1 hour ago, PeterS said:

That's really not proven. Opinions split. On the balance of it there is a fair chance he existed but it cannot be proven definitively he did.  His life isn't well documented outside of the bible. 

It's long but this is a good video on the topic. 


To be honest, it doesn't really concern me if he did or didn't.
I put it out there are a kind of olive branch (ie: not everything is completely imaginary and made up)
Not many lives were well documented 2000 years ago.
Likelihood is that he existed, and had some small amount of notoriety.
Was killed and became a Randy Rhodes or Jeff Buckley. A lot more famous after death than when alive.
The bibles changed over the years, his exploits became more impressive and eventually  became a demi god.
Ironically I love easter and Jesus stories. They make great stories :)

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When it comes down to it, it is the love that matters. I feel the love of Christ in my life. I feel the certainty that He loves me. An atheist says that does not exist, it's imaginary. You even deny love to even be a thing, it's a chemical, it has no meaning. You walk outside, you see trees, you hear birdsong, and it means nothing. I see beauty everywhere I go, the beauty of Christ and His creation. I know beauty can be corrupted. I know evil exists. I know there is death. That is free will, baby. A person chooses to do what they do. Do I care if you believe what I know to be true to my core of being? No, not really. It's like someone saying to me "Def Leppard's Pyromania sucks". I know the music moves me and I love it. With Christ in my life it is that feeling x 1000. If it angers you that I have this love, as it seems to for some here, I can only apologise. It would be like not breathing to deny it. If that hurts your feelings cause once upon a time some church or Christian hurt you, I can just say, don't blame God for the followers. Evil appears in every element. Humans are fallible. Humans do bad shit. I am only responsible for my own soul. Do I want God to come down and intervene in every evil? Hell no. I love that we are free to choose. Forcing someone to love you is not love. Also, how about people be responsible for what they choose to do rather than blame God? You say there is nothing but death and darkness at the end. I know this is just a plane of existence and death has lost its sting. Again, I stress, I don't care if you agree or not. I'm not here to judge you. You are free to choose. I just ask for the same courtesy that you accept I don't share your views and that you can move past your hatred for that choice (not all on this site, just some).

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No atheist denies love is a thing. It has chemicals that make it happen but that closeness between human beings is clearly a thing and it feels good. It's also an essential part of pair bonding and the raising of the next generation. 

You believe in life after death. I do too. I look at it every time I see my children. My part of the cycle of life ends when I stop puffing though. 


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3 hours ago, auslander said:

When it comes down to it, it is the love that matters. I feel the love of Christ in my life. I feel the certainty that He loves me. An atheist says that does not exist, it's imaginary. You even deny love to even be a thing, it's a chemical, it has no meaning. You walk outside, you see trees, you hear birdsong, and it means nothing. I see beauty everywhere I go, the beauty of Christ and His creation. 

What? Now you need to be Christian to appreciate nature? You serious, mate? My two greatest passions are landscape photography and surfing and all that being in nature provides. I live every day in awe of the natural world around us (outside of cities) and that has zero to do with any type of God. 

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I hope nobody is offended by this, but here are my thoughts on religions people.

As a general rule, I think of them as those who cannot cope with the thought that life ands and that's it.
To be able to successfully make it through life, they need a back up.
Something else out there to give them solace that life has more meaning than it does.

So they look for an all seeing all knowing creator who will perpetuate their 'life' after their bodies die.

All atheists and agnostics go through the journey of coming to terms with their mortality.
Religious people seek to avoid this journey and find a blanket belief to do so.

The irony is that religious people see themselves as being content and fulfilled with their faith.
Non religions people actually are equally as content and fulfilled once they come to terms with what their life actually is all about, and proceed to enjoy it in a fairly pure way.


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4 hours ago, PeterS said:

Maybe we should just turn this into ask an atheist? Seems a staggering amount of ignorance about what atheism is. 

The arrogance and hypocrisy in this statement is what is staggering. Maybe we could turn this into a big collective circle jerk for all the poor misunderstood atheists. I will leave you to it. Enjoy.

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11 minutes ago, auslander said:

The arrogance and hypocrisy in this statement is what is staggering. Maybe we could turn this into a big collective circle jerk for all the poor misunderstood atheists. I will leave you to it. Enjoy.

You've presented a whole load of easily debunked statements about atheism. When corrected you've taken your bat and ball home. 

You had a chance for a conversation but for some reason unable to have that conversation. The you just resort to insults.  

I turn my other cheek. 

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