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What CDs did you buy this week?


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The only CD I picked up this week is GOOD CHARLOTTE: "Chronicles of Life and Death."  (All you nu-breed haters feel free to roll your eyes in disgust.)  It's not as good as their last album, but it's a whole lot better than Butch Walker's "Letters."  (That one's for you, Hsf!)   :P


Bless you for remembering little ol' me! :lol:


Hopefully all this talk will generate a little more publicity for the album and someone will be interested in the controversy and go find it and listen to it to see who is more accurate in their assessment of the album, you or I. Maybe ol' Butch will get a few more sales out of all this. <_<

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Fate - Fate

Fate - A Matter Of Attitude

Frozen Eyes - Frozen Eyes

Lori Linstruth - Demo 2004

Marchello - Marchello

Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto


Which also reminds me, if anyone out there ever decided they want to check out the Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto cd, there's a seller on eBay trying to sell them for almost $80 a pop. If you look them up on the internet on other music selling sites, you can find them from $10-25.


I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80)



I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records


If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night :crazy:


I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15


Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned.


Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way

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Fate - Fate

Fate - A Matter Of Attitude

Frozen Eyes - Frozen Eyes

Lori Linstruth - Demo 2004

Marchello - Marchello

Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto


Which also reminds me, if anyone out there ever decided they want to check out the Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto cd, there's a seller on eBay trying to sell them for almost $80 a pop. If you look them up on the internet on other music selling sites, you can find them from $10-25.


I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80)



I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records


If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night :crazy:


I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15


Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned.


Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way


Thanks! Just checked out NM Records briefly (as I should have been in bed a while ago!) Will definitely check it out tomorrow, though.



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Fate - Fate

Fate - A Matter Of Attitude

Frozen Eyes - Frozen Eyes

Lori Linstruth - Demo 2004

Marchello - Marchello

Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto


Which also reminds me, if anyone out there ever decided they want to check out the Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto cd, there's a seller on eBay trying to sell them for almost $80 a pop. If you look them up on the internet on other music selling sites, you can find them from $10-25.


I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80)



I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records


If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night :crazy:


I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15


Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned.


Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way



T-Bone is correctamundo. I have that cd when the band was still called Pavlov's Dogs.....it's good stuff.

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Fate - Fate

Fate - A Matter Of Attitude

Frozen Eyes - Frozen Eyes

Lori Linstruth - Demo 2004

Marchello - Marchello

Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto


Which also reminds me, if anyone out there ever decided they want to check out the Conditioned Response - In Flagrante Delecto cd, there's a seller on eBay trying to sell them for almost $80 a pop. If you look them up on the internet on other music selling sites, you can find them from $10-25.


I was just going to ask you about that. The title of the album alone is great! How is the music? Worth the asking price? ($25, not $80)



I know the guys in the band. most of them now play in Decibel with Lance King on vocals. Lance is the singer in Pyramaze, and has also done the first 2 cd's with Gemini, 3 cd's with Balance Of Power, and also some vocals for Mattsson, Empire, Kings Machine, and many others. Lance also owns Nightmare Records


If I remember right, Mikey told me the title is latin or something for killing someone while having sex. Or something like that. I was a little tanked that night :crazy:


I got mine from Metal Mayhem for $15


Lance has both Conditioned Response cd's on his site for sale. Just type in the word Conditioned.


Many people don't know this, but the band was originally called Pavlovs Dogs and the cd was called Conditioned Response, but because they found out that another band had already used that name, they reversed the titles after a few cd's had already been made up with the name as Pavlovs Dogs. They're hard to find that way



T-Bone is correctamundo. I have that cd when the band was still called Pavlov's Dogs.....it's good stuff.


Yep, I have that CD in its original form also. Very good stuff in a Queensryche vein. Singer sounds an awful lot like Geoff Tate in places. Definitely worth checking out.

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Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Lost Christmas Eve


Haven't made it all the way through yet, but pretty good stuff. Hasn't grown on me yet like the other two (specifically "Other Stories"), but I haven't made it all the way through or seen it in concert yet either.

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Yep, I have that CD in its original form also.  Very good stuff in a Queensryche vein.  Singer sounds an awful lot like Geoff Tate in places.  Definitely worth checking out.



Read Here about the cd In Flagrante Delecto


More Reading


Read the 3rd review down


Download some tunes from Conditioned Response Here

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The only CD I picked up this week is GOOD CHARLOTTE: "Chronicles of Life and Death."  (All you nu-breed haters feel free to roll your eyes in disgust.)  It's not as good as their last album, but it's a whole lot better than Butch Walker's "Letters."  (That one's for you, Hsf!)   :P


Bless you for remembering little ol' me! :lol:


Hopefully all this talk will generate a little more publicity for the album and someone will be interested in the controversy and go find it and listen to it to see who is more accurate in their assessment of the album, you or I. Maybe ol' Butch will get a few more sales out of all this. <_<


Hsf, I have to tell you, one of the inmates at the federal prison I work at has the letters H.S.F. tattooed on his arm and I asked him what it stood for, to which he replied, "Hot Stud Fucking." You, uh, didn't happen to do any time on the inside, did ya? :D Seriously, man, while you loved Butch Walker's "Letters" album and I hated it, I don't feel either of is right or wrong, we just have different musical tastes. I sincerely hope Butch sells loads of the CD and makes a pile of money in the process. I may not like his most recent output, but I still like the man.


As always, just my two cents' worth.


Keep the faith.


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The only CD I picked up this week is GOOD CHARLOTTE: "Chronicles of Life and Death."  (All you nu-breed haters feel free to roll your eyes in disgust.)  It's not as good as their last album, but it's a whole lot better than Butch Walker's "Letters."  (That one's for you, Hsf!)   :P


Bless you for remembering little ol' me! :lol:


Hopefully all this talk will generate a little more publicity for the album and someone will be interested in the controversy and go find it and listen to it to see who is more accurate in their assessment of the album, you or I. Maybe ol' Butch will get a few more sales out of all this. <_<


Hsf, I have to tell you, one of the inmates at the federal prison I work at has the letters H.S.F. tattooed on his arm and I asked him what it stood for, to which he replied, "Hot Stud Fucking." You, uh, didn't happen to do any time on the inside, did ya? :D Seriously, man, while you loved Butch Walker's "Letters" album and I hated it, I don't feel either of is right or wrong, we just have different musical tastes. I sincerely hope Butch sells loads of the CD and makes a pile of money in the process. I may not like his most recent output, but I still like the man.


As always, just my two cents' worth.


Keep the faith.




Shit, the only time I did on the inside was on the inside of ................................... HOLY SHIT! I have been hanging around these damn teenagers for too long! Somebody get me the hell out of this job and into something else where I don't start adopting the habits of a socially deplorable group of people!


Hey, I've never expected anyone to have the same tastes as I do. Anyone who can laugh uproariously at the insane lyrics of Metal Skool, groove to some old Fat Boys, and chill with Barry Manilow must have a gasket loose somewhere. (Thank goodness there aren't too many people out there like me in the first place!) As they say, different strokes....................... to rule the WOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRLD! :band: (Or something like that.)

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