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Chicago PD trying to be The Shield

66 mustang

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No show can ever be The Shield, cause it was really the only show with the balls to portrait the police as they really are, and they took so much flak for that, it almost did them in, because no cops are going to come out and praise a show that shows just how crooked they really are, they want that buried as deep as it can go, and nobody wants to believe that the cops are that crooked, The Shield is really the only show that shows Cops go way beyond what they can legally do, not only to progress their own careers, but to obtain financial and social gain, that the average person, has no means to discover and exploit, it has just been exposed in the city of West Valley Utah, their entire police force has been fired, all of their cases have been overturned, and 5 officers are facing criminal charges, apparently they got caught being real cops, shows like the Shield, and The Wire, go to those places, i dont believe any network show will even drop in the same ballpark.

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As far as new shows are concerned, I like "Almost Human" on Fox, although it's quite campy sci-fi, and ratings aren't that great so it may be short-lived.


Best though, is "The Blacklist" on NBC. Love the way Spader plays Reddington.

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Best though, is "The Blacklist" on NBC. Love the way Spader plays Reddington.


"The Blacklist" is easily the best new show of the season; Spader plays Red with a nonchalance that is kinda unsettling when you see him carry out deeds like he did on this week's episode. :yikes:

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Best episode line:


Aram: You're not going to kill me?


Red: No. I'm going to find somebody else and I'm going to kill them.



This series is so much more than it seems on the surface. The subtle ways that Spader plays the character, mixing genuine emotion with horrific acts, while at the same time coming off as justified according to some immoral yet moral code. Everything he does is for a reason. He doesn't kill out of desire or whim... everything is for a purpose.


It's frightening but at the same time captivating.

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James Spader can make any show a top show, he is brilliant, and Chicago Code wasnt trying to be the Shield, it was actually really boring, and was on a network station.

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