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What CDs did you buy this week?


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In the mail today:


Whitesnake - Ready An' Willing (remastered w/bonus tracks)

David Coverdale - White Snake

David Coverdale - North Winds

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Some EXTREMELY nice ones this week ...: :P


NO EXQZE - Too hard too handle

ULTRANITE - I want my own Planet

THE COVENANT - Spectres at the Feast

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After a VERY long search I've finally been successful ...:


Michael White and the White - s/t




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After a VERY long search I've finally been successful ...:


Michael White and the White - s/t





Nice one mate...Where did ya get it in the end?

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Random thrift store pickup for a buck:


I had no idea who this band was, but it was simply so bizarre to find a Locomotive Records promo copy (!) in my little rinky-dink country bumpkin thrift store that I couldn't leave it there. (They also had a copy of Helstar's Sins of the Past but I already have that. If there's anyone lookin' for that one, gimme a holla yo.)


From the band name and artwork I figured this was either gonna be power metal or viking/black metal - unfortunately 'tis the latter. Think Dimmu Borgir/Cradle of Filth. As soon as the vox kicked in I said "Ehhh, this is not my thang."


So hey, are there any symphonic/black metal fans out there in HH land? Cuz this one's available for trade.

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In the mail today:


W.A.S.P. - Live...In The Raw (original)

KISS - Carnival of Souls

Riverdogs - Riverdogs

and I was supposed to get Ace Frehley - KISS Ace Frehley and instead they sent me some Ace Frehley - Behind The Player DVD. Doh!

I have it for the collection only, but that Carnival Of Souls is crap to me.

I finally got to listen to this and I totally agree. The only reason bought this was that I was able to find it for a dollar and aside from just using it to fill out my collection there is no other reason I would own this.

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After a VERY long search I've finally been successful ...:


Michael White and the White - s/t





Nice one mate...Where did ya get it in the end?


Ebay ... for 19.10 pounds incl. shipping. It's worth it, imo.

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After a VERY long search I've finally been successful ...:


Michael White and the White - s/t





Nice one mate...Where did ya get it in the end?


Ebay ... for 19.10 pounds incl. shipping. It's worth it, imo.


Well worth the £'s. Glad you tracked it down, as it is a fantastic album

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Jackyl - Best In Show (limited edition w/2 bonus tracks and DVD)

You'll never watch the DVD anyway Evil :whistle:

You know it brother. I got it for the 2 bonus tracks. Seriously, I didn't even check if the DVD was in it.

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Jackyl - Best In Show (limited edition w/2 bonus tracks and DVD)

You'll never watch the DVD anyway Evil :whistle:

You know it brother. I got it for the 2 bonus tracks. Seriously, I didn't even check if the DVD was in it.


If you don't want it you can mail it to me........

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Yeah, I'd personally have given my left ball for it. It's a very nice piece of modern melodic rock and it would really have made 2011 if I'd been able to get it. I mean, I really, really wanted it. Desperately.


But you enjoy your blind trade, mate. Don't worry about me.


:lol:;) Seriously mate, enjoy it. I think you'll like it.


cool man, i hope he'll be a serious replacement for H.E.A.T, i do enjoy Kenny's voice, but this kid, I think he got the big potential. I've seen him on the local Idol thing on youtube, performing '18 and Life' and 'Run To The Hill', pretty awesome :popcorn:


That Erik disc is great!

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Yeah, I'd personally have given my left ball for it. It's a very nice piece of modern melodic rock and it would really have made 2011 if I'd been able to get it. I mean, I really, really wanted it. Desperately.


But you enjoy your blind trade, mate. Don't worry about me.


:lol:;) Seriously mate, enjoy it. I think you'll like it.


cool man, i hope he'll be a serious replacement for H.E.A.T, i do enjoy Kenny's voice, but this kid, I think he got the big potential. I've seen him on the local Idol thing on youtube, performing '18 and Life' and 'Run To The Hill', pretty awesome :popcorn:


That Erik disc is great!


I still don't have a hard copy of it. :(

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