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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Radar Love - White Lion is probably my favorite cover as I think it is far better than the original. For ABBA covers check out The Black Sweden - Gold 2000 http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=2858&CDName=Gold Mixing ABBA songs with others. There is also a Metallica/ABBA mash up album which is fun. Can't remember it at the moment.
  2. Just a live album. I saw him when he came to my city maybe 10 years ago. He played a smaller venue and one thing I recall was he said something like this... "You guys are in for a treat. I don't play thing song much any more because it's just so damn hard to hit the notes" Then he played Dreams. Makes me wonder if this is why the live version on the CD is an acoustic version. I don't mind it, my wife really loves it.
  3. I've really enjoyed a lot of Mike's post WL stuff. Songs I Left Behind was an amazing CD which surprised me as I expected odds and ends thrown together for a money grab, but it was great. Capricorn was great More to Like Than This also great Recovering The Wasted Years also great After these I kinda lost interest and feel that he has released too many albums. Would have been better to release only a couple with great material, but given his unique sand it can be hard work to get into his stuff and I haven't had time
  4. As they say, you can't polish dogshit. Just spare yourself the wasted time and dismiss it. I discovered them during C'mon Take On Me which for me is leaps and bounds over anything they have done up to then, so I had high expectations for the next one. I've been through all their older stuff and it certainly varies from album to album, and most of it I like, but not to the level I like C'mon Take On Me Guess I wait for the next album
  5. Yeah that's easily the best Sound Of Silence cover I've heard, and I've been through a few. Off Charlatan's Web check out Mean Man - takes a few listens but will get you eventually. School For Young Ladies - Not sure about this song. It is a nice tune, very poppy, but is also possibly a bit pedo. Have to listen to the lyrics properly. Wading Through The Dark Rogue I've just started looking through their back catalog and the one you posted Bury Me With My Guns On was the first stand out.
  6. I end up doing song games waiting for music content. There have been a few times where people have posted "why is the forum dying" and I post a screenshot which is all games and traded and if you make a music post it generally gets ignored so what's the point? Also very cliquey, and since there not so many people there any more that kinda takes over a lot. Now to get me an avatar
  7. In recent times - Cheap Trick. Saw them at "A Day On The Green" which is a stage at a winery but draws a pretty huge crowd. Choirboys The Angels Cheap Trick Billy Idol I'll post a review one day, but Choirboys were good as usual, The Angels were amazing with Dave Gleeson fronting and Billy Idol was WAAAAAY better than I expected. Cheap Trick though, were average. Serious lack of energy and they played songs that were big in the US, but only a few of the songs that charted here. So my expectations weren't met. If they'd played The Flame, Don't Be Cruel or Can't Stop Fallin' Into Love they would have been better received by a crowd who really didn't seem to care much.
  8. Never heard of them before. Thought this would be a Motley cover - then I opened the clip and rolled my eyes a bit Good song though, I think I like it better without the video component...
  9. Saw AC for the first time recently (with Motley) and lived up to expectations. Can't believe only one other voted for Dangerous Tonight. Big stand out for me...
  10. Until You Suffer Some is my all time favorite song.
  11. I like the Elder as well as Def Lep X Also like Warrant 96, Motley 94 and Dangerous Toys *rtist (obviously) I think too many people go in expecting what they are used to and get something different and are immediately anti. Look at Chinese Democracy... (although that one was pretty bad, it was never going to live up to expectations)
  12. 1987 - the year of the peak of hard rock. I went with White Lion - amazing album Hysteria would be #2, then Motley...
  13. Sadly the new album has been average for me so far. Hoping that a few more listens will have me enjoy it more...
  14. I voted all by Def Leppard, Great White and surprisingly Bon Jovi. Even though I'm no longer listening to their new stuff, they still have a fan base and seem to have a place with them...
  15. This was incredibly hard. I went with Let It Rock. For me, GW have one of the best catalog of songs around. Even the new stuff have a good spread of amazing tracks.
  16. I chose Viscous Circle - love that album. The rest of my picks were pretty much in line with the majority...
  17. Was watching Foxtel (local cable TV) and was on the Loud radio channel and Sonic Syndicate - Revolution, Baby came on. I listened to the end and that was instantly the bit that hooked me. Listened to the song heaps since then and it's a damn good song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_1v_vtoZy8 Sadly most of the other songs on the album are great, but wrecked with the growling. A couple of others stand out though with My Own Life may as well being a mainstream song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLj0A4XbsD8
  18. Yeah, when it started I thought "this sounds cool" Then the vocals started... lol
  19. I've listened to this a few times now and I think it's a bit of a let down. I didn't expect Slaughter, I guess I expected something like what Tom Keifer released. It's that type of CD, but I can't help but feel it's a lot of odds and ends thrown together. A couple of songs are great, a couple are good, the rest average for me...
  20. Their 3rd album, and their best. More ballady than the rest, but they are great songs.
  21. For me Tuff are a 2 album band. Somehow they turned that into like 7 or 8 albums. What Comes Around... is an amazing album, and is underrated. Fist First/Religious Fix is OK The band themselves are overrated...
  22. New album out 17 July. This band seems to get a bad rap around the tracks, but I like them. Seem to becoming more hard rock than nu metal or whatever they may have been classed as. Lots of hooks and melodies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XO-8SmOQ84
  23. Thought I'd try out this forum as the one I've been using is kinda dead. My name is Martin, and I'm from Melbourne, Australia Lok forward to finding some new music and talking about the old.
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