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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. At least Nikki and tommy should stop accusing Kiss of copying them now... They got the press they wanted from that.
  2. Lots of poor reviews were good for me to read before I watched it as I loved the book and kind of expected the movie to be epic. The poor reviews allowed me to go in with a blank canvas. As such, I thought it was good. Agree some seemed rushed. Normally you'd expect a downward spiral for Vonce when he left the band and Skylar got ill, but that was all pretty fast. Also skipped his solo albums. In fact it was hard to tell how many years had passed at times. Smacked of a Netflix movie rather than a big budget movie like the Queen one. My 19 yo daughter loved it. My wife thought it was ok. Apparently fans love it, but the critics don't...
  3. For Geoff: Metal Church are touring Aus in August. Not my type of music. Maybe yours though. Corabi plays MC94 album + extras next week Pop Evil are the week after. Tix are cheap at $55 each
  4. My expectations were probably a bit high after the first one, so I was a little let down. Second time i watched I really enjoyed though. Kind of like The Equalizer. Looking forward to JW3 though.
  5. Not really a spoiler, I dare say he'll live through JW3 Much the same as hale of the avengers and earths population will have to come back for all the planned sequels lol Saw Triple Frontier. Nice enough movie, with a couple of nice surprises, but got frustrating watching it and the cringy at the end.
  6. Dead Pool 2 - still great Altitude - Denise Richards, Dolph Lundgren Acting - poor Plot - poor Production - poor Special Effects = poor
  7. Edit: Track 3 had a pretty cringeworthy moment where he references Kiss, Gene and Paul, and then rhymed it with piss. Still a nice song, but those lines will make it hard to enjoy. Hopefully more listens with soften the cornyness, like the chorus of Hide Your Heart the first time you heard it...
  8. Mike Tramp - Stray From The Flock I've stuck with Mike through his solo stuff. Some great stuff, some average stuff, a fair bit of stuff that takes a lot of listens to start to enjoy. This new album is great so far. Only 3 songs in. Opened with an 8 minute epic continuing his anti war stance Second song is very radio friendly formulatic poppy song Third is a ballad. Again nothing fresh, but pretty catchy.
  9. Aquaman - pretty much sucked. Really weird that DC went this way which was kind of a mash between a comic book and a Transformers movie with all the effects. They kind of made 3 movies squashed into one, which speaks of the lack of ability to get really depth and story to a more basic script. Instant Family - way better than expected. Nothing too new here, but enjoyable without being too routine.
  10. Just looked for a thread on this and could not find one. If there is one just let this one die. Read that the new Mike Tramp is out and I missed both the lead up and the release, so handy to have a thread for upcoming releases from those who have their finger on the pulse...
  11. I'm pretty stereotypical with my faves being Scorps WW Live Maiden Live After Death Tesla 5 Man Kiss Alive II They are the only ones which come to mind. Not a huge live album fan, and since these albums most releases have been for cash rather than art.
  12. I thought Peppermint was great. And I was let down with Equalizer 2, after the first one being pretty awesome.
  13. I've always enjoyed all Tesla albums, and enjoy the slower songs mostly so this should be a good one for me. I've I get a break from work I may try and grab me a copy soon. Haven't even been to the shops for 2 weeks.
  14. For me good music is good music. I don't mind if Tesla sound like ACDC so long as they sound like 'good ACDC' Much prefer great Def Lep Tesla than average Tesla Tesla I'm also a Frank Hannon solo fan so hopefully the description above with 'more solos, some acoustic' has an element of his solo stuff in them
  15. Saw The Favorite Was ok kinda boring.
  16. I was thinking the same thing re Krokus, which is OK by me, as I much prefer them to ACDC. I think this will be a grower, as are Krokus albums with me. just went and listened to some Running With The Dogs and the only song that really hit Krokus in any way there was Get The Party On Anyway, look forward to this, always dug their music.
  17. Another great song from one of the best albums last year. The more I've heard it, the closer it gets to Shiraz Lane. I'd say they were both my $1's at the moment.
  18. god DLR is boring to listen to. Full of weird anecdotes and pseudo intellectual blabber Never really answered any questions of presented a point of view. No problems with him not wanting to dish dirt and get involved in the usual VH drama, but that take away any interest in listening to him. Give me Bian Wheat telling people to fuck off any day
  19. I'm on a road trip exhibiting at the International Convention Centre in Sydney so have been playing songs from the upcoming concerts when I get back. I have Pop Evil - Colours Bleed in my head. Not a fan of Rage Against the Machine type music but I was sure this was a cover of one of those types of songs, but apparently not. The more I've heard it the more I like it
  20. A Different Kind Of Truth just because Stay Frosty. I love that song.
  21. Ill throw in my VH for shits & giggles. Safe to say I'm more a Van Hagar fan 1. 5150 2. FUCK 3. Balance 4. OU812 5. 1984 6. A Different Kind of Truth 7. Van Halen I 8. Fair Warning 9. Van Halen II 10. Women & Children First 11. Diver Down 12. Van Halen III
  22. Great call on Prisoners In Paradise.
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