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New Saga Album Set For Spring/Summer Release


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According to Saga's official website, the band will release a new album, "Sagacity" sometime in spring/summer of 2014. No word on whether it's new material, a compilation, or yet another live album.

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It's an all new studio album. As usual it will be something worth looking out for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Out June 6th.


From bravewords.com:


With SAGA’s new album, Saga City, the Canadian progressive rockers manage to keep their characteristic sound alive while adding a modern touch to their music.

Or as Michael Sadler puts it: "For me this album marks a return to many of the signature elements that put Saga on the map at the onset of the band’s career, while maintaining a firm grip on the here and now. The balance between past, present and future is the key and I think that’s what we’ve managed to achieve. Quite simply, this is Saga… 2014!"

He certainly got it right. Saga City does neither lack the striking guitar riffs which go hand in hand with the extensive keyboard arrangement nor Michael Sadler’s characteristic voice. Saga welcomes you with an enjoyable familiarity and an album full of 12 progressive rock anthems.

The album will be released as Standard Edition, Special Edition including bonus live CD, Vinyl and Download on June 6th via earMUSIC.


Sagacity - the English expression which stands for wisdom and cleverness - pun intended - has always been a huge part of the band’s philosophy. Saga has gotten wiser over the years which shows in their thoughtful, multileveled lyrics. They have gotten smarter with their music arrangements, always leaving the listener amazed with their creativity and inventiveness. Their richness of ideas reflects on the typical but always newly sounding keyboard sounds as well as in its striking melodies. On top of it, it’s Michael Sadler’s distinctive voice which molds the sound of Saga, and he does so in an extremely good way.

Saga City has it all - and more. The special edition includes a bonus CD, Saga Hits, including nine live recordings from an energetic performance at the SWR1 Rockarena festival in 2013. Ranging from one classic like 'The Cross' to 'On The Loose', the bonus CD surely captures the incredible live athmosphere of that night.

Coinciding with the album release, Saga will tour all over Europe on a double headliner tour with MAGNUM. Exclusively for this tour, the band decided to give their fans a sneak peek of their new music. To be made available in the limited quantity of 1,000 only on tour and via a few selected retailers, the European tour mini album will feature one new song taken from the upcoming album Saga City, the strikingly taking 'Anywhere You Wanna Go' from their recent success 20/20 as well as three live versions: 'Careful Where You Step', the Japanese bonus track of 20/20 and for the first time available in Europe, 'Wind Him Up' which is included on the bonus CD Saga Hits and 'On The Loose' from their 2013 live release Spin It Again - Live In Munich.

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Love Saga......definitely looking forward to this release!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well had to preorder the 2 disc version which I would have done anyway....it's only £1 more expensive than the regular over at Amazon

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Well had to preorder the 2 disc version which I would have done anyway....it's only £1 more expensive than the regular over at Amazon

Yep!! Got mine on order too.. can't wait for this to drop through the letterbox

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I wish Amazon or the record company/ distributor would get the damned correct release date on this, as mine has changed yet again to June 30th now.

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I am new to saga, any recommendations on what cds to start with before the new one comes out?

Tough one, but for me personally the first 4 are absolute classics. Start with these and work your way through the rest ;)



Images At Twilight

Silent Knight

Worlds Apart

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  • 1 month later...

Had my first listen to this last week with Nick, sipping a few cheeky ones, and first impression was good. Got home and my copy was waiting for me, so have been spinning it ever since. Another really good Saga album and one that is a step up from the last couple I think. Great songs in typical Saga fashion and overall I am left with a big smile on my face as they haven't disappointed at all. If you're a Saga fan, guaranteed you will like this one.

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Yeah - I can't understand why it's getting the negative comments you mentioned (not checked the Saga FB page) - methinks people who are making the comments about the recording / mixing / sound aspects probably have been listening on a PC or whatever!

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Maybe they've got Press 9 stuck in their head (what a horrible thought - truly awful song; probably one of their worst). Nothing has really jumped out at me so far. I guess the all-out, instrumental-break melees from the early days are a thing of the past. They NEVER create anything with dizzying instrumental sections like Ice Nice, Humble Stance, Careful Where You Step, The Pitchman, It's Time, and Don't Be Late anymore. Sigh. It's still Saga, but they've just mellowed out so much that it's hard to get cranked up for the newer stuff. Oh, to have Paul Gross back in the producer's chair for just one album.

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Apart from an instrumental called "Corkentellis" on 2008's 10,000 Days (which is one of Saga's better "latter day" albums), you're right. The instrumental crescendos and interplay on songs like "Don't Be Late" and "Careful Where You Step" are the reason I got into Saga in the first place. It's cool they're still recording (MIchael was only gone as lead vocalist for one whole album), but they have an approach they don't like to veer from.


The earliest albums are the best, of course, and I include Heads or Tales in that lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Ive always liked Threshold, and Ive heard (some) Saga but never really payed a lot of attention to them. I did like what i heard but always had other taste's that took priority. Ive just listened to the whole Sagacity CD on YouTube. I really like it. Im going to have to check them out more.


Does anyone else think they sound a little like Alan Parsons? I dont remember ever hearing any Saga tunes on the radio. But they sure sound like they could be more "radio friendly" than Threshold or most Prog bands. ;)

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Saga have always straddled the boundaries of Pomp, Prog and Hi-Tech AOR, so are, especially hard to pigeon hole.. They're certainly not as Prog as bands like Threshold etc and are definitely more accessible and radio friendly, especially on albums like 'World's Apart', 'Heads Or Tales' and 'Behaviour'. The earlier stuff was more Pomp/ Prog and I think most Saga fans will admit that their first 4 or 5 albums are the best. They moved to the more commercial period of the 80's/early 90's with the albums mentioned above, plus the hi-Tech stuff like 'Wildest Dreams' and 'The Beginners Guide To Throwing Shapes'. The late 90's onwards saw them releasing the more progressive stuff, so to my mind (and ears) these are the 3 main era's. They have an extensive back catalogue of work.and all of it, bar the odd dip, is worth checking out. 'Sagacity' was a good album but far from their best imo, so my advice would be to check out the first 4 or 5 albums and go from there. There is loads of good stuff, so happy listening

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Saga have always straddled the boundaries of Pomp, Prog and Hi-Tech AOR, so are, especially hard to pigeon hole.. They're certainly not as Prog as bands like Threshold etc and are definitely more accessible and radio friendly, especially on albums like 'World's Apart', 'Heads Or Tales' and 'Behaviour'. The earlier stuff was more Pomp/ Prog and I think most Saga fans will admit that their first 4 or 5 albums are the best. They moved to the more commercial period of the 80's/early 90's with the albums mentioned above, plus the hi-Tech stuff like 'Wildest Dreams' and 'The Beginners Guide To Throwing Shapes'. The late 90's onwards saw them releasing the more progressive stuff, so to my mind (and ears) these are the 3 main era's. They have an extensive back catalogue of work.and all of it, bar the odd dip, is worth checking out. 'Sagacity' was a good album but far from their best imo, so my advice would be to check out the first 4 or 5 albums and go from there. There is loads of good stuff, so happy listening

I will thanks Jez.;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Please, please create an album in a vein similar to the debut or Silent Knight. Find some aggression somewhere and translate it through your music. You had it once upon a time before giving in to mellowing out and slipping into merrie melodies. Please rediscover the sound that roared from my speakers and grabbed me by the throat when I first heard you back in 1980. Never thought I'd say it, but you guys have become slow and boring - you may have gotten old; we all have, but at least try to remember how you used to kick it out. Time travel and erase Behaviour - the beginning of that slide downhill into boredom. I just can't get behind the direction they've gone, and it's doubtful they'll veer from it back to when they created excitement. The elevator music (except for a handful of tracks) they've been serving up for close to 20 years now isn't anything near enough to even get my blood flowing - let alone get me out of my chair. Enough sappy ballads and mid-tempo, pedestrian meandering. Slay me with your musicianship; cut loose; display a rapid pulse; go for the throat; attack those instruments with aggression and life. Seriously, does anyone REALLY think they tear it up anymore????? Or is it simply a case of praising anything they do because something is better than nothing, and the memory of what they were has earned them a free pass?

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They are still a very good band to my ears, although I will admit (and always have) that their glory years of the late 70's/early 80's and those 4/5 albums will never be seen again. I think all their recent albums have had some excellent songs on them, and they are still a good live band too, so I will politely disagree that they haven't got it anymore.

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  • 2 years later...

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