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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I really enjoy this band, but I have no idea who anyone is in this band. in fact that goes for amny bands these days. Maybe it's just not having the times to look it up, or maybe I just don't care that much any more lol
  2. Each to their own, but for me this has been a pretty great year. Looking back at what I've managed to get through, I was very happy with all of the following... Cats In Space Haren Scarem Collateral Gotthard Hell In The Club Five Finger Death Punch Butch Walker Confess Steel City Bonfire Revolution Saints DeVicious Captain Black Beard Maryann Cotton Dynazty Black Stone Cherry Vega Tokyo Motor Fist Arctic Rain Bonfire SteelCity HEAT
  3. So I listened to this and it's pretty bland on teh first listen. Only real stand out was the last song, because it's a slow ballad and suits the bland vibe. Hopefully will get better with more listens...
  4. I hate threads like this. My expectations for this are so high they will certainly drop when I hear it. Then afetr more listens it will surge I;m sure, but there is no way it can come close to what i am expecting lol
  5. Normally I don't bother with reissues/remasters, but if they have changed it up, I'll give it a go. Love the album, but trixter have always been a bit bubblegum/poppy. Would be interesting to hear this with a real hard edge.
  6. I like it. I like Collateral. Wish the song had some huge gang vocals for the chorus, as it's all pretty much the same temps/vibe, but still a good song.
  7. Has anyone touched on Collingwood's awesome trade period yet? lol :)
  8. Meh. may as well fight against enforcement of seat belts, or not being allowed to carry guns. Sometimes people have to be ordered to do what is known to be safe to protect themselves and others. Not looking for a debate into guns or the effectiveness /consequences of vaccines. Simply, IMO, there is a vast greater good for accepting them compared to the rare complications. covid vaccine is the same, tried and tested, safe, and I'm happy if people are obligated to get it to go about their normal lives.
  9. Live is just a live album. Xmas was good, but not great, the main song is good and will be played soon. There is some challenging stuff on Narnia for some Tragic Alter Ego Thunder In The Night One Small Step Destination Unknown Of all the songs She Talks Too MUch took me the longest to get into. Unicorn is an instant killer Not sure of the inspiration behind Silver And Gold but I always think of Kiss when I hear it Hologram Man is also a cool song lyrically.
  10. Scarecrow is their weakest for me, with only 8 keepers Daytrip To Narnia is also amazing, pretty sure EVERY song on that was a keeperf or me, very rare feat.
  11. I have confidence that tests will be thorough enough. I'd take it happily. As someone said, some vaccines will be better for some, and otehr vacines for other people. can't force people to take it, can't even force people to be tested. But if you wanna travel, you'll need to prove you've had it. Wanna use daycare, or send your kids to school? same thing Etc You're liely gonna have to get it regardless. Those who decide to wait until enough have been vaccinated to pretty much eliminate covid will only suffer in other ways....
  12. Yeah, obviously some cover up colour, not dye, but something brushed in that 'washed' out lol Remember when he was mayor of NY and hailed as a saviour, turning around crime, or something like that. Seems to have fallen far...
  13. Great album Keepers for me were We'll Never Leave The Castle Nostalgia Lullaby For An Angel Tokyo Nights Lucifer's Magic
  14. CureTheSane


    Simply a state leader doing all he could to fix his massive fuck up. Only reason it worked was that Australians seems to be happy to do whatever thaey are told (on the most part) Like I said earlier, in the US, or most other countries, the public would never obey like we did. In the end it was a good thing to be simps to the leaders, as it got the results, but they would be outrage overseas, with rights and constitution, and protests, and riots etc etc Overall, we are luck, we are an island/continent/country. We have much more control than somewhere like Europe. Same with New Zealand, Fiji, etc
  15. CureTheSane


    The measures put in place here a far more severe than what is in place in Maryland. We were only allowed out of home for 1 hour per day to go shopping or exercise for a couple of months. We had acurfew 8pm to 5am. Fies were issued. etc etc And those measures worked and got the numbers back to zreo new cases for the last 17 days. So they fixed the major fuckup our state government made in allowing the second wave. But I'm not going to mention how sucky the measures are that are still in place here as some think I should just deal with it and be thankful that we are doing well. Of course I am, but apparently I have nothing to complain about...
  16. Yeah but tell me that doesn't apply to everyone is politics in every country. Biden and Harris heavily criticised each otehr then became running mates. Tell me it is possibly to get elected in the US if you aren't a god fearing church goer? To think that everypone from a certain side of politics is personally on board with everything that party stands for is misguided.
  17. This. And add to it that non-Americans know as much about US politics as Americans know about otehr countries politics. Everyone is influenced by the media. To say that one person owns all of it os stoopid. Most media is split. We have some of each here. Sky News if you wanna lean anti Biden, The Project if you wanna stick your tongue up his ass. thenn there is Planet America, which actually presents a fair breakdown of both of them, giving credit where it's due and smacking him when deserved. Refreshing to watch and it presents a real oversight based on facts and figures. I could talk about UK politics, how Boris looks like a cross between Gary Busey and Donald Trump, and then start to ridicule him based on the way he acts and carries himself rather than his policies. I could talk about BRexit and what a joke that complete thing has been. But every thing I said would be based on my interpretations and what I see, just like any comments I make on Trump. Only difference is that I realise this and make mention that my opinions are an outsiders POV.
  18. Just saw on the Corona thread that Glen is not froom the US. For whatever reason, I did not know this. That makes the 2 mpost vocal Trump complainers/Biden supporters non US based people. I apologise for regarding their opinions at times as being from actual people who live in the US.
  19. CureTheSane


    I'd say it was more that the more third world like countries live in less sterile conditions and are better suited to dealing with these types of viruses. I called out India early on wondering how the hell they could be so low, but then they came back with a Vengance.
  20. I enjoyed that. Changed up Whole Lotta Love riff?
  21. Just scrolled through the last few days of comments here. Lots of sooking, interestingly more from Biden supporters still. We get some news here taht is very impartial, and last I saw (a day or so ago) they were saying that there is still hope (however small) that Trump can win. Now I know it's more a pipe dream, but he is entitled to not conceed until it's 100%
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