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It's official: our country is FUCKED!


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From a couple posts, it looks like this was a rec league, but this particular undefeated team stacked their team from the best players they could find, rather than forming 2-3 teams & thereby giving ALL the kids in their area who wanted to play a chance. I don't blame the league on this one...this was brought on by a couple of hyper-competetive coaches (who probably sucked when they played & are trying to make up for it...) who just had to win, win, win despite the rules. As a parent & coach of my son's soccer team, I'm well aware of this type of crap going on all the time. It's people like this who ruin sports for the kids... :2up:

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From a couple posts, it looks like this was a rec league, but this particular undefeated team stacked their team from the best players they could find, rather than forming 2-3 teams & thereby giving ALL the kids in their area who wanted to play a chance. I don't blame the league on this one...this was brought on by a couple of hyper-competetive coaches (who probably sucked when they played & are trying to make up for it...) who just had to win, win, win despite the rules. As a parent & coach of my son's soccer team, I'm well aware of this type of crap going on all the time. It's people like this who ruin sports for the kids... :2up:


Actually, if you read all the comments, there's parties on each side claiming the other side is full of it. Regardless, either:


1. The team is being banned from the playoffs for being too good, in which case it's en example of how FUCKED we are, or


2. The parents/officials of the team decided to stack the deck, in which case they are miserable excuses for parents for the type of example they're setting, and an example of how FUCKED we are.


Either way you slice it, theare are some fucked up people involved. It's kids sports, for Pete's sake!

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for Pete's sake!


I knew Pete was up to something and is to blame for all of this mess, that no good guitar slinging Mother F****....... I'm too upset with him to continue.


On a serious note, as a father and coach I've seen many unsportsmanlike people stack teams. Last year my son's rec league ice hockey team finish 2nd to the undefeated red team, they went 18-0 on the season...even the Pats can't say they did that.


This past spring I was coaching my son's ball hockey team and one team the Wild were stacked with rep league ice hockey players. The ball hockey league stepped in and split the team into two, so now instead of having one dominant team there were two. Idiots!!!

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Actually, if you read all the comments, there's parties on each side claiming the other side is full of it. Regardless, either:


1. The team is being banned from the playoffs for being too good, in which case it's en example of how FUCKED we are, or


2. The parents/officials of the team decided to stack the deck, in which case they are miserable excuses for parents for the type of example they're setting, and an example of how FUCKED we are.


Either way you slice it, there are some fucked up people involved. It's kids sports, for Pete's sake!


I'd almost bet my life on option #2. It happens all the time, even where I live in a very small town that can only field 4 or 5 baseball or basketball teams in each age group.


It is one reason I have always been involved in coaching my sons team.. Be it coach or assistant. It really does hurt the kids involved. I've heard of (on more then one occasion) of kids not playing to following year because of coaches and parents. At 9 years old my boy has a lot more to worry about than winning or losing a baseball or basketball game. Be pretty luck though... he has been on both winning and losing teams (which I feel is good for him).


In 4 competitive baseball season his teams have won 2 championships. And in his first year his team was last. He has actually become a very good baseball player (moving up one level a year early and then making the traveling all-star team in that league).


In 2 competitive basketball seasons his team has won one championship and finished in the middle the other year.


Plain and simple.. There are coaches who are too competitive to be coaching kids. There is one baseball and one basketball coach that I would never let my kid play for. He is that coach who does everything he can to stack a team. His teams never learn the fundamentals but win on just strength and the fact they are bigger then the others. He even tells kids not to come to try-outs so he can pick them up after the draft. Worst thing is... there are parents who do this every year.


I would rather my boy learn the right way to play the game than to win every year. As he becomes a better and better baseball player I feel that the wrong coach may try and weasel him somehow. Therefor I will stay involved to prevent this. :thppt:

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I knew Pete was up to something and is to blame for all of this mess, that no good guitar slinging Mother F****....... I'm too upset with him to continue.

...and I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids. <_<

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My son played kindergarten flag football this fall. The guy in charge of the Parks and Rec dept also has a son in kindergarten that played this year so he was the coach of the kid's team. You need 5 kids to play. My son's team had 6. Most of the other teams had 6-8. The Park and Rec coach's team had 12 players the day we played them. They had enough for one group of players on defense and the other group on offense. My son's team and the other teams had kids playing both ways. Which team do you think walked away with the wins this fall? Needless to say kids that young are just playing for the fun of it, but obviously the parents knew what was up and were not very happy about it.

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So far my almost-8-year old has shown zero interest in organized sports, which quite frankly is a relief to me, cuz I saw more than enough of the behavior shown in the original post when I was in Little League baseball as a kid, and also when I worked as an umpire for the Little League as a teenager. I swear, they should ban parents from youth sports! It turns them into animals!!

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I actually live just outside of Sedalia where this happened. I am about 6 miles away. I was actually born there and was my stomping ground. It got real quiet after that started hitting the news. Population 28,000


I have not heard a thing since it was on national news. The last I heard the coach had asked for 3 things. All the money he paid to be in league, Letters sent to all coachs stating they did not quit, forfiet, ect and given the championship title.


The fact is the coach was a very good teacher and not some Joe didnt have a clue.

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I coach baseball every summer for the last 10 years, I hate when teams pull that kind of shit. I get the most enjoyment out of coaching watching them get better as the season goes on, most of the time we end up beating the teams that were good at the beginning of the season. Of course I always kept my core kids (pitchers, firstbase, and the big hitters) every year which was usually 3 to 4 of them.

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Oh.. I forgot to mention the basketball playoffs for the 8 and 9 year old basketball team my son was on last year. I coached his team.


We finished 8-0 in the regular season.. beating the second place team twice, they finished 6-2.


After the regular season was over they decided to change the playoff format. There were a total of 5 teams in the league.


#4 was suppose to play #5 for the right to play #1 (US). Then #2 was to play #3.

The winners of those games would play for the championship.


Well... not originally being from this small town in which I now live didn't sit well with the lifetime locals. They didn't want a "Out of towner" to coach the top team. So they had a special meeting, with me not invited. A this meeting they decided to change the playoff formula.


This is what they came up with:


#5 ended up playing #1 (US) in one first round game. #1 won that game.

#2 ended up playing #4 in one first round game. #2 won that game.

#3 had a bye the first day. (go figure..?)


So now we are down to 3 teams:


#1 (US) ended up playing #3. #1 (US) won.

#2 had a bye on day two. (go figure..?)


So on one days rest (8 & 9 year olds mind you):


#1 plays #2 for the Championship... In which #1 (US) wins. JUSTICE SERVED.


Basically... our reward for going undefeated was 3 games in three days.. While the #2 and #3 teams both somehow ended up with byes. Team # 2 only played one game to make it to the Championship game while the top seated team had to win two games just to get there.


~~~ I bring this up because tomorrow (Wed.) is a coaches meeting for this years basketball league. My guess is that I will not be allowed to coach. If this is the case... You may read about me in the newspapers or see me on your 6 o'clock news. :brutal_36:

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~~~ I bring this up because tomorrow (Wed.) is a coaches meeting for this years basketball league. My guess is that I will not be allowed to coach. If this is the case... You may read about me in the newspapers or see me on your 6 o'clock news. :brutal_36:

I don't normally watch TV, but I'll be tuning in with a tape ready to record. Godspeed! :beerbang:

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~~~ I bring this up because tomorrow (Wed.) is a coaches meeting for this years basketball league. My guess is that I will not be allowed to coach. If this is the case... You may read about me in the newspapers or see me on your 6 o'clock news. :brutal_36:

I don't normally watch TV, but I'll be tuning in with a tape ready to record. Godspeed! :beerbang:



Well... I guess it will be one more week before you need to tune in. It seems as though the meeting was postponed until next week. It also seems as I was the only one not told about this in advance. Seems as everyone else was called and told about the change. After sitting on the steps of the building where the meeting was to take place for about 25 mins I assumed they were not having the meeting last night.

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~~~ I bring this up because tomorrow (Wed.) is a coaches meeting for this years basketball league. My guess is that I will not be allowed to coach. If this is the case... You may read about me in the newspapers or see me on your 6 o'clock news. :brutal_36:

I don't normally watch TV, but I'll be tuning in with a tape ready to record. Godspeed! :beerbang:



Well... I guess it will be one more week before you need to tune in. It seems as though the meeting was postponed until next week. It also seems as I was the only one not told about this in advance. Seems as everyone else was called and told about the change. After sitting on the steps of the building where the meeting was to take place for about 25 mins I assumed they were not having the meeting last night.



OK...Now I am PISSED.


Looks like that meeting must have taken place without me.


I got a call today from my son's coach for this year. So it appears as if something is really fishy. Tryouts were today and we were never informed about those either. Really pisses me off that my son wasn't even allowed to "tryout". So obviously they found a way to stop me from coaching this year.


Now you really need to be watching the news.

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~~~ I bring this up because tomorrow (Wed.) is a coaches meeting for this years basketball league. My guess is that I will not be allowed to coach. If this is the case... You may read about me in the newspapers or see me on your 6 o'clock news. :brutal_36:

I don't normally watch TV, but I'll be tuning in with a tape ready to record. Godspeed! :beerbang:



Well... I guess it will be one more week before you need to tune in. It seems as though the meeting was postponed until next week. It also seems as I was the only one not told about this in advance. Seems as everyone else was called and told about the change. After sitting on the steps of the building where the meeting was to take place for about 25 mins I assumed they were not having the meeting last night.



OK...Now I am PISSED.


Looks like that meeting must have taken place without me.


I got a call today from my son's coach for this year. So it appears as if something is really fishy. Tryouts were today and we were never informed about those either. Really pisses me off that my son wasn't even allowed to "tryout". So obviously they found a way to stop me from coaching this year.


Now you really need to be watching the news.


Fucking communist do-gooders.

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