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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    Yeah, this is a valid point. Something anti Trumpers should be celebratinga nd giving credit where it's due, but easy to slot into a drawer and shut it, then lock it, never to be thought about again - back on the train that only allows anti Trump news Disclaimer: I'm no Trump fan.
  2. You'd have no rights to bare arms here, but the good thing is that you don't really need to bare arms here. Of course there is violence, and shootings. But comparitively negligable compared to the States. I don't think we really have school shootings here, at least I never hear about them. Also, forget what you may have been lead to believe, people here generally aren't racist. More a case of people frowning on some of the widespread actions of some communities, drinking related violenve, raping children, drug realted violence, children being taken from families for their own wellbeing by the government, general gang, or mob, violence. I mean, Alice Springs, the capital of the Northern territory, was on a travel danger list a while ago. Recently some of my friends went there and were strongly advised not to go out into the streets after 10pm. They scoffed and went to leave for some reason, and were litterally stopped and explained just how dangerous it is. We're all pretty chill. Treat people the same regardless of skin colour, other languages spoken etc. We equally discriminate against poor drivers, wherther it be and old Chinese lady, an Indian dude with no clue, or a fat while businessman who thinks he owns the roads. The only really poor group of people here are Collingwood supporters, with a very few exceptions....
  3. Don't think we'll ever get old style BJ back, and like you I'm cool with that. He obviously has an audience still, it just isn't us any more. Crush was my time to ease out of Bon Jovi. A few nice songs sice then, but overall I became pretty disinterested. But there are otehr bands, if theya ren't for me any more, no problems, just move on...
  4. dude, the opportunity you missed. You could have taken on the persona Snake Pliskin... .... um, I don't have anything more to say on it all. Wouldn't want to be in many places in the US right now. I'd rather sit here in lockdown in the shameful state of Victoria which let the virus get away from us and now all borders to us are shut down. We're the ugly bastard child of Australia
  5. Cool. I've been to the US 3 times. Never felt in danger, but according to you, I should never visit again for fear of being assaulted. I mean I can't have a weapon over there legally if I visit. Basically you're saying that your whole country is fucked. you make it out like the country is akin to Manhattan in Escape From New York. That's where you're at?
  6. The only thing I really take out of that is "he was legally carrying an AK-47" I mean, like, I really don't know how to address that. I'm sure there are pro gun rights people here, and cool for you, you can Beastie Boys it. But damn, words fail me. Forget the BLM stuff. take an AK-47 to an event like that, point it at people, cool. Don't be all that surprised if you get shot and killed. That's my feeling on the specific circumstances here. Bu the fact that he was legally able to have a gun like that, at all, ever, and in public, I mean, there is nothing I can say to explain what's wrong with that. If you don't see it already, you simply won't.
  7. I like Old Dominion, so compared to that the country influence is minimal
  8. Lisened to their 2019 self titled album today and it's pretty great.
  9. I heard Home a few years ago, and had them on my list to check out. Just listening to some tonight and I'm pretty happy with what I'm hearing. Maybe more modern than some like, but for me it has melodies and hooks and that rustic, bluesy, country, pub band type sound. Kind of remind me of The New Roses a bit. I'll have a good look at their catalogue soonish I think.
  10. Maybe I'm hearing 1983 compared to the rest of the album More a reference to earlier comments in the thread.
  11. Listening for the first time now. Thin Line is easily the stand out so far. I mean, if you want a song from 1983, which this kind of is I think the rest will take a few more listens...
  12. Yeah. I'll get there. Geoff sold it earlier by saying that they weren't smothered with syrupy synth.
  13. Seems everyone dropped this album. Waterfall Presence Of Mind The Road To Redemption Hollogram All killer tracks.
  14. Got around to this one and had a few spins. Stand outs for me are Grit Your Teeth Man On A Mission Consequence Of Having A Heart Battles Ain't A War Save Me From Myself How We Live Only songs I don't like that much are the first two and maybe the last one, wouldn't call them fillers, but just not for me. Overall I really like it, as mentioned earlier, this is my first time listening to this band.
  15. Geoff, dude, see the smiley face at the end of the line? I was only fucking with ya, I take the you and Glen stuff more as banter. Even if it isn't, it's still fairly tame considering the subject matter.
  16. Admittedly I thought it was Glen, mainly becase Geoff tends to go for him over these issues But considering the subject matter, I have found it all to be VERY FUCKING RESPECTFUL. Don't know of anywhere else where politicla views and BLM stuff etc is handled with such lack of agro than here. For me, that ADDS to the board as it makes (me at least) feel ok about expressing myself more than I perhaps wouuld. All that said, if there is a feeling thet there are more politcal threads than music (what are there 2 or 3 political threads?) then start some more music threads. It's easy to do, just pick a topic. Go back to the 80's and ask for bands that play music like 80's Crue, or sound off about a favorite band that never got the respect they should have, ordo a desert island discs, etc The usual shit, but it's fun, and music.
  17. ...listen to music, and ignore life... haha, it's pretty easy to see which threads have political content, just don't open them. I don't give a crap if you choose to moderate the board without this content, your board, your choice. BUT, if you do, you kind of have to apply that to other areas people might suggest shouldn't be here, like the thread with the naked girlies. again your choice, but you are restricting what people do, and some won't like it and leave, then everyone is worse off.
  18. Here's the standard argument, I see over and over... "Black lives matter" "No, all lives matter" "You just don't get it" *starts preaching about white privilege (racist), lack of understanding of problems blacks face (condescending). I could go on.... I can only speak on behalf of issues local to me, regarding rasicm in Australia. Some linkness could possibly be made to the USA and otehr countries. Overall, I don't think Australians are racist. Those who are, unfortunately, likely live in areas where there is a large degree of violence and law breaking done by indigenous communities. Still, I would suggest these people are in the vast minority. So looking at my country as a whole here are my issues, with this 'movement' The biggest issue I have, by far, is that while there is division, there will never be unity. What this means, is that while indigenous people are separated, and grouped together, how can they get what they want, to simply be considered equal and the same as all other Australians? The media is shit scared to provide any form of impartial reporting of the issues, to explore real answers and to address some real concrens that perhaps develop a degree of recism. Believe it or not, the government does not take children away from families unless the child is in a dire situation. Read the signs at protests and it sounds like they are sitting, waiting for kids to be born, to snatch them away. No, there is some disgusting stuff happening to these kids, and they are saved from these environments. We had many different sports have the players take a knee before the start of each game. This seems to have stopped afetr a few weeks. Why? Surely if they were passionate about it, they would cpntinue until they achieved the change they wanted... The AFL (football) has an inigenous round every year, it has polls on the 'deadliest' player, where indigenous players are compared to each other to choose the best amongst them. Last year, the pre season competition had 4 teams, one of which was composed of indigeinous players only. How are racist Australians supposed to learn to accept them as simply being Australians when they are onstantly pointed out as being different? I believe our government has done, and is doing, a lot to help indigenous communities. I won't go into the additional (significant) benerfits they are afforded. To me, all lives matter is a reflection of what is above. All lives are equal, and should be treated equally. If this does not hapen, then racism will develop, due to inequities, resentment and bias. I don't go around preaching 'all lives matter', but if I was to, it would not be due to ignorance, but to well thought out and researched ideals, and the reaction "you just don't get it" to me, is just a sheep mentality answer made by someone who does not want to, or more likely canno, discuss the issue and form their own opinions. Again, this is all relevant to my perception of my country. I'm sure in some areas of the US, many would agree, and other areas, the South or whatever, people would say taht I don't understand, and there would be more merit in that.
  19. CureTheSane


    He banned the devices that allow semi automatic guns to mimic automatic gune. No small feat in the US Got Mexico to overhaul it's labour laws He is seeking to reduce poverty encountered by those with HIV The First Step Act Record unemployent before corona hit. Lowest black unemployment ever. Supporting Hong Kong Developing a renewal of manufaturing in the US I mean there are more things obviously, some will agree, pothers won't Could talk about tax reforma nd benefits for business, strategic and positiove moves made with and against friends and foes, etc etc None of the is particulalrly exceptionsal, but it never sees the light of day, which is a shame.
  20. CureTheSane


    I agree with that, which is why I don't say too much about Trump. I think he accepts that his haters will never change, and I believe that they will forever be blinded by the good things he has done, and there have been some really good things. If people can't acknowledge that he has done some good things, then that sums up their bias and are a lost cause. But I'm no big supporter of his, but I am a fan. His entertainment value is unquestionable
  21. I was never a huge fan of the original. Didn't hate it, but didn't froth it. I like the cover much better. I've tried the band, but nothing has really grabbed me, sadly this cover is probably their best song.
  22. If you like that, then this was off their latest album. Took me a while to get into it, very Rage against The Machine and the like. I love how the secong haf of the song compliments the first half while being very different. Would be a good one live.
  23. CureTheSane


    Yeah, that's pretty obvious, and it's their claim. Unfortunately the way they went about it was tos ay that they weren't effective against the virus, to stop the public buying them out. Fucking idiots. Now a huge portion of the population thinks they are a waste of tme, when it matters to wear them. This is what lies (blatant lies) get. How about they said "masks are effective, but we need all we can get for health professionals" They how about the government comandeer what they need so the public can't savage stock piles? Treat epople like idiots and they will act like idiots. Then don't complain that people are acting like idiots.
  24. OK, I'll skip the twp above, two of the best. 100 In A 55 - old school-ish rock Torn To Pieces - a song Leigh wrote as a trbute to his father, probably their best ballad, along with Purple Beautiful - like many of their songs this is more on the uplifting side, rather than the usual depressing love lost type song. Footsteps - this one takes a few listens to totally get and get into, but it's worth it. Play it loud, so the beat echos through your chest. Another positive song. Be Legendary - off their most recent album, possibly written about me
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