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Country Rap - newest country trend?

66 mustang

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so last week we got in the cd MUD DIGGER 4 at work in new releases. Well, it was just so off the wall that me and my top associate decided to put it in and play it. Well it turned out to be a cd full of country rap artist. believer it or not this thing sold really good. it was one of my top cd of the week and we sold 11 in one day.









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....believe it or not this thing sold really good. it was one of my top cd of the week and we sold 11 in one day.



I'm likely to believe anything when it comes to trends (or even fads) in music anymore.


As for the stuff in question, it's not for me. But I'm not really surprised it's sold so well. For how long? We'll see . . . :D



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Good Lord, that's god-awful.

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^^ Or "military intelligence" ... or "government help"...

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"military intelligence"


"...two words combined that can't make sense"



BTW, haven't been able to bring myself to listen to the clips yet, but country rap? Really??? :wtf:

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Wow, I really screwed up the f Yep. You sure did! ormatting on that last post.... :blink:


^^^That made opening this thread worth it! :rofl2:

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