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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. If this is half of his debut, it's worth picking up. I'll have to see if it's been spotified
  2. When Glen realises that it's been a while since he's raised the Trump crap lol
  3. I have 3 albums of Airless. S/T Second Round Make It Right First one is good and has their best song on it, Brief Love. It basically has one long guitar solo through it. Love songs that are a little different. Other two are average with only a couple of keepers off each. They have a couple of other albums I need to check out still Fight Changes
  4. I probably have a few that are rare, but I wouldn't know which ones. A couple that might be are Gogmagog, and I have both versions of Tuff - Fist First. Maybe the first one is rare? Probably not lol
  5. Space Force was good. And it's been renewed for a second season
  6. The Midnight Sky. George Clooney in an end of the world type thingy with a spaceship returning to Earth. A bit like Interstellar but not as good. More about the human psyche than what the trailer led me to believe. OK, but wouldn't watch again.
  7. Well, we over here in Australia have less to decide. By the time we get any vaccine (March) it will have been used for 2 - 3 months on millions of people. So by then all side effects and the chances and severity of them will be well known.
  8. I've never been a huge Steelheart fan, but I do like some of the early stuff. But I thought Through The Worlds Of Stardust was an amazing album. Is that the comeback album you referred to? Aside from that, he was never going to be able to sing like he did. I mean he still does well given his age, but what he used to do was never going to stand the test of time.
  9. Honest Thief. Not too bad. Full of plot holes, and watching it, it was obvious that the right people would be held accountable eventually, even if he just went into hiding. Should have been set in the 70's where DNA tests etc were not a thing to be more plausible. But still fun enough to watch, just turn off your brain.
  10. That was a rash comment. If you don't wanna get it, don't. Go read Alpha's run down on what the virus did to him. Personally, imma avoid that shit if I can. If you want to take the risk that you'll cope ok with the virus, go for it.
  11. Couldn't find a topic for Hallelujah. I mean I could have posted on a thread for one of the old albums but thought the 2020 one may have earnt its own thread?
  12. Couldn't find a thread for this. I am new to this band, but really enjoyed this release. Obviously a must for Alice Cooper fans as the singer is basically a clone, but for me this band is more melodic than Alice and a bit more flowing. The more I listened the more I liked it. Defs worth checking out if you haven't
  13. From Facebook... Day one tracking RX 3 in the can!
  14. CureTheSane


    Cob has become a common substitute for ;mate' or 'buddy' recently. Abbreviated for the term 'cobber' which means the same thing, but like most things Aussie slang, have never been widely used in most of Australia, only in more remote rural areas. For some reason the kids (and Geoff) have taken its use on. Anyway, a question for Alpha. From memory you;''ve been reasonably neutral in the covid discussions? Not going to look back through, but regardless, how has having this thing changed your perception of it? Did you think it was just a bad flu, and now consider it as a very serious disease? Did you consider it a deadly fearful disease, and now consider it not as bad as you had been led to believe? Or somewhere in between all that? I'm guessing that like many here you're around the 45 to 50 y/o mark, so not in the highest rick group, but not a teenager either.
  15. Yes, true, but also telling. These are people who WORK IN THE MEDICAL FIELD with all types of information at their disposal to assess, review and judge. They ain't gonna take it to make everyone feel better, they will do so after considering everything with their medical expertise. To me, the whole anti vax thing is as stupid as, well, anti-vaxxers. I've never had time for those who refuse to immunise their kids, and realistically, they should carry over to people who refuse this approved vaccine. There are a million counter arguments, one was made earlier with paracetamol. But they are all a waste of time, as it becomes cult like and impossible to reason with. So instead, I say to those who choose not to be vaccinated, good luck, and I hope you don't get the virus and die, or pass it on to more vulnerable loved ones. Sadly, I don't see the media as being a big culprit in generating this hysteria, it seems to be largely self inflicted
  16. There ya go, '85 then Probably confused as Dee gave his personal guarantee that they'd be back and then never did. I remember "We'll be back Melbourne. I know every band says that, but when Twisted Fuckin Sister says it, we mean it" :(
  17. Yes I have seen that. I saw TS twice, once I think in '87 Melbourne, and once I think in '03 Milwaukee. Very sadly, the shtick was exactly the same, which dissipated the memory I had of it in 87. He was still on point ruling the crowd, just needed some new one liners. Kind of cool to hate on Kiss at the moment, and particularly Paul as he is so outspoken on covid etc But he will be remembered (rightly so) as one of the all time great frontment. Same deal as Dee with the shtick, but at least he changed it up over the years, even if it did seem repetitive at times, he turned it into something that you expected and looked forward to. My other pick for stage presence is outside the box for most here, but Robbie Williams was amazing, totally ruled the audience and put on an amazing show (this was the Escapology tour)
  18. lol, this comment was received exactly as I thought it would be. I mean I have noticed here that Trumpers tend to me more antio and Bidenites more pro. It is a vague observation, but really just a bit of fun. Carry on
  19. That is a pretty fair comment. I saw SLR live, but that was when he toured solo with the stage set up with surfboard into the crowd, and boxing ring etc. Mostly at that point it was Kiss style theatrics, which I wasn't complaining about. Maybe with VH he was at a different level? When I compare frontmen, I do so to Dee Snider. What he was able to do with an audience was amazing.
  20. So is this a Trump/Biden thing? Seems the Trump fans are anti vax and Biden are pro. Anyway, I won't rush to get the vaccine, but I'm fortunate in that I don't have to. If shit gets worse, I'll be first in line. And if by getting it I get to travel, I'll be first in line. Otherwise I'll just wait my turn...
  21. So every time there is a Roth Van Halen vs Hagar Van Halen debate, it usually ends with either "Roth Van Halen is the only Van Halen, but I'd say that Roth was the better front man and Hagar the better singer" "Hagar Van Halen is the better Van Halen, but I'd say that Roth was the better front man and Hagar the better singer" So I've just watched VH Live in Tokyo 1989. Now living in Australia, we never got to see VH fronted by either Roth or Hagar, but I did see Hagar solo in a club after he left VH But I was pretty impressed with his stage presence in the 1989 YouTube concert. Surely he was well up there with Roth. From what I saw, in terms of energy, stage presence, keeping vocals on point, and having fun, he was exceptional. Engaging the audience was lacking, but a bit of a hall pass given it was in Japan, so harder to do.
  22. they had me at "big hooks" Will be giving this a solid go
  23. Movies went through that stage for the last few years where that were far too long, most around or over 2 hours. Not usually warranted and it seems that they have reeled them back in to 1.5 hours more lately.
  24. I still haven't really listened to it. Expectations I had were probably way to high to avoid disappointment on first few listens. Then all the reviews made those expectations even higher, I worry that I'll be let down Will try it out soon...
  25. Fatman - Saantya flick with Mel Gibson as Santa and Walter Goggins as the hit man hired to kill him. Good enough. Some unexpected twists, which is always nice. Freaky - started as your typical teen horror type flivk, but took a nice twist, I didn't know what the movie was about so I won't disclose the plot, but worth seeing without checking out trailers. Vince Vaughn is in it and does well. Boss Level - pretty sure this is some video game type movie rip off. No fucking ending, whcih sucked... Tenet - The dude from Ballers and Blackkklansman is in ity. He was pretty good, but this was a Matrix/Inception style movie, that requires pretty much full attention through it's 2 1/2 hours. Pretty average overall.
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