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Texas investigators stunned by child dismemberment



SAN ANTONIO – The scene was so gruesome investigators could barely speak: A 3 1/2-week-old boy lay dismembered in the bedroom of a single-story house, three of his tiny toes chewed off, his face torn away, his head severed and his brains ripped out.


"At this particular scene you could have heard a pin drop," San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said Monday. "No one was speaking. It was about as somber as it could have been."


Officers called to the home early Sunday found the boy's mother, Otty Sanchez, sitting on the couch with a self-inflicted wound to her chest and her throat partially slashed, screaming "I killed my baby! I killed my baby!" police said. She told officers the devil made her do it, police said.


Sanchez, 33, apparently ate the child's brain and some other body parts before stabbing herself, McManus said.


"It's too heinous for me to describe it any further," McManus told reporters.


Sanchez is charged with capital murder in the death of her son, Scott Wesley Buccholtz-Sanchez. She was being treated Monday at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail.


The slaying occurred a week after the child's father moved out, McManus said. Otty Sanchez's sister and her sister's two children, ages 5 and 7, were in the house, but none were harmed.


Police said Sanchez did not have an attorney, and they declined to identify family members.


No one answered the door Monday at Sanchez's home, where the blinds were shut. A hopscotch pattern and red hearts were drawn on the walk leading up to the house.


Sanchez's aunt, Gloria Sanchez, said her niece had been "in and out" of a psychiatric ward but did not say where she was treated or why. She said a hospital called several months ago to check up on her.


"Otty didn't mean to do that. She was not in her right mind," a sobbing Gloria Sanchez told The Associated Press on Monday by phone. She said her family was devastated.


Investigators are looking into Sanchez's mental health history to see if there was anything "significant," and whether postpartum difficulties could have factored into the attack, McManus said.


Postpartum depression and psychosis have been cited as contributing factors in several other cases in Texas in recent years in which mothers killed their children.


Andrea Yates drowned her five children in her Houston-area home 2001, saying she believed Satan was inside her and trying to save them from hell. Her attorneys said she had been suffering from severe postpartum psychosis, and a jury found Yates not guilty by reason of insanity in 2006.


In 2004, Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old in her Plano home by slicing off the baby's arms. She was found not guilty of reason by insanity, after testifying that she killed the baby because she wanted to give her to God.


Sanchez's neighbors expressed sorrow and horror Monday at the grisly killing.


Neighbor Luis Yanez, 23, said his kids went to school with one of the small children who lived at the house. He said he often saw a woman playing outside with the children but didn't know whether it was Otty.


"Why would you do that to your baby?" said Yanez, a tire technician. "It brings chills to you. They can't defend themselves."


Allen Taylor, another neighbor, said "once she gets back in her right mind, she's going to be devastated

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Saw this yesterday... and was horrified, of course.


Human beings suck. It's that simple.

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She was being treated Monday at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail.


What fucking liberal douchebag decided this freak should get any bail whatsoever? REMAND!


...and whether postpartum difficulties could have factored into the attack, McManus said.


Ahh, well that makes all ok then. The universal excuses: PMS and post partem depression.



...and a jury found Yates not guilty by reason of insanity in 2006.


I absolutely despise that verdict. "Not guilty..."???? No. It's "Guilty, but insane." No matter how you excuse it, the fucker is still guilty.


Allen Taylor, another neighbor, said "once she gets back in her right mind, she's going to be devastated


Wouldn't be a problem if they just shot the bitch and saved everyone the trouble...

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Yet you will get mindless fools chirping, "Everyone deserves a second chance" regarding this subhuman.

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Being a parent, like many here, the mere thought of any harm coming to my children or any others, makes me see red (yea, kind of like the Warrant song).


Would snap her neck like a twig and then spend the rest of my life in the klink for doing it... were as this broad will be roaming the streets squirting out more victims in a few years.


Dan, your opinions are spot on and agreed with by me 100%. "Not guilty do to reasons of insanity"... just frickin' dumb logic! Are you ever truly "sane" when you KILL someone? Sounds pretty insane to me every time.

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...and whether postpartum difficulties could have factored into the attack, McManus said.


Ahh, well that makes all ok then. The universal excuses: PMS and post partem depression.


Or ADD, or Dyslexia, or any of these other mental health problems that, while may be true in some cases, are used to excuse people far too often IMO


Dan, your opinions are spot on and agreed with by me 100%. "Not guilty do to reasons of insanity"... just frickin' dumb logic! Are you ever truly "sane" when you KILL someone? Sounds pretty insane to me every time.


Ed Gein died at the age of 77 in a Mental Health Institution due to being insane....is that justice?!?!

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In 2004, Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old in her Plano home by slicing off the baby's arms. She was found not guilty of reason by insanity, after testifying that she killed the baby because she wanted to give her to God.

I'd slice her up myself and give her to her fucked up god.


As for the rest of the story, what would make anyone try to keep the silly bitch alive? Did they not know she'd committed the crime at the time?

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In 2004, Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old in her Plano home by slicing off the baby's arms. She was found not guilty of reason by insanity, after testifying that she killed the baby because she wanted to give her to God.

I'd slice her up myself and give her to her fucked up god.


As for the rest of the story, what would make anyone try to keep the silly bitch alive? Did they not know she'd committed the crime at the time?


why not grab that knife and finish what she started on her throat? no one has to know...

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Just fry the fuckin' bitch in the electric chair :angryfire:

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Why does nothiong in this world surprise me anymore, with freaks like this around.


Three words spring to mind - Gun, Head ,Shoot.

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Three words spring to mind - Gun, Head ,Shoot.


If I'd been one of the cops responding to that call, that's exactly what would've happened. "But Sarge, she was HEADIN' STRAIGHT FOR US!"


...woulda saved the taxpayers a few bucks.

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This is why Batman and Spiderman are so popular....kinda


sounds like an immature comment on a serious matter sure, but the justice system is fucked up, these comics about vigilantes like Batman hit the nail on the head....our system is too flawed because of rules


would Dexter be a better example? :unsure:

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If it happened in our weak limp dick pathetic do gooder country, the judge would have said "She had a hard upbringing, her father was an alcoholic who use to fuck animals, her mother would always use sex toys on the neighbour, she was also not thinking straight at the time, she was addidted to prescribed medications, this is totally out of character, her friends say she really is a good person, she would never do this again, she has a great chance of rehabilitation, she shows remorse and it would not be right to send her to jail for a long time because it would not do her mental state any good and my main focus is to ensure she gets better so she can fit back into society.

I hereby sentence her to 10 years prison but she will be eligeable for parole after 3 years.




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If it happened in our weak limp dick pathetic do gooder country, the judge would have said "She had a hard upbringing, her father was an alcoholic who use to fuck animals, her mother would always use sex toys on the neighbour, she was also not thinking straight at the time, she was addidted to prescribed medications, this is totally out of character, her friends say she really is a good person, she would never do this again, she has a great chance of rehabilitation, she shows remorse and it would not be right to send her to jail for a long time because it would not do her mental state any good and my main focus is to ensure she gets better so she can fit back into society.

I hereby sentence her to 10 years prison but she will be eligeable for parole after 3 years.




Isn't she a foreigner with coloured skin too? I think she's due for damages. I reckon she'd be out by the end of the week with a loaded bank account and as a nation we would apologise to her.

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If it happened in our weak limp dick pathetic do gooder country, the judge would have said "She had a hard upbringing, her father was an alcoholic who use to fuck animals, her mother would always use sex toys on the neighbour, she was also not thinking straight at the time, she was addidted to prescribed medications, this is totally out of character, her friends say she really is a good person, she would never do this again, she has a great chance of rehabilitation, she shows remorse and it would not be right to send her to jail for a long time because it would not do her mental state any good and my main focus is to ensure she gets better so she can fit back into society.

I hereby sentence her to 10 years prison but she will be eligeable for parole after 3 years.




Isn't she a foreigner with coloured skin too? I think she's due for damages. I reckon she'd be out by the end of the week with a loaded bank account and as a nation we would apologise to her.


So nicely put Geoff.....We would not like to offend now.... would we ;):lol:

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