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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I really don't give too much of a shit about this dumb argument, but damn, are you seriously presenting those figures for any kind of use at all? Let me edit.... When Trump took office in 2017 unemployment rate was 4.7%. covid hit and bent every country in the world over and fucked them in the asses When Trump left office in 2021 unemployment rate was 6.7% which would have been far worse if he had locked shit down more. I actually think he should have locked everything down more. This would have made unemployment far worse, but he didn't want to screw the economy that much so didn't. But rightly or wrongly, unemployment when he left office WOULD have been far hight had Biden been around then. Right now unemployment rate is 6.1% You think a few months of Biden has changed that? Aside from the residual changes from the Trump administration that flow through to the next, there is a natural recovery as the country recovers. thos stats you posted mean nothing. Nothing at all.
  2. People want more lips and hips? Same as a song they made in 1988? Guarantee if they released and album like that now it would do nothing. This is a great release. Tumblin' Dominoes sounds like an Angels song with Doc singing.
  3. Cool. Very nice $1000 clip, shows a great idea can be better than an expensive production. I like the song. I like the tame gang vocal thing, like the bridges, like the chorus, song changes around enough, some nice melodies and hooks. Ticks all the boxes, like this band always does.
  4. Meh to this whole album and vibe. This is the kind of thing I'll play on spotify at work because it's something customers will dig and the versions are rockier than the original. Listening to it that way would be ok, but as individual songs, they're just pop/rock covers.
  5. For the record, I have never complained, nor would I. Maybe there needs to be more emphasis on introductions. Maybe opening discussions for new people on fav bands etc to make them a bit more comfortable. Can be hard to jump into a group and it often appears more cliquey than it is at the start.
  6. I've had Walk the Walk - Get Busy Livin' in my head for like the last 3 days. And not the good bits, I've got the whoooaa, whoooaa, whooooaa shit eating away at my brain
  7. I actually think this board is run pretty well. I expected a clamp down during the political stuff, but was happy it didn't happen, and it ran its natural course. I think I may be in the Mafia page on Facebook. I'm in a few, but don't really participate, the format is not conducive to a discussion like a board like this. I guess people are here for different reasons. Primarily I am here to find new music. Haven't be on as much as before, but that's because business has been really good and just haven't had the time.
  8. The problem with Stryper is they talk up the album and being heavy and "no ballads" and balls out, and this puts me off. They Stryper I don't like is the high end Michael Sweet screeching, and I like their ballads and more melodic stuff. When I eventually get to an album I'm usually pleasantly surprised and it's better than I had thought. But yeah, that first song, lol
  9. Big truck keeps on rollin' Love me some Trucker Diablo. These sound a little more mellow and refined than usual. I'm liking them a lot.
  10. I miss some of the better threads Upcoming releases Album reviews where people gave the stoopid ratings The nude girls thread etc
  11. So I'm listening to Stryper - God Damn Evil for the first time. All I heard during the first son was "Chicken in the bus" rather than Take It To The Cross. Yep, that song is ruind for me forever now. Lucky it was a pretty shit song.
  12. 100% If you could be bothered looking back at early posts on this, one question I asked was why India had been so unaffected. I've been there, and it just didn't make sense. The huge amounts of people in close living spaces, the poverty, etc Sadly they caught up and are pretty fucked right now. I deal with people in Brazil and they are also doing it pretty tough. They tell me stories about graves being dug up to make room for more people. Here in Australia, we were looking at manufacturing 50 million astrazeneca doses by the end of the year. Now we have followed suit with some of Europe etc and have ceased giving the shots to anyone under 50. So hopefully they still manufacture and we are able to export them to a country who would desperately take anything, like India. Also saw the UK demonstrations on TV tonight. Looks like some people are pretty fed up with lack of freedom. There is a serious possibility that unless this gets nailed fairly soon, there will be more of a worldwide decision to start living again and risk-it-for-the-biscuit and hope they avoid covid...
  13. You can say the same thing for every fucking vaccination. nobody knows any long term side effects, but they can make pretty good assessments due to how much they are in line with 'like' vaccines. Stop eating junk food, nobody knows the long term side effects. Stop using your mobile phone. Cancel 5G Etc Etc At some point everyone is taking a risk and not considering long term affects of something. Given the virus and what it does to you, surely blind freddie can see that the extremely low risk VASTLY outweighs the consequences if you don't get it?
  14. I call BS on that. These have been the most tested vaccines ever. Regardless, I'm going to wait for Pfizer if I can. Not because of the extremely rare blood clotting issues, but I see Pfizer as the better vaccine. Unless I get to travel after any vaccine, then jab me with whatever you have and I'm off.
  15. So I was thinking the other day, that DLR solo shits all over his VH stuff. Fight me and prove me wrong
  16. I saw Warrant/Firehouse/Trixter concert from Lafayette in 1991 (it's on YouTube) Pete Loran was pretty fucvking bad for me. And they were in their heyday, at least Vince was shit at the end of his career. I mean Trixter were 8 years old here, he should have been far better than he was. Smacked of someone who sung out of his natural range and screwed himself when trying to replicate it live, like Sammy did with Dreams...
  17. I like BVB. Not sure about this one. May take a few listens
  18. Keep doing that and all of us here will stay on board. Sad to hear about Jason, wish you the best with a new album.
  19. I used to think religion was necessary in society to help contain the feeble mind of those who could not deal with their mortality. I figured that if all religion suddenly disappeared, that people who all go nuts and there would be chaos, and therefore it helped regulate them and keep them all in a safe and warm place, with Jesus or (insert relevant deity here) leading them to heaven (or valhalla, or whatever) Over time I've come to see the damage that it has done and is doing to society and I think that it really isn't needed or protecting the weak. Further to that, I would suggest that with our fucking woke, PC life that we all have to live now, it won't belong before promoting any religion ios outlawed. All it takes is a few people to voice 'their truths' about how the words hurt them. Would be nice if this happened. As much as I hate the ability anyone has to effect ridiculous change in the name of PC, would be nice of it did something good for a change...
  20. Keepers from this Somebody New Strange Looking For Me War Heart Tattoo End Of The Road
  21. Not sure how I missed this. Album came out a couple of days ago, so imma track it down. For SOME REASON, I have also missed their 2018 album release. Not sure how that happened. Guess I get a lot of Maverick this week....
  22. That's a cool cover. They took everything heavy from the original and made it heavier. Added fills and changed it up just enough. I'm not a huge fan of female vocals as a rule, particularly when covering a song originally sung by a male, but she nailed it.
  23. You like Rap? Country & Western? Death Metal? Grunge? Hip Hop? Classical? K-Pop? J-Pop? Etc? If the answer in no to any of those, you could apply your own argument to yourself
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