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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. So I've got a couple today Both old songs, and possibly the best songf rom each band.
  2. Songbird - about covid23. Was ok Let Him Go - Kevin Costner in a cowboy hat (again) Kiida depressing moivie with least likable charcter ever - his wife.
  3. CureTheSane


    We have a new mini outbreak in Sydney. Aside from that we also have the new movie Songbird, which is all about covid23 I believe
  4. lol You made a statement seeking to hold democracy in high regard, by suggesting a most undemocratic restriction of democracy should be put in place to help elevate it. Well done
  5. By far the worst I've seen in Vince Neil. I remember Meat Loaf pissed me off because he changed all his songs as he sung them, not the words, but just the way they were sung. And you like to sing along to his stuff and he made it impossible. Then he became the laughing stock of our whole country a few years later when he performed at the AFL Grand Final and sucked so much he's become quite the meme.
  6. Yeah, just a matter of finding them. A Switchblade Scarlett song came on a mix USB I was playing the other day and it got me interested to see what they have done since I heard their stuff. So I looked them up. Nothing lol Same with Sweedish Erotica, on the same mix, great songs, but nothing since 2011 Probably gone now.
  7. Agree with most of that. Travel will be interesting. I'm biting at the bit to get OS for business. Personal travel for me, will be better with less idiot tourists around As for kids partying, I have 6 aged between 19 and 24. 5 girls, 1 boy Some of the girls were never into the party thing, but my son was out partying hard, and since covid, has devoted a lot of time into his business which is thriving, so he will come out very different. Possibly not primarily because of covid, but it sure helped him make some serious (good) changes to his lifestyle. For me at around his age (23), my firends had kinda stopped partying and it became a real pain to organise nights out. ou know, land lines, answeing machines, getting parents to drop you off because you'd had drins already etc These days, it's just a matter of dopping a message in a Facebook group and you have a bunch of people on board. So it was harder for him to wind it all back and get real with life, if you know what I mean. But yeah, 17 and 18 year olds will just follow the standard path once we are back to normal I guess.
  8. Fair enough, I can see that. I just accepted it and moved on. Kind of like learning to accept the chorus of Hide Your Heart. First listen killed me, so did the next 5 or 6, until I let it ride and went with it. I like BVB but I can see how some people can't do the vocals. Kind of like that dude who sung that I Believe In A Thing Called Love or whatever it was. Just couldn't get there with that.
  9. I wonder how the whole covid thing is going to really change day to day life. Will people tracel less? and for how long? What will they spend their travel money on? There is a large amount of people in younger age groupd who will have been forced out of their partying ways prematurely. Not being able to go out drinking will have allowed them to take up other interests and possibly see the routineness of the party lifestyle and decide to wind it all back a bit. Will they put their energies in more constructive areas? Will uber eats continue to have massive growth, or will it slide back considerable? Will cash remain relevant? Older people have had to learn how to actually use their bank cqards for payments. They have had to learn some internet banking rather than paying bills at the post office. How will a cashless sociey affect tax evasions etc? Will online shopping continue to grow, and will shopping centres continue to slide? etc etc
  10. I called it a couple of years ago when I hoped that they would do a serious album to give the shtick a break and rejuvenate. I guess they have the audience who appreciate what they do. People here are likely a little more discerning. That said, Some of their more recent songs that I thought had jumped the shark are some of their best Party Like Tomorrow Gloryhole The Burdeon Of Being Wonderful
  11. Yeah, but I would say the same about Lemmy, Ozzy, and a bunch of others. Even Pearcy, Rose, Keirfer, Tramp and Neil would have taken some getting used to back when I first heard them I'm sure.
  12. lol, exactly sero people are dying from covid in our country. Last death was probably over a month ago. Only cases now really are returning travellers. But that doesn't make us immune, the vaccine will do that
  13. Here is their best song. Full of hooks and melody
  14. Yeah, I probably thought of them that way once, but then I got hooked on a couple of songs and moved on.
  15. Jis counter argument would be that the way the American people ridiculer and belittled their leader was wrong on so many levels. And he'd be right. From an outsiders POV it made the whole country look like a laughing stock. Aside from that, read the fine print when making donations. As most would know, we were decimated by bushfires late last year/early this year, Red Corss, The Salvation Army, etc etc. all collected donations to help, and Australians (and overseas people) came to the party and donated a lot of money. Something like only 40% was distributed, the rest was kept for other uses. Horrible given that the monet was raised to help the bish fire victims,,,
  16. I like this band, I like this song. Many don't. Not sure why, perhaps they are considered modern rock, or just lame rock, or whatever. But if this song was released by HEAT, people would be creaming themselves over it.
  17. There's always hope. As miniscule as it may be.
  18. Thought the new song was kind of a mess, a bit all over the place. A few more listens will hopefully fix that.
  19. Being interested in world issues is one thing, having an opinion is another. From my perspective, every single person here, including myself, is so heavily influence by media, friends, family and even their own research, that their opinions are a waste of time. We live in a society, and we abide by the rules. you don't have to, but if you choose to rebel, an fight the fight, then you are 1. wasting your time and 2. not being very happy. I go with the flow. I have never protested anything and never will, that is the biggest waste of time ever. In fact I generally say I want to protest the protesters. Unions piss me off, they are only there to rort the systems in place and governments aligned with unions are generally very poor. We elect our leaders. Doesn't mean we have to be happy with them, and sure, go ahead and sook from time to time, but I actually feel sorry for some people here, who (on both sides) seem to be living and dying by the US political system. in Australia, we are affected by the US greatly. we are allies. US goes to war, we follow. US fucks China, we also pay. But dwelling on this shit is redundant. Just have a laff and move on. BTW, most of what I just wrote applies to music as well. I was bagging the last HEAT album. Big deal, just my 2c and I was pretty alone in that. I grew to like the album, but the fun bit was discussing it, disagreeing and then moving on. Moving on is the key phrase here. Something people need to do with the election shit
  20. Please feel free to list all of the Trump supporter morons who post here. Just because they have a different politiocal view than you doesn't make them morons in my eyes, but I'd like to see your list. I shouldn't be on it. Read through the tread and you'll see that I've been pretty impatial through this whole thing. But I'm cool if I'm a moron, been called worse, and really won't affect me. As to the reason I still post in this thread if it annoys me so much. Don't know really. Firstly there is a little star beside it when I log on so that provokes a compulsion to open it. If I am able to ignore that, then there is that morbid sense of seeing what people are complaining about now I guess. Always nice to open a thread and roll my eyes and read stoopid shit that people sook about. So I guess I need help, which is why I voted to end it all. ...ake the bottle away and I won't drink... But if it stays, that's ok. Not like I'm getting depressed reading it. Mostly I find it interesting seeing how much some people care about things that are out of their control, and that have a natural course to take regardless. Hope that answers that question
  21. Like I get how everyone has an opinion either side of politics What is really weird to me is that some people who live in other countries, seem to be more emotionally invested in US leaders than most people in the US. The amount of butt-hurt here is incredible. This is a worst case scenario for me. I enjoyed the Trump stupidity, it was entertaining, as was all the sooking and crying over it. But it's not fun any more when people got what they wanted, and he was voted out, and the crying never. seems. to. stop. And its for these reasons that I voted to remove this shit from this site. Normally I'm a "who gives a fuck" kind of guy, but it's just boring and never ending now. Given that the election is all done, so should this all be.
  22. Well that is a pretty fucking good song. Big smilie faces
  23. Do people still care about this? I know I don't. US politics was fur for 4 years - thanks for the laffs Donny. Shit will be boring now, was fun while it lasted...
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