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I Like Beer!

Blue Charvel

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I bought me some Fat Tire in a can(the first time I've ever seen it in a can) along with some Odell's Brewing Company 'Levity', a nice amber ale. I also picked up some Chimay too that's like 9% APV.



I love that beer....those damn monks know how to make a beer!!



I don't think the monks actually make it anymore, I think they got bought out by one of the big guys. There's only like one or two breweries still operated by monks these days, I think Affligem might be one (or all) of them... I'll have to research it... :beerbang:


Edit (research completed): Looks like they are still produced by the monks, but here is a paragraph from an article that is probably what I was thinking of...


Chimay ales have been produced since 1862, and the monastery uses the proceeds from sales of their beer to fund their church. Brewmaster Father Theodore isolated the remarkable yeast used to produce Chimay back in the1940's, but rumors abound that the yeast strains have been recently altered to remove some of the earthy flavor components from these beers. Fans of the older versions of Chimay claim that this has made these later beers less complex and enjoyable.


...just an FYI, I still like Chimay by the way!

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The seedy underbelly of beer consumption... and in my house no less! A friend of mine is staying over and asked me to pick him up some Natural Light Ice on the way home... :crying:

Just pee in the cans...he won't notice the difference...... :whistle:

Probably taste better... ;)

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Had a Great Divide Hades Ale last night(among 7 others) and wow..this is a very good beer.It is supposed to be a Belgian style and taste wise it is,but it may be the lightest Belgian style I have had.In fact it almost looked like a light beer in the glass but at 7.3% ABV and how lighta nd smooth this beer was,I could see myself drinking a few.

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The seedy underbelly of beer consumption... and in my house no less! A friend of mine is staying over and asked me to pick him up some Natural Light Ice on the way home... :crying:

Just pee in the cans...he won't notice the difference...... :whistle:

Probably taste better... ;)


One of my best friends just loves Natural(or as he calls it Natty)Light.

I'm not a big fan myself but I did drink it out of a keg many times in college when you could get a keg for $30.

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The seedy underbelly of beer consumption... and in my house no less! A friend of mine is staying over and asked me to pick him up some Natural Light Ice on the way home... :crying:

Just pee in the cans...he won't notice the difference...... :whistle:

Probably taste better... ;)


One of my best friends just loves Natural(or as he calls it Natty)Light.

I'm not a big fan myself but I did drink it out of a keg many times in college when you could get a keg for $30.

Yep that's the one, Natty Light... :beerbang: <- not.

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The seedy underbelly of beer consumption... and in my house no less! A friend of mine is staying over and asked me to pick him up some Natural Light Ice on the way home... :crying:

Just pee in the cans...he won't notice the difference...... :whistle:

Probably taste better... ;)



Drinking the Bastard tonight and my wife will probably call me that when she gets home. Is that called living up to it's name?

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Someone pull this damn ice pick out of my head!


Bowled last night and kicked some ass (for the first time in a long while) so had a few extra pitchers of Bud Light to celebrate. On top of that the only thing I had to eat yesterday was the beer I drank. Needless to say I'm paying the price in spades right now...7 more hours of work to go :hammer:

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Tried an ale I had never tasted before last night. 'Butcombe' was it's name and we all had a good laugh when ordering copious amounts of the brew. It was delicious. :drink:

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I tried LEBATTS last night :blink:


Can anyone say Anal fluid?

Which kind did you try? I know they have some stinkers out there but personally I love Labatt Lite!

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