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so may i ask, to you non americans, why do you care so much about what America does? it seems like you cry and bitch about anything, if we act on something, we shouldnt be sticking our nose in other countrys business, if we don't act, we are dogs because we are just sitting on the sideline while A, B, and C happens in this other country, doesnt seem like there is an answer, seems like you'd be elated for the russians and chinese to step in and take control, right? I mean it will never happen on Trumps watch, but maybe thats why you loathe him, i cant figure out any other answer, other then you just like to bitch??

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On 10/4/2020 at 3:13 AM, PeterS said:

You seem to be conveniently overlooking the fact that this exploitation was for king and country. 

???? I didn't overlook anything, did I say who it was for? I told the truth, period. People like to say this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, so lets look at some of those, Slavery, Genocide, Rape, Pillaging, women weren't allowed to vote, only whites could legally own land, how are those for christian values? No this place was founded by commerce who wanted to make a buck, and found the perfect place and opportunity to do it, and ever true to it's origins, that's what this country was founded on, has ran on, and thrived on, if you like it or not, that is the back bone of this entire country, money. nothing less and nothing more, sure there were plenty of sub motives, but they all eventually lead back to the dollar, which is what Capitalism is all about, making Capital.

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4 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

so may i ask, to you non americans, why do you care so much about what America does? it seems like you cry and bitch about anything, if we act on something, we shouldnt be sticking our nose in other countrys business, if we don't act, we are dogs because we are just sitting on the sideline while A, B, and C happens in this other country, doesnt seem like there is an answer, seems like you'd be elated for the russians and chinese to step in and take control, right? I mean it will never happen on Trumps watch, but maybe thats why you loathe him, i cant figure out any other answer, other then you just like to bitch??

Well if the US was a third world country, we wouldn't give a shit...but since the US is the leader of the free world, we pay attention to what is done and not done by the US since its decisions have repercussions around the world....in the case of Canada we share a 9000km border, 75% of our exports go to the US and 75% of our imports come from the US....so yes we pay close attention... since 2016 the US has been disconnecting from the rest of the world which allows the Russians and Chinese to increase their power and influence something that we don't want to happen.... Trump had steadily crapped on friends and allies...and as for countries that might lean toward the US, they no longer trust the US and are looking to Russia and China for alliances...which is not a good thing....Trump is not making the world a safer place...

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11 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

so may i ask, to you non americans, why do you care so much about what America does? it seems like you cry and bitch about anything, if we act on something, we shouldnt be sticking our nose in other countrys business, if we don't act, we are dogs because we are just sitting on the sideline while A, B, and C happens in this other country, doesnt seem like there is an answer, seems like you'd be elated for the russians and chinese to step in and take control, right? I mean it will never happen on Trumps watch, but maybe thats why you loathe him, i cant figure out any other answer, other then you just like to bitch??

I mean if you read my past comments you'll see that I repeatedly say that my opinion is not worth much because I am not from the US.
I don't come in here with strong political opinions, I more just ask questions and point out my perception of things as an outsider.

Why do I care anyway?
What happens in the US affects many other countries, particularly allies of the US, which Australia is.
I give a shit of the US delcares a war, becaue that means we also go to war.
I care about various movements that happen, because then they happen here.
i also care what happens with the US economy as it affects ours, and as an importer, this affects the price of the products I purchase, both in the ticket prices, as well as the currency exchange rate.

But in the end, you're on your own.
And I thank you for the Trump sideshow, it's been a wild ride :)

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8 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

Of course, US politics has more influence throughout the world than arguably any other country. American culture is also prominent in pretty much all corners of the Globe.

See you wouldn't think that was remotely the case, not from how I interpret people I know from other countries, sorry I guess I just don't believe we are still the leaders of the free world, I think 2020 has shown us that harder then anything ive seen, it has shown us how freedom is a wonderful thing, but when not kept fresh in young minds, or when snowflakes have nothing to compare it to, it can also be the most dangerous thing there is, we've shown we cant even keep our own house in check, we became to sensitive and soft, shamed into believing we are bad people for succeeding and busting our ass and working hard, when you can just not work, complain about everything, and still get free money for it, we've been made, and the true American spirit is starting to creep out, and all these worthless dregs who are just extra weight will be cut off, and guess what folks, NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP, Trump does business, he's not a politician he's a businessman, that's what he was voted in for, he's made no enemies, all he's done is said nobody's sucking the titties of the US anymore, you gotta pull your own weight, so you all blow it out of proportion, make it seem like nobody would have our back in some fictitious war that will never happen on Trumps watch, being American It's kind of nice to have a leader who goes in and takes control of shit, but does it the way it counts, by the wallet, all our other leaders try to use our military, and other countries want that, Trump grabs them by the balls, right in the wallet, and suddenly they don't act so tough, you fuck with peoples money, they don't want to play that game, you can pick apart what he's "done wrong" till the end of time, and guess what? I can too, the difference is, I can also see the awesome shit he's done as well, you cant, I am proud to say he's my leader, just as I can say as a human being, he's a douche nozzle, and I cant stand him, I genuinely cant stand him, he's not in a popularity contest, he's my President, I don't give a fuck, I' just don't watch his speeches, problem solved.

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11 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

See you wouldn't think that was remotely the case, not from how I interpret people I know from other countries, sorry I guess I just don't believe we are still the leaders of the free world, I think 2020 has shown us that harder then anything ive seen, it has shown us how freedom is a wonderful thing, but when not kept fresh in young minds, or when snowflakes have nothing to compare it to, it can also be the most dangerous thing there is, we've shown we cant even keep our own house in check, we became to sensitive and soft, shamed into believing we are bad people for succeeding and busting our ass and working hard, when you can just not work, complain about everything, and still get free money for it, we've been made, and the true American spirit is starting to creep out, and all these worthless dregs who are just extra weight will be cut off, and guess what folks, NONE OF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP, Trump does business, he's not a politician he's a businessman, that's what he was voted in for, he's made no enemies, all he's done is said nobody's sucking the titties of the US anymore, you gotta pull your own weight, so you all blow it out of proportion, make it seem like nobody would have our back in some fictitious war that will never happen on Trumps watch, being American It's kind of nice to have a leader who goes in and takes control of shit, but does it the way it counts, by the wallet, all our other leaders try to use our military, and other countries want that, Trump grabs them by the balls, right in the wallet, and suddenly they don't act so tough, you fuck with peoples money, they don't want to play that game, you can pick apart what he's "done wrong" till the end of time, and guess what? I can too, the difference is, I can also see the awesome shit he's done as well, you cant, I am proud to say he's my leader, just as I can say as a human being, he's a douche nozzle, and I cant stand him, I genuinely cant stand him, he's not in a popularity contest, he's my President, I don't give a fuck, I' just don't watch his speeches, problem solved.

100% agree that he uses money rather than weapons. And frankly that is way better. 

Where we'll disagree is how effective he is. He's dumber than a box of rocks academically and clearly doesn't get how the finances of the world work. He's also always been good at using other people's money. 

Where he does look to be having some impact is the middle east. But selling weapons to aid diplomacy probably doesn't have a long term happy end. 


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4 hours ago, PeterS said:

Where we'll disagree is how effective he is. He's dumber than a box of rocks academically and clearly doesn't get how the finances of the world work. He's also always been good at using other people's money. 

Where he does look to be having some impact is the middle east. But selling weapons to aid diplomacy probably doesn't have a long term happy end. 


I think we are talking about 2 different things here, I feel the most important thing is right here, at home, because in reality, no offense, but the things he does here effect me, on a day to day basis, what he does internationally has to be side candy, and obviously he's made an impact here, and exposed a very small and outrageous class of people, who have proved their intention is to make shit worse, so he has done key things domestically, that effect me, and my daughter, on a day to day level and impact my life, things we have needed done for far to long, such as the wall on the border, put in place strict guidelines and terminations such as food stamps, welfare, medicaid, and about every other government assisted programs that people love taking advantage of, at my expense mind you, he's done little tiny things you would never even care about, like made Animal Cruelty a felony, made it from 7 to 5 years to expunge a felony, my stocks were fucking awesome for a long time until this bullshit Covid sham happened,

I do find it ironic how Trump released the funding for a national college fund for blacks that they tried to get Obama to pass for 7 years, and he never would, yet when some wack job cop kills a black criminal  on camera, pretty soon everything is Trumps fault, from the felon killed all the way down to Covid infecting people, it was the same thing with Bush and hurricane Katrina, suddenly it was George Bush's fault a hurricane wiped out a garbage city, and it must have been because they were black, remember? "George Bush hate black people", not seeing a pattern yet, once again this all stems from a problem with accountability, and the dearth of it running rampant right now, nobody can just own up to their own shit and change it, it's gotta be somebody's fault, and somebody's trying to keep them down, I'll tell you right now, I couldn't give a fuck less what any black people are doing, never give it a second thought, and the only time it registers somebody's black, is when they bring it to my attention, as they often do, it's pretty simple, in anything on any continent on earth, if your good enough to do something, and your better then who's already there, you are gonna be accepted, just like sports, blacks showed up, they competed, they got in, and they excelled, what's going on here, now, is some extremely lazy motherfuckers, see something they want, and don't wanna work for, so they cry racism, and bitch and moan, they want it given to them, Trump said sorry, you gotta get it the exact same way the rest of the country gets it, by busting your balls, breaking your back, and killing yourself everyday for it, they do not like that, but lets look at the entire scenario, they could go do anything anybody else does, they just don't feel like it, when someone will just give it to them, and Trump said flat out, the free ride is finished, and a lot a mother fuckers hate Trump for it, and I guess I see why they would, if I didn't have any integrity, or goals in life, i'd probably just live off everyone else, take all I can get for free, and be furious at anyone who tried to cut me off from my free meal ticket, and easy glide through life.

Edited by Leykis101
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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Useless mainstream Americ#nt press still refuses to vet this 47 year corrupt-career son of a b!tch politician Biden...while they give Kamala Walah or whatever the hell her stupid @ss name is a pass...she will never get the Sarah Palin treatment because she clicks all three boxes- Black,Female,Democrat…..same old story different election.


If you want to be taxed to freaking death,enjoy daily assaults on your gun rights and want every damn Hector,Julio and Maria (and also countless OTMs) attempting to flood the effing borders with their endless hordes and caravans vote for those 2 liberal mother##kers in 18 days morons....and you will surely get the country you deserve.Guess well see how many television-trained-dumb-as-a-post Kardashian watching idiots come out to vote three times each.

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1 hour ago, Metal T said:

Useless mainstream Americ#nt press still refuses to vet this 47 year corrupt-career son of a b!tch politician Biden...while they give Kamala Walah or whatever the hell her stupid @ss name is a pass...she will never get the Sarah Palin treatment because she clicks all three boxes- Black,Female,Democrat…..same old story different election.


and kamel toe harris aint even really black, they just ran her as a black to fit the quota, she's another Obama, a little bit black, a little bit Indian, a little bit Asian, but pure black when it comes to getting the black vote, nope she's a mutt,nothing African about her, and she's a piece of shit human being, I wont get into it, go look around for her prosecution record out of California, she let rape-o kiddy fuckers and violent murderers walk, and would prosecute pot smokers to the fullest extent of the law, she's human garbage, and not only doesn't deserve the vice presidency but doesn't really deserve to be in the government in any form, I guess that affirmative action really does come in handy doesn't it, good to see the faggots who passed it into action are the ones reaping the benefits of their own traps, they deserve it, TRUMP 2020 cause we want MAGA 4 more years.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Here's an interesting observation regarding the SCOTUS. Republican or Democrat Court "stacking" is a smoke screen. There's always been a bigger agenda behind everything. As he says in the clip "Catholics play the long game".



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Mahr is my 2nd favorite political satirist, and my 3rd favorite comedian, following of course the almighty Anthony Jeselnik and Bill Burr I've seen Mahr 4 times in my life, got to meet him twice, he signed a bunch of my shit, and took pics, he was way awesome, almost kind of strange, the fact he was so cool, not arrogant in the least, and actually made time to hang out and the 2nd time, we got into a debate over George Bush's war plan, and we both ended up in the same exact spot on the entire issue, that Bush was more or less a puppet, Karl Rove was the hired mind to think for Bush, Mahr is an awesome human being, and the people who say is a fucking douche bag, or a cocky prick, or rude to his fans, I'm here to tell you it's all fucking bullshit, check the people who say that, I bet you find their fucking annoying, shoot me in the face irritating, and probably act like complete retards around him, or maybe he just didn't like them as individuals, hard to say, but I will say he's probably the best in the business at just presenting things in a normal sense, pure common sense, and it doesn't really matter what side your on, unless your an extreme righty or lefty, then he generally on most issues, just says shit that cant be taken as bias, cause it's just the bare bones and facts laid out in an extremely simple way, 90% of the shit he says, is so brilliant, its almost suspicious how things are not handled that sensibly, anyways, awesome post, could watch Mahr endlessly and never get tired of him.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
7 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Mahr is my 2nd favorite political satirist, and my 3rd favorite comedian, following of course the almighty Anthony Jeselnik and Bill Burr I've seen Mahr 4 times in my life, got to meet him twice, he signed a bunch of my shit, and took pics, he was way awesome, almost kind of strange, the fact he was so cool, not arrogant in the least, and actually made time to hang out and the 2nd time, we got into a debate over George Bush's war plan, and we both ended up in the same exact spot on the entire issue, that Bush was more or less a puppet, Karl Rove was the hired mind to think for Bush, Mahr is an awesome human being, and the people who say is a fucking douche bag, or a cocky prick, or rude to his fans, I'm here to tell you it's all fucking bullshit, check the people who say that, I bet you find their fucking annoying, shoot me in the face irritating, and probably act like complete retards around him, or maybe he just didn't like them as individuals, hard to say, but I will say he's probably the best in the business at just presenting things in a normal sense, pure common sense, and it doesn't really matter what side your on, unless your an extreme righty or lefty, then he generally on most issues, just says shit that cant be taken as bias, cause it's just the bare bones and facts laid out in an extremely simple way, 90% of the shit he says, is so brilliant, its almost suspicious how things are not handled that sensibly, anyways, awesome post, could watch Mahr endlessly and never get tired of him.

Yeah, I've always been a fan of Bill Maher.

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9 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Here's an interesting observation regarding the SCOTUS. Republican or Democrat Court "stacking" is a smoke screen. There's always been a bigger agenda behind everything. As he says in the clip "Catholics play the long game".



Love Maher and love that clip...I checkmark NONE as well....Maher for president!...there would finally be a straight shooter in the White House...

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On 10/19/2020 at 2:59 PM, PeterS said:

Ah. Murdoch press. Always a good place to go for truth. 

Yeah because all the other major news outlets are so honest an unbiased right?  At least Fox doesn't have a leftist agenda to cover for, that in itself is a great start.

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Giuliani makes embarrassing appearance in new 'Borat' film


The reputation of Rudy Giuliani could be set for a further blow with the release of highly embarrassing footage in Sacha Baron Cohen’s follow-up to Borat.

In the film, released on Friday, the former New York mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals while reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat’s daughter, who is posing as a TV journalist.

Following an obsequious interview for a fake conservative news programme, the pair retreat at her suggestion for a drink to the bedroom of a hotel suite, which is rigged with concealed cameras.

After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”

Representatives for Giuliani have not replied to the Guardian’s requests for comment.

Word of the incident first emerged on 7 July, when Giuliani called New York police to report the intrusion of an unusually-dressed man.

“This guy comes running in, wearing a crazy, what I would say was a pink transgender outfit,” Giuliani told the New York Post. “It was a pink bikini, with lace, underneath a translucent mesh top, it looked absurd. He had the beard, bare legs, and wasn’t what I would call distractingly attractive.

“This person comes in yelling and screaming, and I thought this must be a scam or a shakedown, so I reported it to the police. He then ran away,” Giuliani said. The police found no crime had been committed.

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4 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

And it turns out I was wrong about Trump...he did pay income taxes....close to $200000 in taxes....to the Chinese government...lol

At least your big enough to admit it, good job

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23 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

Yeah because all the other major news outlets are so honest an unbiased right?  At least Fox doesn't have a leftist agenda to cover for, that in itself is a great start.

If you're after unbiased you need to read/watch both and then make your own mind up. 

Sites like snopes also. 

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3 hours ago, PeterS said:

If you're after unbiased you need to read/watch both and then make your own mind up. 

Sites like snopes also. 

Well I am just fine with FOX, if you watched it lately, they are a shell of their former right wing self, Hannity is still a blowhard and I don't watch him, matter of fact the only Editorial show I watch on FOX is Tucker Carlson, because he's a smooth cat, and digs up a lot of off shit that nobody else seems to find, he doesn't stray to far right, and isnt an ego cocksucker like the others, on the other hand, OAN, and Newsmax are the mirror image to the right what CNN and MSNBC are to the left, completely unwatchable, just fucking garbage, I wont watch any of those, I don't need to make up my mind from made up left/right wing propaganda machines, their the equal to tabloid news.

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