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Is This the Worst Music Video of 2011?

Fat Freddy

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:rofl2: What the HELL? :rofl2:


Yahoo's Music Blog posted their picks for the worst music videos of 2011 (and believe it or not, Rebecca Black's "Friday" only clocked in at #4!)... their pick for absolute worst was a video from a Cleveland metal band called Alternate Reality (nope, I never heard of 'em either) for their song "The King That Never Was," which appears to be some sort of King Arthur/"Excalibur" fan fiction filmed at the local Renaissance Faire. The song and video are screamingly bad. The only thing that kept me watching till the end were the hot chicks. :D


Yahoo's critic describes the video thusly:


1) Alternate Reality - "The King That Never Was"

Do not attempt to adjust your computer monitor. Do not assume that the video you are about to see is the result of some egg-nog-induced fog. Deluded Cleveland metal band Alternate Reality really did shoot an ambitious video about, according to lead singer Steve Delchin, "the legend of King Arthur and his quest for the Kingdom of Metal." The result is a video not even the most diehard Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast or Comic-Con season-pass-holder could appreciate or sit through more than once. Actually, if this video were intended to be ironic, we would say it was the most genius video of all time. Ditto if it were a video by Spinal Tap, Tenacious D, or Bill & Ted's Wyld Stallyns. But sadly, it seems like these not-so-shining-armored guys' tongues were nowhere near the vicinity of their cheeks when they filmed this video atrocity. Apparently they really do live in an alternate reality in which dressing up like Mickey Mouse from Fantasia and engaging in Camelot swordfights is the epitome of cool. Obviously, this is not a reality in which any sane person would choose to live.


The rest of the list (and it's a painful one) can be found here:



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Love the line "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhggggg ahahahaha!" :lol:


The chick talking at the beginning is :tits::quagmire:

Wow... words do not exist. But yeah, nice rack on the girl at the start, and the blonde is okay too. They should have just pressed their lips against each other's bodys for the filmclip instead.


The funny thing is that even though the filmclip story is so painful I honestly wished for my life to be taken as I viewed it, it's the actual band performance - namely that lead "singer," that is the worst part. What the f*ck is he actually doing?


I am offended by how bad that actually was. :(

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Holy fuck, was that bad. How much money was wasted on shooting, recording, mixing, and producing this POS?


Acting: bad

Costumes: bad

Choreography: bad

Script: bad

Special effects: bad

Vocalist: bad

Musicians: bad

Lyrics: bad


I don't think there's been that much suckitude concentrated in one place in the history of the world. Yeesh...

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Holy fuck, was that bad. How much money was wasted on shooting, recording, mixing, and producing this POS?


Acting: bad

Costumes: bad

Choreography: bad

Script: bad

Special effects: bad

Vocalist: bad

Musicians: bad

Lyrics: bad

Metal chicks: GOOD!


I don't think there's been that much suckitude concentrated in one place in the history of the world. Yeesh...

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Looks (and sounds) like the singer suffers from a severe case of constipation...


So, do they have cd out yet? Full of instant metal classics...


Updated dictionary:


Bad - worse - Alternate Reality







...can I have my 5 minutes back, please?...

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