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MetalllianStallion's latest victim


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So the infamous MetalllianStallion, having put Geoff in his place last year for littering the Comments section with the dreaded f-word, has apparently decided that I use too many dick jokes in my reviews/comments and therefore must come out of the closest and profess my love of all things man-sausage. And to think, all I wanted to do was let everyone know how bad Ratt: "Collage" is...


CD: Ratt - Collage

From: metalmaniac777 Date: March 31, 2011 at 8:53

I remember buying this the day it was released, super-excited to finally be getting a brand new Ratt album. When I finished listening to it, I felt so disrespected that it was as if the band had lined up, whipped out their dicks, and proceeded to whack me in the mouth with them one after another. That's right, this CD is the musical equivalent of geting slapped in the face by a cock. Yeah, it's a collage, all right...a collage of crappy songs.


CD: Ratt - Collage

From: MetalllianStallion Date: April 5, 2011 at 7:10

metalmaniac777 - Fantasy seems to constantly consume your sausage inferno reviews. Your flame innuendos flood HH and it's obvious, so just have a 'Coming Out' party and stop beating around the bush(wrong pun). Have you thought of a career with the TSA where you can legally get paid to have dudes drop trow before you? Mark, I notice you review quite of few CCR bands so I well ask you straight out, are you a Christian? If you're a man of faith then IMO you have more soul searching to do than Ted Haggard at a MAMBLA rally. Your MDD review " Those with a phobia towards modern hard rock". Is it a 'phobia' to have taste or in this case standards, by pointing out your one trick bologna-pony reviews are beyond stale and would even make Freddy Mercury blush? I know by our previous chat that you claim to have a fan club (3 dudes) but why don't you take a poll on the boards and ask if the regulars can't get enough of your homo erotica. Or expand your gender review horizons with Trannys gone wild.


CD: Ratt - Collage

From: metalmaniac777 Date: April 6, 2011 at 11:41

Uh, MetalllianStallion, you obviously don't like my style of reviewing, yet you continue to read my reviews, so who's the fool here? And to answer your question, yes, I am a Christian (common knowledge around these parts) and as for doing some soul-searching, well, thanks for the tip, but last time I read the Bible, I don't answer to you. And for the record, this CD still sucks.


Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to go see about that homo erotica poll...

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I had a run in with this moron last year on the Fozzy - Chasing the grail page


From: MetalllianStallion Date: February 17, 2010 at 4:48

10 year anniversary of a band with a gimmick campaign that made them legends in their own mind. A decade latter they are still using the same shtick (we are rock stars) on the band's myspace page. Collect all 4 FOZZYzzz drink coasters. After hearing the 14 minute(take your sack lunch) track 'Wormwood' I'm hoping for the Apocalypse before Fozzy can make another album. About the only + on this release is that their not covering and destroying old classics with harder edge originals this time out. Ward and the band are capable musicians - WWF D lister Jericho who's vocals have always been lacking, making him the weak link. Chris, beg VH1 for a reality show to promote Fozzy - Chasing Their Tales. Click the link for a pic of the band's biggest show ever, in Jericho's a.k.a. Mongoose McQueen Mom's Basement. And you thought my HH name was cheesy. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/55/Fozzy_manchester.jpg




From: CC Date: February 23, 2010 at 18:49

Ignore the previous uninformed comment (hell he doesnt even know that Jericho is a multiple time world champion, WWF changed names nearly a decade ago and that the Moongoose etc gimmick was dropped years ago) as this album is killer from start to finish.




From: MetalllianStallion Date: February 24, 2010 at 1:50

CC, I'm sorry I haven't followed pro wrestling since junior High School. We all know that wrestling is as real a sport as roller derby. I'm quite impressed with your knowledge of Jericho as I'm sure he is on a poster on your bedroom wall along with legendary Fozzy. Have they invented the word 'sarcasm' yet over the pond? I see you have defended Mongoose's virtue on the band's previous releases. One man's trash is another's treasure. This band would have been better off getting a vocalist who could sing instead of the trade off getting instant wrestling fans like yourself to be their faithful smackdown followers. Why waste space with a generic "this is a killer album start to finish" ? Tell the world why you live and breath everything Fozzy.




From: CC Date: February 25, 2010 at 4:07

Sarcasm is one thing, but going out and getting/downloading all of Fozzys albums, despite claiming you have hated them from day one is pretty strange. Do I live and breathe (thats the word we use in the English language) the band? Where did I say that? You also say you 'outgrew' wrestlin, was that about the time you stopped masturbating to photos of Justin Timberlake? Your childish insults seem to indicate that the only thing you have outgrown, is your diapers.

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One of the (many) reasons why i dont ever post on the CD pages anymore.


I'd much rater have a sensible conversation/debate on an album here on the message boards, than exchange pointless slanging posts like these.



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You're so gay............and you don't even like boys! **alright...poor Katy Perry reference...but **I** thought it was funny!!**......


Rawk on, my metal brotha!

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I'd much rather have a sensible conversation/debate on an album here on the message boards than exchange pointless slanging posts like these.

So would I, but my workplace blocks the message board, so I only have access to the Main Page.

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I'd much rather have a sensible conversation/debate on an album here on the message boards than exchange pointless slanging posts like these.

So would I, but my workplace blocks the message board, so I only have access to the Main Page.


workplaces suck :-(

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One of the (many) reasons why i dont ever post on the CD pages anymore.


I'd much rater have a sensible conversation/debate on an album here on the message boards, than exchange pointless slanging posts like these.





Well, I'm guilty of the opposite. Though, I don't and won't slag anybody at tbe comments section I think I have to "counter" the review left by former forum member Rafo Phoenix on the CD SUNSET STRIP - Strippin' Time. I left that comment with the intention of warning anyone of this horrendous, sorry piece of crap. If you think that BOGEYMEN - There is no such thing and WARPIPES - Holes in the Heavens are the worst CDs listed in the HH data base, you better hear this Sunset Strip. And Rafo left a good rating on that shit: 80/100 with the comment "Good Glam Rock/MHR...". I don't know if his taste in music is as low as a midget or if he ever heard that CD at all. If you rely on the comments left here in HH in deciding on how to spend your hard-earned $50-$120 on hard-to-find CDs and read that review, you're screwed.

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But thats just a matter of musical choice, just like all the albums on this site that have both good and bad reviews.

If he genuinely thinks that an albums is good that you think is bad, he is entitled to that opinion.

Stallion though feels the need to insult people if they disagree with his opinion, which in essence is exactly what you are doing here by criticising Rafo's taste in music.

Ok, you aint being as rude as Stallion, but its exactly the same deal.

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This Stallion gronk is so painful it hurts. At least you seem to have got a reply when you contacted him, Mark. When he was having his little girly fits over my postings I tried to communicate with him but he always declined. I wonder now if it was because I don't share his faith.


If I didn't dislike him so much I'd actually feel sorry for this pathetic human, but hey, I do dislike him that much so I don't really feel sorry for him at all. I just wish he wasn't such a blouse and would bring his "discussions" over here to the forum rather than being a stain on the review section of this site. :(


For the record, Mark, I'm pretty sure we all enjoy your reviews here, mate. When you have people as bland as me offering my scabby comments here and there, it's nice to see someone like yourself take the time to offer up a well written and amusing review. And more to the point, they're valid reviews. Stallion hasn't offered a single valid word yet. I really don't know what this sad, sad little pathetic man is hoping to achieve by prowling the review section of a hard rock website looking for naughty words and trying to let the writers know just how naughty they are. What a pathetic existence.


I wonder what the guy actually does for fun after he awakens from the large bible he obviously sleeps in.

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