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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I mean I have to say, those 'terrible' things that Trump has done to the US, are pretty much all debatable. I understand partisan people out there will revel in them, but some aren't even worth mentioning. It's a pretty big tick for Trump if that's the worst that can be brought up to make a case that he is doing bad to the USA. Actually surprising that tehre wasn't more to put forward.
  2. All this tax talk. If it's legal, people will take advantage. Don't like it, fight to have the laws changed so that it can't happen. It's really a non-issue. Agree Trump will likely survive with the best care in the world, however, given his age, weight and heart, there is a chance that if he gets a bad case of it, nothing will save him.
  3. I no longer think Trump will win the election. Chances are he won't be alive for it.
  4. I'm one of the minority who like Jack-less GW and Jack solo stuff as well. Not much interest in Jack covering GW acoustically though...
  5. Love the original, and this is a great cover.
  6. Listened to some more and the singer kind of annoys me how he exhales after every line he sings. Kinda generic, the ballad was nice.
  7. Reminded me of Paul DiAnno in the first song at least. The Dianno from the s/t release which was kinda more AOR.
  8. I didn't watch the debate. no interest. But I can say that Trump won it. Why? Becuse all I've heard about since is that they were equally stupid and caricatures of themselves. So Trump won, because he managed to drag Biden down to him level, thereby making him not much of an alternative to himself for many voters (better the devil you know, or something like that)
  9. This bands name sounds like the title of a Steel Panther album (the Japanese release of Mother Lode)
  10. All I recall about Alien was a most awesome cover of The Air That I Breathe But for sure I like the sound of the song above. Close your eyes and listen to it and you can't help but imagine a 25 year old kid singing. still has a youthful voice.
  11. Meh, sounds like a filler track on an Ugly Kid Joe album. Boring and generic.
  12. So he didn't invent health care, or schooling, or working relationships with other countries, or the right to choose, or a covid action plan. Hate to break it to you, but everything is taken from evenyone else. Peace in the middle east wasn't Trumps idea, but he made it happen. Biden stands for these things, regardless of whether he created them, stole them, wants to expand on them, etc This is what you are looking at when you decide to vote. You can be 90% of the population and vote based on how you feel after being brainwashed by the media. or you can look at the issues, the political stand points and who is going to be best for your country moving forward. I'm sounding like a Biden supporter, which I am not. I had to google what he stands for as he gets no press over here. I would say that what I have said above is more applicable to all the Trump haters than anyone else. they are the ones so brainwashed by his caricature of himself, is tweets, the late show hosts and press in general, that they have missed all the good he has done.
  13. OK, so I clicked on one link from Google and saw on that page 5 issues that I was able to in principle agree with A national test and trace programme for covid Restore America's reputation... and maybe take on China Expand Obamacare Universal pre-school, expand free college Abortion rght to choose Not sure why this is seen as being so hard...
  14. I mean I don't fucking know anything about Biden. All we hear here are rump this Trump that. And you know what they say about any press... Anyway, I refuse the believe that Biden does not have at least 5 goals, policies, morals, whatevers, that most people can't agre with. They either are 1. So pro-Trump (or the less likely anti-Biden) that they refuse to even explore what Biden is on about and where he stands on all things that peple will be voting for, or 2. Simply voting with emotion and gut feelings, influenced by the media, that they aren't interested in hearing what he has to say (the way most people vote in elections) You could apply the same arguments for those who refuse to accept that Trump has done some good things.
  15. Nah, then NRL maybe. Our duty should be to have the only 3 countries on the planet to not accept and use the metric system to use it. USA Burma Liberia
  16. Yeah, as I thought, neither side is prepared to look at the other side in any other way than hate and resentment.
  17. So here's a fun game. Trump supporters, name 5 things that you think that Biden brings to the table that would be great. Biden supporters, name 5 good things that trump has done since he has been president.
  18. They are pretty close. 1 meter = 1.09361 yard
  19. Not gonna ruin it with a sneak peek. Was listening to Bia Bang today. Damn, they have some great stuff, want a new album from them. Gonna go and see if they have anything in the works.
  20. haha, yeah, I mixed up Electric Circus with Restless Gypsy. or perhaps I was thinking the LA Guns. Andy Timmons also did a song by that name. I know this as I wrote the lyrics for it.
  21. Yep, need a few more listens to the EP though.
  22. Van Hagar is my preferred VH. Over here, we really didn't get too much of the earlier stuff. Jump put them on the map, unless you were harcore 'metal' back then. I mean when 1984 came out I was 14 or 15, so I was just moving to hard rock, getting into Kiss and Maiden etc. I mean I Was Made For lovin' You pretty much put Kiss on the map in Australia, and then Shandi solidified them. So VH never toured Australia with Sammy or Dave. Sammy toured solo, and VH toured with Dave in 2013, but we never got to see the real Dave show. In the end, I'm not a huge fan of pre 1982 stuff. There are a few songs... More a fan of early Sammy stuff, post Montrose. The last album they had contained a few songs. Stay Frosty is great.
  23. You guys would then be the loud minority, given how well the song did. Or maybe Diamond Dave fans Yeah, I'm always up for a Sammy vs Dave argument...
  24. So a band named after a WASP song, releasing songs with the same titles as Twisted Sister, Def Leppard and Saigon Kick Not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. Shoot Em Down is nice.
  25. CureTheSane


    D-Day for us here. Today we hear what we will be allowed to do as the virus new cases have been in the 20's every day for the last week or so. I'm predicting compusory face masks still No change to the 5km radius Mabe a few more business types will be allowed to open Curfew will be lifted (as it was illegal in the first place) although I actually agree with the curfew - where the fuck are we gonna go anyway? 5km limited travel radius, shopping centres and pubs closed and not allowe to visit anyone lol
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