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The Trixter Thread


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I know these guys don't have the hugest following, but I always liked them. Back when I was starting my collection I came across this and Danger Danger's 'Screw it!' for full price, both of them. I only had enough money for one and after playing both in the shop I went with Danger Danger... but eventually got Trixter too, and that's sort of how I view them. They're excellent, but the sound on the debut just let them down a bit, I think and they always have the "2nd Rate" kind of feel to them, even if I personally love 'em. With the production/sound of 'Hear!' on the debut they would have blown the hard rock world apart, IMO.


Anyway, this is actually a hard poll for me. The 2nd album sounds excellent, and the only tracks I don't like are 'Wild is the heart' and 'Waiting in that line'. The rest is great. The debut has a weaker sound, some horrible fillers ('Ride the whip' - What the hell were they thinking???) but I just think the best songs on here are freakin' amazing. So I'm going to have to go with the debut I think. Here's my picks:


1. Debut... only barely over 'Hear!' (:lol: at my practical joke, putting 'Undercovers' in the poll as though it were a valid option.)

2. 'Heart of steel'... only barely over 'One in a million'.

3. 'What it takes'... only barely over 'Rockin' horse' and 'Nobody's a hero'


Let the thoughts begin!!!

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I also have always liked Trixter. Good stuff. Thought they were a real decent band. One in a million was my fav from (s/t) album and Rockin Horse from (Hear). As far as the (Undercovers) album goes, I don't have it or want it.


Geoff I think your right on the production comment of (Hear). If the (s/t)album had that then maybe Trixter would have as large as Danger Danger in that time period. I really liked the first (2) albums then and I still love to play them today! :)

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Another great poll Geoff! The first is my fave album with "Play Rough" my fave track. "What it Takes" is the best track on Hear imo but that album was weak compared to their first. Hey, why no poll for Undercovers? :)




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1 ~ "Hear"


2 ~ "On And On"


3 ~ "As The Candle Burns"


Softie. :lol::P


Hey, why no poll for Undercovers? :)


:lol: It's because it's too damn great. I couldn't bring myself to ask anyone to pick a favourite of so many awesome/perfect tracks. :rofl2: Seriously, awesome album guys. :tumbsup:

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Wow...it does my Jersey heart good to see that Trixter still have fans as far away as Australia and Switzerland after all these years!


I'm sure I mentioned this in another thread at one time or another but I went to high school in Paramus, NJ with a couple of the Trixter guys. The only one I can say I knew particularly well was Steve Brown (guitar) as he sat next to me in homeroom, hell of a nice guy. Even though my musical tastes tended to be heavier than what Trixter put out, I always kinda rooted for them cuz they were representing my home town. Terrific live band too!


Oh, and I picked the first album, "Give It To Me Good" and "Road of a Thousand Dreams," respectively, for each of the poll questions.

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The 'Hear' album by Trixter was VASTLY underrated and overlooked due to the timing of its release. It is a PHENOMENAL album.....and as such, it is my pick.



Off of the first album I went with "One in a Million".....I dig that tune.



And....off of 'Hear' the song that easily stuck out to me....and it is an unbelievably fine piece of tuneage is "Nobody's a Hero"......love that song!!!!

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The 'Hear' album by Trixter was VASTLY underrated and overlooked due to the timing of its release. It is a PHENOMENAL album.....and as such, it is my pick.



Off of the first album I went with "One in a Million".....I dig that tune.



And....off of 'Hear' the song that easily stuck out to me....and it is an unbelievably fine piece of tuneage is "Nobody's a Hero"......love that song!!!!


I agree totally. Hugely underrated album, & easily my pic. I went with:


One In A Million

Nobodys A Hero

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Isn't it amazing how different opinions can be, even on agreed likable albums? From the debut, I personally thought 'Give it to me good', 'Bad Girl' and 'Ride the whip' (and 'Line of fire' to a lesser extent) were all fillers of the absolute highest calibre... pretty much unlikable, yet 'Give it to me good' has 2 votes already... equal with my pick of 'Heart of steel'. :lol:


That's a cool story too, Keith. Steve Brown, IMO, was quite an excellent guitarist. My buddy (excellent guitarist himself) was obsessed with Trixter for quite a while there. Back when I didn't drive he used to drive us up the coast all the time and he'd always have Trixter playing. He loved 'Power of Love' and 'Runaway Train' (the best 2 "guitar" tracks on 'Hear!'???) which are actually 2 of my least fave on the disc... but I took what I could get. Because he loved 'Bloodrock' too. Great disc overall.

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Yea, Steve was a cool guy, Geoff. I haven't seen him in years but a guy I work with knows him and keeps me up to date on his current doings. Last I heard he was doing a lot of music for TV commercials and indie films, as well as keeping his band "40 Ft. Ringo" going, although that was a while ago.

Pete Loran's sister was also in the same home room as Steve and I (Pete was a year or two ahead of us)... you would've liked HER Geoff, fabulous norks. Too bad she was such a bitch. She's in the "Give It To Me Good" video, she's the girl in a black T-shirt and green shorts (or is it a green shirt and black shorts? I forget, it's been a while since I saw the vid) who waves her hair around in slo-mo for a brief second. Wonder where she is now...?

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Yea, Steve was a cool guy, Geoff. I haven't seen him in years but a guy I work with knows him and keeps me up to date on his current doings. Last I heard he was doing a lot of music for TV commercials and indie films, as well as keeping his band "40 Ft. Ringo" going, although that was a while ago.

Pete Loran's sister was also in the same home room as Steve and I (Pete was a year or two ahead of us)... you would've liked HER Geoff, fabulous norks. Too bad she was such a bitch. She's in the "Give It To Me Good" video, she's the girl in a black T-shirt and green shorts (or is it a green shirt and black shorts? I forget, it's been a while since I saw the vid) who waves her hair around in slo-mo for a brief second. Wonder where she is now...?


I actually think I recall from a video I have with 4 bands (Is it Winger, Trixter, Bon Jovi and Bulletboys? Something like that) But it's an expose thing on these 4 bands. Forget what it's called, but I remember from the interviews that Steve Brown seemed really cool, and I think he had a reputation back in the day as a nice guy. (1) WOW, 'Give it to me good' was a single??? With all those perfect commercial hits THAT was the one selected? How's that for some terrible marketing? No wonder they never "made it". (2) I will check this video and hope that there's a clip from 'Give it to me good' on it. If not, anyone got a Youtube link? I like fabulous norks.


I guess there'd never ever even be any remote talk of a Trixter reunion, hey? I think there was talk a while ago but they were all "over it", weren't they? Especially Pete Loran... from what I recall. Was it he that wrote off Trixter's music in hindsight? Saying they were young and silly and the albums are bad?


Anyone know if 40Ft Ringo still have plans to record another disc? Loved that one too.

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"One In A Million"


"Road Of A Thousand Dreams"

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Yep, "Give It To Me Good" was the first single/video off the first Trixter album (which actually won'em a gold record in the US, so they did sorta "make it", however briefly, over here)... here's a YouTube link to the vid

Give It To Me Good (video)



The girl I was talking about previously comes in at about the two minute mark, I believe... her name was Stacey. What a babe!!

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Thanks Keith... wow, she's only quite briefly there, hey? I'll have to take your word for it mate because I didn't have the pause button ready to go. :D


:lol: at this comment on the video:

"Manitor (7 months ago)

Man Trixter's first album kicked ass but after that they went all ninties and gay Steve Brown was awesome up until "Hear" then it was downhill from there"


What the hell???


Anyway, Youtube is awesome. I think I wanna check it out. I know there's a thread on it elsewhere, but can you save clips to your computer? Are there Danger Danger or Treat or Fate videos on there?

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Yep, "Give It To Me Good" was the first single/video off the first Trixter album (which actually won'em a gold record in the US, so they did sorta "make it", however briefly, over here)... here's a YouTube link to the vid

Give It To Me Good (video)



The girl I was talking about previously comes in at about the two minute mark, I believe... her name was Stacey. What a babe!!


Lime Green shorts....black flowered top tied to show her midriff.................and, yeah....she looks hot! :christmas:

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Yep, "Give It To Me Good" was the first single/video off the first Trixter album (which actually won'em a gold record in the US, so they did sorta "make it", however briefly, over here)... here's a YouTube link to the vid

Give It To Me Good (video)



The girl I was talking about previously comes in at about the two minute mark, I believe... her name was Stacey. What a babe!!


Lime Green shorts....black flowered top tied to show her midriff.................and, yeah....she looks hot! :christmas:


Yep, that's her... and as previously mentioned, she was a typical '80s high school cheerleader bitch on wheels too!

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Hear is my fav cd from these guys and" You'll never see me cryin" and "Rockin Horse" are my fav songs

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I went with




Give It To Me Good (C'mon it is a Great tune, Cheesy yes but a great tune)


Rockin' Horse


Hear! is very underated and should be listened to by people who have not heard it. Check it out. You will not be disappointed.

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Give It To Me Good (C'mon it is a Great tune, Cheesy yes but a great tune)


I hadn't heard it for ages as I always skipped this song when I play the s/t album so I just played it again tonight and I stand by my original comments. Sorry mate, I just think it's a terrible song... 100% filler material, IMO. I just think there are so many obviously commercial rock songs on here that would really have appealed to the masses, and this was just an awful choice for a single. Like plucking the title track off Southgang's 'Tainted angel' CD. Two awful single-making decisions, IMO of course.

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Like both albums...the harder edge of 'Hear!' gets my vote, though.


From the debut, my favourite would be 'Heart Of Steel'


From 'Hear!', my fav is 'Rocking Horse'...."playin' safe ain't gonna get you what you need..." :lol:

Also like 'Runaway Train' a lot...

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"Hear!" is one of those truly-beloved CDs in my collection. Every time I take a long road trip, I make sure this CD is along for the ride...a great driving CD, IMO. :banger: As others have mentioned, the abysmal production on the debut absolutely kills it. It didn't use to bother me, but production values have come so far since the late 80s that now the debut just sounds really piss-poor to my ears, to the point where I almost can't stand to listen to it. About the only 2 songs I still like are "Surrender" and "You'll Never See Me Crying."


"Hear!" just has that rich, powerful, beefier production. (It saddens my hard rock-lovin' heart to hear that production and think of what could have been with the debut... :crying: ) I remember buying "Hear!" when it came out and being absolutely stunned at how much better it sounded. Night & day. Anyway, here are my picks:


1. "Hear!"

2. "Surrender" (lousy production, but a great ballad)

3. "Nobody's a Hero," followed very, very closely by "Power of Love"

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