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Birthdays for Jacob M + Mullethead


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Happy happy, joy joy, beer beer! :drink:

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Congrats to both on their birthdays,but apologies to Mullethead for being a tad late.






You should be sorry...I mean, what the hell? Don't you know who I am? Heads are gonna roll damn it!!!!





:) Thanks peeps! Guess what I got to do on my birthday? Have a ultrasound on my nuts! Exciting huh...?

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Happy Birthday Jacob! Hope it's a great one of ya!!


Happy Belated Birthday Mullet, sorry you had to have a scan of your nuts!! Hopefully the tech was hot!! LOL Seriously though....hope that comes out alright for ya!!!

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Happy Birthday Jacob! Hope it's a great one of ya!!


Happy Belated Birthday Mullet, sorry you had to have a scan of your nuts!! Hopefully the tech was hot!! LOL Seriously though....hope that comes out alright for ya!!!



Thanks man, but if she'd been hot that could have been bad! LOL! It was lets say, awkward :)

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Thank you all. My day has been a bit rough. Still trying to get used to Texas. This place is a lot more complicated than Oklahoma. The car I'm supposed to be driving failed inspection twice. It failed yesterday and after we left the place we did everything they said to fix the problems. It failed again today so I don't know what the hell to do.

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