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Halestorm - Into The Wild Life


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Why is it when Izzy sings fuck in her songs she sounds cool and believable but when Santa Cruz do it they sound like offensive silly little delinquent upstarts.


Strange one that.........

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coz she's a girl and you're a dude, bet those girls will find Santa Cruz dude is hot and Izzy not :D

Nothing to do with being hot. Its about sounding believable not forced.

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I've listened to the stream of this and was really looking forward to the album after hearing the 4 singles that had been released so far.


I don't know exactly why but I'm really not that impressed. Honestly, there are only about 3 or 4 songs I really have the desire to want to listen to again.


I just think the rock element has been toned down quite a bit as well as not really having the hooks/harmonies that the last album had. I mean, almost every song on the last album got stuck in my head and don't see that happening with this release.


Maybe it'll grow on me at some point but I suspect that outside of Apocalyptic and maybe Amen, the rest will be forgettable for me.


After hearing the full album stream, I've even cancelled my pre-order that I had placed for the album. I'm thinking I'll be better off in this case just buying the couple songs I like.


I loved their last album and probably would've rated it a solid 95 out of 100. I'm not sure where I'd put this new album but my initial reaction would be 75-80.

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After my first listen i was a bit sceptical, but this is a real grower. I listened through about 5 times now and it gets better with each listen.

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I was one of the lucky ones who received their CD early due to a cock up at the warehouse (hence the reason they put the stream up for everyone else).
Have to say as a massive fan of this band, I was a little disappointed with some of the songs on here as they have very little to do with rock music, but after a couple of listens I remembered that one of the reasons I love Lzzy is that she is not limited to singing one style of music. At the moment I dont think this is as strong as the first two albums, but its way too early to say. There are some truly killer songs on this though.

Now the reason I say that I love the fact she is not limited in how her vocals can adapt to different musical styles is because of how awesome the song "Shatter me" is that she did with Lyndsey Sterling a while back. I know a lot of people on here probably would not give it the time of day as its nowhere close to being rock, but its one of her best vocal performances to date, and a damn good song to boot.

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I've listened to the stream of this and was really looking forward to the album after hearing the 4 singles that had been released so far.



See, I was the exact opposite. I had completely lost any hope for this following those 4 super weak songs... and sadly, my fears turned out to be totally justified. Heard this today and for the most part, I actually really disliked it. There were maybe 4 or 5 decent tunes, with the best being 'Apocalypitica' and the dodgy ballad about saying what sober couldn't say. But they're not great songs, despite being my faves.


I liked their (mainstream) debut and despite being hugely underwhelmed by their average second disc, I thought I'll stick with them. But this album has definitely pushed these guys outside of my field of interest. It's just bad kind of radio modern rock; just not what I dig at all.


I guess to put it into perspective, I played this tonight alongside the new All That Remains and All Time Low albums. Those two will both contest the top spot for modern rock albums of the year for me so far, whereas this Halestorm one will contest the worst modern rock album of the year (that I bother to rate) so far.

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I've listened to the stream of this and was really looking forward to the album after hearing the 4 singles that had been released so far.



See, I was the exact opposite. I had completely lost any hope for this following those 4 super weak songs... and sadly, my fears turned out to be totally justified. Heard this today and for the most part, I actually really disliked it. There were maybe 4 or 5 decent tunes, with the best being 'Apocalypitica' and the dodgy ballad about saying what sober couldn't say. But they're not great songs, despite being my faves.


I liked their (mainstream) debut and despite being hugely underwhelmed by their average second disc, I thought I'll stick with them. But this album has definitely pushed these guys outside of my field of interest. It's just bad kind of radio modern rock; just not what I dig at all.


I guess to put it into perspective, I played this tonight alongside the new All That Remains and All Time Low albums. Those two will both contest the top spot for modern rock albums of the year for me so far, whereas this Halestorm one will contest the worst modern rock album of the year (that I bother to rate) so far.



Well...either way, I guess we agree in the end :)


I was okay with Apocalyptic and Amen being what they were as I figured they were the possibly the "commercial" songs designed to grab the radio audience and more popular crowd. I was sorta figuring that those songs paired with more traditional sounding Halestorm would make for a good album....but that isn't the case at all.


I agree that it's sorta techno-modern and almost Nickelback like modern rock. I've listened to the full album 3 times through and have liked it less each time. I still don't mind a couple tunes on it and will probably download them...But it's not what I was hoping for and is a big letdown for me.


I'm not sure I'll completely put them off my radar as they still have a body of work that I've liked, but this album will make me pause a bit and I won't be pre-ordering any future albums.


I'm glad they put out that yahoo stream of the album so I could get my pre-order cancelled in time :)

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Given this a few listens now and I'd say it's a good release but not as good as their last. Also kind of feels like they pre-released many of the best songs. I don't like this releasing a few tracks before an album comes out. Just get on with it.


Solid release, sadly not as good as I wanted it to be.

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I still think for the most part it's shit. I think they could have made a pretty decent EP with these tunes:


1. I Am The Fire
2. Amen
3. The Reckoning
4. Apocalyptic
5. What Sober Couldn't Say
6. I Like It Heavy
7. Unapologetic
That would have been a decent disc, but I pretty much hate every other song on it (even in this list 'I am the fire,' 'Amen,' The Reckoning' and 'I like it heavy' are okay at best).
For me the track of the album by far is 'Unapologetic.' Which funnily enough is the last bonus track on the disc. But easily my favourite song on it.
Otherwise, I just don't like it and I think it's poorly produced for a band of their calibre. There are bands on budgets 1/100th of what these guys would have that sound far better this year...
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I have to agree with Geoff.


I pretty much agree with your list, although I don't care for The Reckoning and I'm lukewarm on What sober Couldn't Say. I'd probably put Sick Individual on the list though as I kinda like that song for some reason.


For me personally, the middle of the disc just falls apart and kills it. There's basically nothing between track 4 (Amen) and track 11 (Apocalyptic) that I find myself wanting to listen to.


I loved their last CD but not feeling this one. I was actually surprised I didn't like it as I liked the first few songs that were released and figured the rest of the album would follow suit. I actually already sold it on Ebay as I didn't see myself coming back to more than a couple songs.


Still a fan as they have a large body of work that I like but I'm not sure I like the commercialized, country/pop-rock direction they've seemed to take with much of this disc.



I still think for the most part it's shit. I think they could have made a pretty decent EP with these tunes:


1. I Am The Fire
2. Amen
3. The Reckoning
4. Apocalyptic
5. What Sober Couldn't Say
6. I Like It Heavy
7. Unapologetic
That would have been a decent disc, but I pretty much hate every other song on it (even in this list 'I am the fire,' 'Amen,' The Reckoning' and 'I like it heavy' are okay at best).
For me the track of the album by far is 'Unapologetic.' Which funnily enough is the last bonus track on the disc. But easily my favourite song on it.
Otherwise, I just don't like it and I think it's poorly produced for a band of their calibre. There are bands on budgets 1/100th of what these guys would have that sound far better this year...


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I'd probably put Sick Individual on the list though as I kinda like that song for some reason.



Yeah, I know what you mean. That'd be my next pick. I actually really dig the chorus lyrics on that tune. Sadly, not a massive fan of the rest of it...

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The more I listen to this album the more I like it. Still don't think it's as good as the last but it's still good to these ears.

I am with you on this. There are a couple of songs that do nothing for me, but for the most part its a really good album. Just not as good as the first two.

I like bands who can mix it up and change style without losing their sound, but on a few tracks I think they went a step too far for me. Not that they are bad songs per se, just they dont really fit this band on the rest of the album.

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New Modern Love is probably my track of the year, thus far.


After one listen, that's the only song that caught my attention and I'm not in any hurry to listen again. I don't care for this raw sound that they define as "back to their roots".

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New Modern Love is probably my track of the year, thus far.


After one listen, that's the only song that caught my attention and I'm not in any hurry to listen again. I don't care for this raw sound that they define as "back to their roots".



Curious as to what you chaps hear in that song. It is one of my least fave on the album - just thought it defined plodder, imo, anyway.

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I'm listening to this now and it sounds like they can't work out what to sound like. It's certainly a mixed bag and one that doesn't work for me not that i rated any of the previous albums. I'm only on track 9 so there may be something to surprise me at the end.

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I'm listening to this now and it sounds like they can't work out what to sound like. It's certainly a mixed bag and one that doesn't work for me not that i rated any of the previous albums. I'm only on track 9 so there may be something to surprise me at the end.

Don't let this one stop u from checking out 'the strange case'. Also checkout the first reactivate (covers) album.

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