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Plus, the likes of Cher and Robin Beck have a lot in common with Kane Roberts etc... All their songs were written by the same people forgodssake. So there's more guitar in Kane Roberts' material, but not much more! All are still kinda AOR-by-numbers, though you can't deny the quality of the material....

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Sounds good to me in a perfect world so just please explain your review(compared with Cher) on this LINK (one of many comment examples) and I will give Cher my AOR blessing and jump on the Geoff-Oid-Train with your faithful minions.




Final Note: Try and take some points by Dan's response on how to conduct yourself with some class. Does your constant use of profanity ( F*CK) in reviews/boards serve any purpose or make you extra dangerous with the "*" ? Your a man on the edge, of needing a expanded vocabulary.


Attempt number 89 for Stallion trying to prove a point.



Blatant failure, again.


What has my review for that Foreigner disc got to do with Cher? Why are you doing this to yourself? Musically, that Foreigner disc is lighter than Cher's 'Heart of stone' but that has 0 impact on what album I like better. The simple fact of the matter is I don't like the songs on the Foreigner disc and I love the songs on 'Heart of Stone'. You're really struggling to get your head around a really simple concept, aren't you?


As I have said to you about 48 times now, I do not consider Cher's 'Heart of stone' to be any softer than thousands of melodic rock CDs we all listen to. And it is sure as hell "ballsier" than that Foreigner disc. As for which I prefer, that's my personal preference.


As for class, I've not met someone classier than I. I went to a cafe on Sunday morning and I have a suit in my wardrobe should I ever need it. I define class. As for my use of the word 'f*ck', I like to censor myself for the kids, you f*cking twat. HAHA! Nah, I kid. Lighten up man. But seriously, I just do it because I'm not a big swearer but sometimes when I get excited I use it to express my excitement without hopefully causing offence. Why the f*ck are you even bothering to bring this up? You really are grasping at f*cking straws, aren't you? When I got back from the f*cking weekend and noticed you'd skipped over my f*cking post I was so grateful to see this discussion was over. Now you come here and make a f*cking mongaloid of yourself and force me to do the same to myself. Nice f*cking going.


FYI, you should extend your vocabulary to include these few letters: "You're a man on the edge of needing an expanded vocabulary."



I was shooting off the cuff and didn't have my pocket webster with me. Your previous quote from your first thread response keeps me up at night. " You make me want to vomit IN my mouth" Does that mean at first I repulsed you, but when you where in the process of vomiting instead of spewing you decided to savor the thought of me?


If your not a big swearer than there is no reason to drop the PG-13 version F bombs every other word. Unlike me, your not a dumb guy by reading some of your reviews so all profanity does is degrade your opinion. If you really get fired up then use it, but it loses it's effect after the 1,000 time. For now to keep people on the edge of their seats try mixing it up. example: *UCK.

F :censored:


You don't want to hear about the references I made of why 80's Cher isn't considered AOR in the industry so here are strictly my views using comparisons and examples of other artists.






ATTEMPT # 90 Collectors Edition: to prove a point MetalianStallion :duel:


At least the G Man lightened up with a little sense of humor. Since some entertainment value has been obtained from this thread I will refer to Geoff as a third person to put all readers in the loop. I'm a rookie to the blog/boards scene but this is serious business to some. The reason I put a bullseye on Geoff's head months ago is because IMO he considers HH his world as the 'Supreme Reviewer' and takes himself too seriously at times(exhibit A: AOR Freaky vs. Geoff files). Is AOR freaky still alive? Where is he when I need him?


IMO Geoff's claim to fame is cranking out reviews(Quantity/Quantity) as Guinness Book of World records has their eye on him for total number of entries recorded on one website. The regulars know what I am talking about as you can run but you can't hide from a his reviews. IMO some of his reviews are insightful and accurate but there are some inconsistencies not just different taste from others.


For Geoff to say on a previous thread that half the releases on HH (5,291 1/2 but who's counting) are as light or lighter than Cher - Heart of Stone is obviously not true. Dan start the AOR audit please for proof positive. Cher has nothing to do with Foreigner,just like she has nothing to do with Kane Roberts in which he makes the leap of comparison explained in my previous threads. But to have a Pop/AOR-light/ melodic rock standard you must have a common source to refer to(agree with) and what a better point of reference than the mighty band Foreigner. For as if you can't agree on something so obvious than how can you have a rational debate on any other artists?


Foreigner - 4, claimed by many to be one of the best hard rock/AOR albums of all time according to Geoff is " almost pop like " It's just so SOFT it's awful" " And it(heart of stone) sure the hell is "ballsier" than that Foreigner release". Along with bad taste which isn't in debate this is also totally FALSE. "Juke Box Hero" vs. what 80's track by Cher is harder? Did I miss Cher - The Metal years bootleg? Of course "4" has it's pop appeal "Waiting for a girl like you" but additional rockers " Night Life" "I'm Gonna Win" make no argument that this is a hard rock release.


Am I 2/2 yet or still grasping for straws? I don't have time or do people have the patience to get into the other many examples of the G- Man's flip flop rock.


Does Doghouse Reilly have any street cred here? He has given the only other Cher review(that hasn't been deleted) to counter some of Geoff's claims. What I see on this board is Geoff and a lot of back slapping mates :agree: for the most part. Has anyone on the boards dared counter or question "The ONE"? The Obama of HH.


And last but not least for the million dollar question under oath. Did Geoff submit those 3 Cher releases to HH?


Of course I will not have the last word. I would have better chances of picking up chop sticks with my butt cheeks. I return the keys to the kingdom to the G-Man as this board is more important to him than life itself. :poke:

:lame: Man you really end to lighten up... :drink:

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Ya know... lately y'all are making my hair hurt. :doh:


1. Geoff had nothing to do with adding Cher's 3 albums to HH. Mike ran it by me and I said "sure, they fit".


2. Geoff has no more or less influence here than any other member... other than that he's devilishly handsome and repeatedly calls me Snoogie Wuggums.


3. As far as my auditing the number of artist at HH that are lighter than the Char CDs in question, yeah I'll jump right on that... oh wait, I'm done already. The number is #WHOGIVESASHIT#.


4. "Lighten up, Francis."


5. It. Really. Does. Not. Matter. To. Anyone. Else.

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Just to bring this back to Dans comment about Billy Idol, I seem to remember a thread where Billy Idol was nixed because not all his material was considered too new wave or punk.

Must admit, I thought it was Dan who said this, maybe I am wrong.


I am quite happy to submit all his albums (including the Generation X stuff which although classed as punk by many, is actually more hard rock imo), but I am not going to waste my time doing it if it just gets nixed again.

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Just to bring this back to Dans comment about Billy Idol, I seem to remember a thread where Billy Idol was nixed because not all his material was considered too new wave or punk.

Must admit, I thought it was Dan who said this, maybe I am wrong.


I am quite happy to submit all his albums (including the Generation X stuff which although classed as punk by many, is actually more hard rock imo), but I am not going to waste my time doing it if it just gets nixed again.


I don't recall every saying that, and doing a search I can't find that I ever said anything about Billy Idol one way or the other.


There's this thread, but I never participated in it.


If you want to submit his stuff, I'm fine with adding it.



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fair enough, as I say, I wasnt sure who said it, but I am sure it was older than that thread when it was initially discussed and nixed.


I will submit all of his stuff, and the Gen X stuff as most of that is almost identical to his solo stuff as well.

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Ya know... lately y'all are making my hair hurt. :doh:


1. Geoff had nothing to do with adding Cher's 3 albums to HH. Mike ran it by me and I said "sure, they fit".


2. Geoff has no more or less influence here than any other member... other than that he's devilishly handsome and repeatedly calls me Snoogie Wuggums.


3. As far as my auditing the number of artist at HH that are lighter than the Char CDs in question, yeah I'll jump right on that... oh wait, I'm done already. The number is #WHOGIVESASHIT#.


4. "Lighten up, Francis."


5. It. Really. Does. Not. Matter. To. Anyone. Else.

Thanks for the round up, Snoogie Wuggums. I hope this is the end of this thread. :)

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  • 1 year later...

The only Cher I've listened to is the Shoop Shoop song and Believe. Both songs seem to stick on my mind like dog shit sticks to your shoe. Because of this, Cher will never be played in my house again.




When 'Turn Back Time' was in the charts (which seemed like it was for about 2 years) it was played on radio and TV all the time. I just couldn't escape the bloody song, despite never putting the radio on myself. What an awful, awful song, I really hope I never have to hear it again. Plus I find her quite repulsive. :whistle:

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CHER UPDATE: I still wouldn't say no.

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CHER UPDATE: I still wouldn't say no.


Yeah sorry for resurrecting this thread. I was browsing and thought since I started such an amusing thread I should say something else. I don't mind Cher being on here; as someone else said, I don't have to listen to her after all.


When 'Turn Back Time' was in the charts (which seemed like it was for about 2 years) it was played on radio and TV all the time. I just couldn't escape the bloody song, despite never putting the radio on myself. What an awful, awful song, I really hope I never have to hear it again. Plus I find her quite repulsive. :whistle:


Thanks both of you for giving me a hearty laugh! I've never heard Turn Back Time (either that or I have heard it and can't remember it) but I still wake up in the night sometimes with Believe flying around my mind. Apart from Joan Rivers, she has the most stretched face in America.

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CHER UPDATE: I still wouldn't say no.



:lol: Yeah, I think you might be on your own there, Tim. She's all yours!

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  • 4 years later...

So, uh, which one of you guys has actually seriously stolen my 'Heart of stone' and 'Love Hurts' CDs? As noted elsewhere, I am currently going through my entire collection from A-Z and dropping a rating on all my discs, and today I came to the "ch" bands, and the s/t album is there, but these two are genuinely, absolutely gone. Can't find them anywhere at all. So which one of you creeps stole them?


Anyway, as I want to get a rating penned, I thought I'd go to the interweb and quickly download them so I can pen my thoughts tomorrow. Well that's not to be either - can't download the f*ckers anywhere.



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