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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. CureTheSane


    HMS Glen And it sailed for the Isles Of Music, never to be seen in these treacherous waters again...
  2. I get this sometimes, When a band releases an album, and it's new and exciting and I miss it and then go back after hearing new albums by the band. Never been able to get into debut albums by White Lion, LA Guns, and a bunch of other bands. Sometimes people post band here who I've never heard of and it's just 80's stuff, nothing too stand-outy, but if I'd heard it when released, maybe I'd have frothed it in that time...
  3. This album always brings me back to my first trip to Bali. They were playing it loud in the music shops the whole time i was there, until I bought the tape. I found a whole bunch of new bands on that trip
  4. Man, I got confused. All the songs posted bar 1 didn't make my keepers. Living A Lie is the standout by far for me Hollywood Angels Burning Love Ride The Wings Of Freedom
  5. CureTheSane


    So today my state is under stricter restrictions as we had a second new case coming from the quarantine of the Australia Open Tennis players. So because our leader likes tennis, and can't get quarantine together, we are all suffering. He cancelled the F1 Grand Prix, he mustn't like that. But I am not allowed to complain about that because Glen has it worse in the UK. I'd like some people from Brazil, India, US, Mexico or wherever to come on here and tell you to shut up and be thankful that you don't have it as bad as them. Everything is the same, just on a different scale. The comment I replied to was not made by someone in the UK. Not everything has to come back to the UK and your personal take on it. And yes, they way you word you comments, at times smacks of someone who rejoices being able to be a part of the conversation because you're up there with the covid prime movers. Anyone you don't approve making a comment on covid, should remain silent. Compare that to the US election crap where you could have been told to keep your opinion to yourself 100 times. But you won't see this comment, because it's only music threads for you from now on. Unless it's like the 10 billion times you said "I'm out" on the election thread. Yes, I think you'll be back You seem to think of yourself as the board intellectual who has the definitive answers to everything. You can't let a prime chance for a reply slip by...
  6. CureTheSane


    hahahahahahaha Most of that statement is crazy and you know it.
  7. You know, no matter what band, there is always gonna be at least one or two tracks on a newer album that you will like. Just depends if you are willing to wade through the junk top get to them. Mostly I do, sometimes I don't. eg: Bon Jovi I don't. Off Secret Society, I found 5 great songs. Off Bag Of Bones, I only has 2 keepers. S/T and Bring It All Home. Then off Walk The Earth I managed 3.
  8. CureTheSane


    So condescending and belittling. You are telling me that my opinion is worth less because I am in a country doing well with covid... I read through the comments below, here's how they read... "shut up, we have worse covid than you, how dare you try to complain about how you are being governed, just be quiet and hope that you don't have to go through what we are going through" Geoff was making a point about how we are being controlled here in Australia. Sure covid is the reason, but that doesn't make it acceptable to be unreasonable in the way you are treating your citizens. You really should go live in the States, the US seems your passion. You must have been so happy when the UK got covid bad, because you got to be one of the big boys with big covid problems. Worldwide Glen knows everything and has a definitive, absolutely correct opinion on all world matters. covid in all countries, the rule of all governments around the world, and lest not forget US politics. If I was you, I would seriously take a step back and take a look at how you come off here. Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially when they clearly don't.
  9. meh Impossible to improve and near impossible even stand beside that song.
  10. Heard the sample and was a big 'meh' Then this, which is amazing. Faith restored.
  11. CureTheSane


    If you'd posted that a couple of years ago, I'd think you were a crazy conspiracy theorist. Sadly, with everything that's gone down, there is a lot of merit to it.
  12. Cover would have been cool if it looked remotely like a tattoo
  13. I mean I haven't heard it, but 100% for sure it's lame Actually, I really only like a few live albums. They did them better in the old days Live After Death, 5 Man Acoustic, World Wide Live
  14. I've given this a few spins now and I fucking love it. Not sure why more people aren't raving about it, but give it a listen if you like 80's sleazy rock with nice hooks and melodies.
  15. lame. I'm sure Mitch does a great job and I'll dig what he does. But a live album just to show him off is lame. Only 12 tracks is lame. 10 songs and 2 intros is lame. Mostly early stuff is lame. Just make some new music if you're so happy with the singer and all.
  16. Yep, Danny McBride on guitar, Adam Levine vocals, John Goodman drums, Waltom Goggins on Bass
  17. Yeah that solo album deserves to be placed up on some kind of pedestal. Talk about no filler, all killer. Smacks of years of writing, refining and perfecting a bunch of songs that were defs not in the Europe style and hitting hard when the time was right.
  18. Of recent albums, they also have killer tracks that many may have missed Always The Pretenders Wish I Could Believe Devil Sings The Blues New Love In Town Bag Of Bones Bring It all Home Walk The Earth Of course Joey's first solo album A Place To Call Home is an absolute must, just a killer album all round His ST solo album in 2002 was also great
  19. Um, yeah, should have read through before I replied lol. Saw Europe live when they toured a couple of years ago, and they were great, really great, which kinda surprised me for some reason.
  20. You missed what I was getting at... They are not just keepers, but defining songs Far better than just keepers.
  21. The Treatment are great. Running With The Dogs is their best for me. They do ACDC far better than ACDC The song above had a bit of Def LEp in the bridge
  22. Yeah it was surprising to me that IO had never really appreciated his work until the other day. Maybe I did in the past and forgot that I had recognised it lol Either that or I was concentrating too hard on struggling with all the religious bs that I forgot to let go and just enjoy. I mean same with Eddie VH to a degree. A new VH disc would come out, but unless something really different was happening (Poundcake) you kinda know what you were about to hear and sometimes didn't appreciate what the guitar brough because youw ere so used to it.
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