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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Great song - average vocals - doesn't do it of rme, buy would be great without the gravel.
  2. Meh, bit boring. I want a snare drum like that though - the range of sounds it produces
  3. Not sure how that is proof. The way I read it is that it went through a transfer airport ie: on it's way to it's destination (you) If I send something to San Fransisco, I dare say it will go through LAX first...
  4. There was a time where I was able to get into the screams. Y&B Attack & THWTD etc Not sure why I can't now. Either I have changed, or maybe the songs aren't as catchy I prefer MS solo stuff these days. More melodic, lower range etc
  5. They had 2 good songs I remember - Home Sweet Home and Every Time I Close My Eyes Look forward to an album
  6. It really just sounds like he's showing off his range in that song. High pitched screams are annoying, song is boring. Boo.
  7. I just had a road trip where I got to try out a few new discs. I'd add Bobaflex to my list now.
  8. Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. Still a fun movie
  9. great song. consider my interest in HCSS officially back on track
  10. Beerfest is great! We watched Blow. Still a fine movie, not quite Goodfellas, but up there.
  11. Me too. A perfect example of how to do a cover. Making it different but essentially the same at the same time.
  12. Toymaker's Dream - Trust Me...I Rock! It rocks a little bit.
  13. Sahara Snow - ST Kinda sucks. Rick at his boringest.
  14. It's only because these bands are considered "hair band OG's" I think many of these bands are only still 'around' so they can get to a point where they can have a 40th anniversary or whatever. There's no real reason otherwise. Music (if it's released) is sub par and uninteresting.
  15. Given this more than a few spins now and overall I'm a bit disappointed. The three songs I mentioned earlier are the strongest for me. While the others aren't filler, they aren't doing anything to my balls (can't think of any of Geoff's analogies right now) I'm a fan of all their albums, and am not comparing to early stuff, just overall an average disc.
  16. Actually looks pretty good. Possibly all came about because of Barney on How I Met Your Mother. That show brought the blonde dude back to the screen
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