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Recognition Thread


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I had this idea, ive noticed a certain bond to certain people on this site, a few people like almost the exact same things I do, a few people say interesting things, a few people are just fucking douche bags, and a few people only post in some of the forum topics, so unless you read them all, theres alot of people that I dont see or know of, because I only pay attention to a few of the topics, I always figured this Exquisite Entropy was a place regardless of where else you post, that everyone posted in? I could be wrong, I and I alone if need be, am going to pay special tribute once a month, to a HH member who I recognize and appreciate, I will name them(by screenname) and then tell why I like them, what it is they do that makes me appreciate them, then hopefully everyone else who feels the same way, will chime in and post what they like about the particular person, seeing they have an opinion on the person, I don't know how well this will go over, but maybe somebody who doesnt know a whole lot about the members of this community will see what the person is appreciated for, and discover that they are like and or have the exact same taste in music, and in turn will go on to discover many new bands they had not before heard of, I am going to exclude moderators, as they have to be impartial, but I dont think it would be bad if they chimed in if they like one of their sub posters,

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My 1st person in this, is the one and only person who almost mirrors my music likes and dislikes, yeah sometimes I think he's lost his fucking mind, but in general theres never much that he likes i find myself disliking, and not much he dislikes I dont agree with him on, I sometimes surf the comments on the main board and I wonder if theres anything this guy hasnt heard and commented on, he's obviously very opiniated, and theres really no making him like something he doesnt like, and you can run a list of insults on him, which he will just convienently ignore, Ive never met him,personally, but anytime he gets a hard on for a band, and posts videos off youtube of every song on their new album(hit the lights) I will never ignore it, we all probably know Im talking about Geoff, Geoff is fucking gay, and loves gay porn, but I think he's one of only a few I fully trust, and if he told me about a band id like, and there was no way to hear a sample I would blindly order it! everybody, post what you like about Geoff!

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Haha. Thanks mate, I think. :lol: Interesting idea for a thread but I guess I can play along. That Geoff guy is handsome as f*ck, but he's a real maggot. Like you say, what's his deal with being gay and starring in... uh, I mean liking gay porn. I hate the guy. Yeah, I admit his taste in music is flawless - seriously, how can one person like all the good bands in the world and hate all the shit ones? I don't know how he does it, but he does. Man that guy listens to good music.


Anyway, good luck with the thread. I will chime in where I can if it has any legs. :)

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Geoff? Who's Geoff?


I pronounce his name Gee-Off, but apparently it's pronounced Jeff? he's that one and only guy(other then myself) who would see fag comments posted about him, and go on to not only agree, but take it a step further and add on to and or improvise additional information on the comment, most people would get pissed fucking off, and be like "fuck you man, i aint gay, or what the fuck, you fucking talking shit, i aint no fag, you better stop talking shit" not Geoff, nope, he took himself from a simple fan of gay porn, into a full blown gay porn actor and star, only Geoff, and that's why I like him, and am going to make sure he gets the credit he's due, but live it up Geoff, I decided im going to do it once a week, that way we can get through everybody in a reasonable amount of time, so live it up buddy, a week from today, your 7 days of fame are finished, and our new member is crowned! Kapesh?

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Haha. Thanks mate, I think. :lol: Interesting idea for a thread but I guess I can play along. That Geoff guy is handsome as f*ck, but he's a real maggot. Like you say, what's his deal with being gay and starring in... uh, I mean liking gay porn. I hate the guy. Yeah, I admit his taste in music is flawless - seriously, how can one person like all the good bands in the world and hate all the shit ones? I don't know how he does it, but he does. Man that guy listens to good music.


Anyway, good luck with the thread. I will chime in where I can if it has any legs. :)


Uh Yeah, good point Geoff, this thread probably could've done with out you being the 1st response to it, the idea is sincere, but I can already tell you have derailed my entire vision for this thread, what was supposed to be a heartfelt, and sincere showing of appreciation to members of the HH community, has unsurprisingly been hijacked and derailed before it was even complete, as with everything you've taken something serious and absolutely immersed it in filth, given the whole project a smut vibe, and down right blasted it with sarcasm, so now this will become nothing more then a 70 page shit talking clown fest, well it was a sincere and good idea and probably could've really shown some people what other people like about them, their view of music, their view of life, it could've been something inspirational, but now Geoff, you've done what you do best, and taken a serious thread, and cut the balls off it and turned it into a big insult and smut fest, I hope your happy, im just gonna need to ask you to go ahead and just maybe not post anymore, um OK, if you could just go ahead and do that for me Geoff, that would be great, um ok, thanks

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Ha ha, our man Ge-off. Great place to start.


Well he likes crap sport, knows fuck all about photography, holidays in boring ugly places and has a silly hair do, but I guess we're here to talk about the music right?


Well if I have to be sincere (cringe), if I'm honest he's probably (amongst one or two others) one of the most knowledgable guys I've come across online for our genre of music. An oracle on modern rock, close on 80s hard rock - knows fuck all about music prior to 84 - shame on him.


I always have a chuckle at Ge-off's posts, sometimes for the wrong reasons, but mostly for the right reasons. Yeah all in all this place would be a lot duller without him.


Right I'm done with being nice, can I get back to taking the piss ;-))


Peace out.

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  • My Little Pony

'Tis true. His knowledge is terrifying at times. I think if put my focus into just this genre, I might be able to know as much as he does, but alas I love too many different styles of music.

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Heaven&Hell, one of the best guys on this board, and one who I have gotten to know probably better then anyone, we have discussed many things and not just music, he was there when I broke up with my girlfriend, letting me know shit would be ok, even though at the time I didnt believe him, he was right, on top of that he likes shit that fucking rocks, anytime something rocks I can always count on him to let me know what rocks and what does not, he's a good guy, and I know everyone has something good to say about him!!!

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Nice shout.


Wes just strikes me as a genuine nice guy. A mans man. As Cody says he knows his stuff - if you were to cut him in half it would probably say metal just like a stick of 'rock' - thing is he always has time for other genres too which is pretty cool.


One thing I'd love to do is to get out and have a few beers and rock out with the 'mafia' - man that would be a blast.


Nothing but respect

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  • My Little Pony

Nice shout.


Wes just strikes me as a genuine nice guy.


Nothing but respect


Believe it. It's impossible to say anything negative about the man, because he's never given any reason to. Like Glen said, Wes comes across as a genuinely nice guy. Definitely one worth smashing a few beers with.


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Believe it or not Wes, your really one of the only people that gave me an overall positive outlook when me and Tiff split, maybe it wasnt that big of a deal or of importance to you, but I'll tell you now man, the way you kept railing on me about the positives, It gave me an overall different frame of mind, and for that I dont know if there are enough thank yous to sincerely explain the gratitude I have for your extremely vital condolences you showed for my situation, thank you so much Wes! I mean that brother rock on!

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What a heartfelt thread this is. If 7th Heaven (the christian TV show with Sexicca Biel) was still on air they'd be hitting you up for storylines, Cody.


Thanks to the above doods for all the nice words for my section. As for Wes, yep, not a negative word in the world to say about my cousin Wes. When this board was in it's prime I remember exchanging hilarities with Wes for days on end... good times. The dood knows his music too, no doubt about it. Like y'all say, a genuinely good guy and I too look forward to when he sends me a case of beer so we can share a drink on youtube or some other media outlet.

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Wes is absolutely an all around great guy. Also, the guy is considered among the Mafia to be a walking mix of Google and Wikipedia when it comes to rock music knowledge.

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Word. G-Money 'n' H&H is swell peeps.

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Sheeiit, you know what im saying

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This thread makes me blush and want to show my wife so she can see i am a nice guy lol. Seriously though thanks again for all of the kind words and to Cody for thinking enough of me to mention my name. I made a ton of friends on this site and its been my home of choice online for like 7 years. Hopefully one day I'll be able to meet everyone in person that I haven't yet met!

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Well bro, I think as you can see we all think highly of you, I merely am just going through each and every person who has had an impact on me in my life, and to whom I would have never met had I not registered and decided to post in HH, believe it or not, this is the ONLY!! website in which I post, I have friends physically, but this is the place, and you guys are the friends whom I would rather spend time with, and in a perfect world, we all would've grown up in the same place, gone to the same schools etc. but as you can see, we are a very very exclusive pack, from every part of the world(except North Korea), I could go on to say there are 2 members who I might have honestly done something stupid and permanent in the 4 days following my break up, had they not been there, this is a metal board, it didnt have anything to do with metal, I shouldnt have even been on here talking about it, but cause I did, the logic that you and Wotty helped me see, might have saved a couple of lifes, you are a stand up dude, and I think we can all agree, you are way over due to be recognized for it, and I am submitting this as a Pilot script for a new lifetime movie, Geoff has to write in the guy on guy sex scene(mandatory for script acceptance) but right on bro, im glad you are cool with it, I wasnt really sure how people were going to react to this, im still not, I knew Geoff would eat it up, but after that, it was a big question mark, I also changed the rules, I am going to be naming moderators, because I cant do this without naming them, so moderators are fair game now, enjoy.

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Well bro, I think as you can see we all think highly of you, I merely am just going through each and every person who has had an impact on me in my life, and to whom I would have never met had I not registered and decided to post in HH, believe it or not, this is the ONLY!! website in which I post, I have friends physically, but this is the place, and you guys are the friends whom I would rather spend time with, and in a perfect world, we all would've grown up in the same place, gone to the same schools etc. but as you can see, we are a very very exclusive pack, from every part of the world(except North Korea), I could go on to say there are 2 members who I might have honestly done something stupid and permanent in the 4 days following my break up, had they not been there, this is a metal board, it didnt have anything to do with metal, I shouldnt have even been on here talking about it, but cause I did, the logic that you and Wotty helped me see, might have saved a couple of lifes, you are a stand up dude, and I think we can all agree, you are way over due to be recognized for it, and I am submitting this as a Pilot script for a new lifetime movie, Geoff has to write in the guy on guy sex scene(mandatory for script acceptance) but right on bro, im glad you are cool with it, I wasnt really sure how people were going to react to this, im still not, I knew Geoff would eat it up, but after that, it was a big question mark, I also changed the rules, I am going to be naming moderators, because I cant do this without naming them, so moderators are fair game now, enjoy.


Haha, yeah, Wes mentioned it too, but it's the same for me - this is the only music website I post at on the interweb. Actually this and a photography forum (which I have not visited for 45 days, sadly) are the only places I post on the net at all. The only music site as far as I'm concerned. Great group of guys (where the ladiez at?) and I can honestly say that there is only one person here I genuinely dislike, and he posts so rarely I'd completely forgotten about the smug c*nt until a few days ago, so it doesn't phase me either way. But that's a great strike rate for the internet, which is usually full of massive tools.


And yes, Cody, I know you're wondering why I chose to omit the fact that I frequent the website gayhardcoreporn.com, but I only submit my... uh, my friends' videos there... I don't actually post on the forum there. Okay, so I submit videos to jizzgobblers.com too, but stop it. No one cares about that.

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  • My Little Pony

Great group of guys (where the ladiez at?) and I can honestly say that there is only one person here I genuinely dislike, and he posts so rarely I'd completely forgotten about the smug c*nt until a few days ago, so it doesn't phase me either way. But that's a great strike rate for the internet, which is usually full of massive tools.


What are you talking about? I post all the time.

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Seriously Geoff, message me the gentleman's name you cannot stand, and we will pay him the tribute he deserves. but really, finding out who the one and only person is that aggravates Geoff, I didn't know Geoff even really read anyones replies to get mad at someone, so seriously just message me Geoff, I will not even say anything if you r serious that I don't say anything, but this is just to much curiosity for me to handle, come on Geoff, just tell me, If you tell me I will tell you who I don't like, and I sure believe his name starts with G!!! So let's compare real dislike lists, u never know what i can come up with and I will out you Geoff as RectalStretcher69 on 12Sinsoftheass.com or punishingthefudgepacker.com and punishingthepooper.org also I wont out you as the VIP at the Meat Locker Night Club, so you are best to just go ahead and fill me in on what I want to know, mmkay, great, thankssss@

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