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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    Yep, spot on. I wasn't having a dig, just relaying how I read teh comment. I want people to make worthy comments and challenge my thinking, and wording things correctly helps that. I mean if we were discussing aliens I'd ratehr read "aliens exist" than "one day the truth about aliens will get out there" The first one you can argue and discuss, the second is all hypothertical, or a statement made without anything solid to back it up.
  2. Ron Young quotes... After setting their fans on fire, and then subjecting them to the Corona Virus, Great White announce their "Only The Strong Survive Tour" where the VIP package comes with a rabid, exploding Weasel. Dan was a great Tour Manager with tons of respect and experience. He took the fall for these guys because he was the one that ignited it. He came to me and told me they planned to use it and I told him No as he didn't have a licensed pyro tech to do it, didn't have the fire blanket or the required dedicated extinguishers to plan for the worse. Because they couldn't afford the tech or the proper pyro for indoor, they made a tragic error in judgement. Because Dan was so experienced and knew that the things I mentioned weren't present and triggered it, he took the fall when the band knew damn well it was mickey mouse operation. they want an arena show in a club and people died for that ego bullshit. They got lucky on all those other nights. Then when they pulled it off in a venue that was old, low ceiling and didn't tell anyone, a tragedy occurred. It was only a matter of time. Even when I told them they couldn't do it, they still set it up. Good thing I'm a cynical douchebag that knew they were arrogant and waited. Pulled their cheap ass pyro off the stage and threw it in the parking lot out the load out door. Fuckers. Too soon for what?....calling them out. My friend who was the Tour Manager who took the fall for when they burned down that club begs to differ. Read my other response. They knew EXACTLY how dangerous their shitty, low rent pyro was during their first calamity that wasn't meant for indoor use being set off by amateurs. They went for the money play again and used bad judgement once more....so no....it's not "too soon"....it's actually too late. Like so many artists who have done some bad shit...you can love their art and dislike them as humans. But we need to call things what they are. Of all bands to be subjecting folks to danger...no matter what your take on this Virus....they shouldn't be one of the first ones back out there. Not when I know so many guys who are starving, staying off the road for the safety of their fans and band members. After setting their fans on fire, and then subjecting them to the Corona Virus, Great White announce their "Only The Strong Survive Tour" where the VIP package comes with a rabid, exploding Weasel.
  3. Yeah, Ron Young ripped into them of Facebook. Talked about the fire and how he advised that they shouldn't have pyro eyc> I'll see if I can find what he said. Interesting, and ballsy to put it out like he did.
  4. CureTheSane


    I get that there may be lasting respirtory issues for those who have had the virus, particularly in serious cases. But th point is the terminology. Need to be careful with wording, or people will diregard what youa re trying to say. "the truth will come out" alludes to some kind of secret supression of information.
  5. CureTheSane


    Just a heads up, when you write things like "the truth will come out in a few years" it indicates that there is some sort of coverup at play and smacks of conspiracy theory. It kind of nullifies any point you were trying to make for me.
  6. CureTheSane


    Here's a outsiders POV with the US and corona. Basically they're fucked. I can't see any other chice but to move on and reopen and support business. if they don't, the economy is screwed, which leads to people being screwed, and a severe depression potentially. There were opportunities to slow the spread, but they were missed. Closing NY would have been wise. But everyone was learning how to deal when it all happened, some just made better decisions than otehrs. As for the schools, that one is a bit tricky, obviously for government run schools. I'm not familiar with how it works in the US in more detail. Everyone has the right to quit their job, teacher, cafe worker, etc. Can only go on how our government handled schools and transmission between kids was suppoesed to be very low. Just my outsider opinions, based on what I know. it's a sucky situation and good luck to everyone stayin safe.
  7. CureTheSane


    I'm lucky in that my main business ships all around the country, and they are unaffected. We've been busier than ever of last, like at least twice as busy. We had a 3 week lull, and then boom! Lucky, but other businesses are not doing as well. Many people thought we were coming out of this, and spent money they didn't have yet, then the second wave hit so they are in some trouble. Resturants take away only again, gyms, etc closed again.
  8. I'll get this, but for some reason everyone is overly frothing it. Maybe the quality of music lately has been below expectations and covers are the most inspiring thing? Just a covers album, a good one, but still just that.
  9. CureTheSane


    Australia is doing very well, excepy my state, Victoria with record numbers overnight. This second wave happened to us, and now we're in lockdown again. The spanish flu had 3 waves with the second being the most significant.
  10. no no No is very true to the original,a nd it just as shit as the original. Heart Of Chrome is a great song, but very hard to come close to singing. Have a look at live footage of Paul trying to sing it, and it's hard to watch lol
  11. Firstly, I like my throne secondly, I'm pretty sure these bands aren't playing Melbourne... I've seen Electric Boys a couple of times supporting international bands. They're ok, but nothing that made a huge impact on me.
  12. Pretty sure it was, but by then TS were pretty much done. LIFS is a Dee album under the TS name to try and help it do well, ironically interest probably would have been greater if he released as a solo album. So Hot Love did a little bt, but compared to the few big hits, nothing like it should have. Thought of another one Extreme - Unconditonally
  13. Take The Dog Off The Chain - Babylon AD Humans Being - VH Poison Apples - Motley Halfway To Heaven - Europe (not sure if this got significant airplay, but nowhere near their big hits) Beleive - Stryper Until You Suffer Some - Poison (I know this did ok, and was a single, but is easily their best song for me) Say Goodbye - Krokus Raise your Glasses - Kiss Letter To A Friend - Warrant Heartbreak Suicide - Danger Danger Nobody Wins In The end - Nelson Cure The Sane - Dangerous Toys Hot Love - Twisted Sister Angela - Motley Goin' Home Tonight - White Lion Slave to Love - Quiet Riot Chasing Rainbows - Wig Wam
  14. I'm not really into or overly interested in the local scene, I generally wait for a band to be good enough to 'make it' eg Roxus, Candy Harlots etc This band is from my city (Melbourne) and a friend sent me a linkt o this song and I actually really like it. Not sure if its old or new, but I'll check more out based on the strength of this song...
  15. Heard this a few times now. Great album. Stand outs so far are Fuck It Out In the Open Flyover State 6Ft Middle-Age American Man Pretty Crazy
  16. Wow, some comments in this thread tippify the closed minds of those who won't listen to anything otehr than popular opinion. Some people like to think they are on the righteous path and simply shut themselves down to any real discussion and debate. I don't see anything said here that is offensive or disrespectful. For some reason, the loud minority on this board seem to be questioning the medias presentation of BLM and also the public sentiment and looking to see if it is misguided. Ironic that the tables turn and it generates upset.
  17. Was listening to my Pop Evil mix today up really load in the car and this one came on. Love the clip, and the song was amazing live. Hooks, heavy melodies, but most here will likely brand modern rock and dismiss it. Play it loud and get into it
  18. I like this, and I wasn't a huge fan of the recent album. I guess I like generic
  19. Howe was the weekend for you DarkStone?
  20. Yep, they sure as hell can't chew them
  21. Yep, Also agree the songs all sound the same. I lump them in with Maiden who continue to do what worked a long time ago, but are missing a lot of hooks and melodies. I'll probably cop shit for that from Styrper and Maiden fans I guess. Disclaimer - massive Maiden fan until Fear Of The Dark and Stryper to Believe on the greatest hits album. After that I cn only pluck a few keepers from each band
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