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Bang Your Head: The Rise and Fall of Heavy Metal by David Konow

Awesome book.


I'm reading 'The Secret Diaries of Adrain Mole' at the moment.

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About three months ago I started reading Michael Crichton's TIMELINE. I got about half way thru it and put it aside cuz I could never find the time (haha) to sit down and read more than a few pages at a clip.


So anyway, a couple of weeks ago while one kid was in school and the other one was napping, I went looking for the book in the hopes of sitting down and bangin' out the other half... and I couldn''t FIND the damn thing!! I've looked everywhere. It didn't even turn up when the wife and I cleaned house top to bottom the week before last in preparation for our older boy's birthday party. :( I can only assume that the 2 year old got hold of it at some point and either stashed it away in a dark corner someplace that only he knows about, or perhaps he dropped it in the wastebasket when nobody was looking (as he has been known to do on occasion -- he chucked out one of his own sneakers awhile back..) Dang. If and when I ever find it I guess I'll have to re-read the whole darn thing... it's been so long that I've forgotten a lot of what I read in the first half...


So anyway, in the interest of moving on, I took the kids to the library this AM to pick out some books and though I have a whole shelf full of stuff that I haven't read yet @ home, I snagged this one for me cuz the cover just jumped out at me:




It's being billed as the "first Star Wars Horror novel." From the jacket description it sounds like a combo of "Event Horizon" and "Night of the Living Dead" set in the Star Wars universe. Sounds gnarly!! Can't wait to get started on it.

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Almost done with that Star Wars book I mentioned in my last post... may bang out the rest of that one tonight.


I've already got my "on deck" book picked out too... lookie what I found today at the Dollar Store, of all places!!




It looks kick-ass! Nice thick book that runs thru AC/DC's entire history (up to 2006, anyway), tons of pictures, adverts, old show flyers, lots of sh*t I've never seen before. Can't wait to dig into it!

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Almost done with that Star Wars book I mentioned in my last post... may bang out the rest of that one tonight.


I've already got my "on deck" book picked out too... lookie what I found today at the Dollar Store, of all places!!




It looks kick-ass! Nice thick book that runs thru AC/DC's entire history (up to 2006, anyway), tons of pictures, adverts, old show flyers, lots of sh*t I've never seen before. Can't wait to dig into it!


I got that AC/DC book from Walmart earlier this year and yes it's a great book.

It really gets into the Youngs early years and the early days of the band and covers all eras as well.

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Desperation by Stephen King.


That was a great book, but it was made into a HORRIBLE movie. If you haven't seen the film version, take my advice, Terry... DON'T. Absolutely god-frickin-awful.

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Desperation by Stephen King.


That was a great book, but it was made into a HORRIBLE movie. If you haven't seen the film version, take my advice, Terry... DON'T. Absolutely god-frickin-awful.


Backed that movie sucked with a capital S.

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Desperation by Stephen King.


That was a great book, but it was made into a HORRIBLE movie. If you haven't seen the film version, take my advice, Terry... DON'T. Absolutely god-frickin-awful.


Backed that movie sucked with a capital S.


Thanks for the input on the film, honestly did not know it existed... but isn't that usually the case about books to movies they mostly suck!


Have you read the follow up to Desperation The Regulators?

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I'm reading the newspaper


And since hardly anyone does that anymore, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as a representative of the beleagured (spelling?) newspaper industry. :lol:


Seriously folks, support your local newspaper. They're cutting heads left and right in this industry, I'm too old to learn a new trade and I got kids to feed dammit!

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I'm reading the newspaper


And since hardly anyone does that anymore, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as a representative of the beleagured (spelling?) newspaper industry. :lol:


Seriously folks, support your local newspaper. They're cutting heads left and right in this industry, I'm too old to learn a new trade and I got kids to feed dammit!


:tumbsup: Long live the newspaper readers :lol:

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Newspapers? Hmmm, just trying to think what they were agai- oh, that right. They're the things I use to line my kitty's litter tray. ;)


Seriously Keith, keep the dream alive! If it makes you feel better I wouldn't read/watch the news if it were written on Amy Reid ti- okay, who am I kidding. But that's the only way you'd get me to read the news. :lol:

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Just finished STEPHEN KING'S UNDER THE DOME, great! It's not his best work, but if you are a King fan, it is a huge, satisfying brick.


I won't give any story, like most of his books the details sound stupid if you say them out loud, but when you are reading it everything seems vividly pausable. Recommend! :)

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Newspapers? Hmmm, just trying to think what they were agai- oh, that right. They're the things I use to line my kitty's litter tray. ;)


I don't give a sh*t if you actually READ the thing, Geoff... just keep buyin' it!!! Once it's in your house, I dont' even wanna know what you do with it. :rofl:

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Newspapers? Hmmm, just trying to think what they were agai- oh, that right. They're the things I use to line my kitty's litter tray. ;)


I don't give a sh*t if you actually READ the thing, Geoff... just keep buyin' it!!! Once it's in your house, I dont' even wanna know what you do with it. :rofl:

Oh, so you mean you don't want to know it's a great rag for cleaning up seme- cement. For when I add bricks to the house.


Most the newspapers we have are just freely delivered local ones, but you'll be happy to know I do try to buy the Sunday newspaper often, for the TV Guide. :) And holiday section's always nice to browse through too. :(

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