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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Just saw on the Corona thread that Glen is not froom the US. For whatever reason, I did not know this. That makes the 2 mpost vocal Trump complainers/Biden supporters non US based people. I apologise for regarding their opinions at times as being from actual people who live in the US.
  2. CureTheSane


    I'd say it was more that the more third world like countries live in less sterile conditions and are better suited to dealing with these types of viruses. I called out India early on wondering how the hell they could be so low, but then they came back with a Vengance.
  3. I enjoyed that. Changed up Whole Lotta Love riff?
  4. Just scrolled through the last few days of comments here. Lots of sooking, interestingly more from Biden supporters still. We get some news here taht is very impartial, and last I saw (a day or so ago) they were saying that there is still hope (however small) that Trump can win. Now I know it's more a pipe dream, but he is entitled to not conceed until it's 100%
  5. Cool, if Geoff hates it, there is a chance I'll like it lol, generally I like JSS stuff, but it always takes a lot of listening to get in to.
  6. Well, seems I was wrong with my prediction of a Trump win. Never really cared all that much who actually won, but glad I didn't put a bet down Everyone is going on about the 50% of the population that is angry etc. So what, 40%, 45%, 50%, doesn't really matter, large amount of people are always pissed after an election. 4 years until you guys can change it again, so I hope the Republican supporters won't be like the Democrat suppoerts and sook for 4 years. The rest of the world is kind of over it. Biden dies, and Harris becomes president, so what? She was voted in that role and therefore was effectively voted in as president of that happens. Looks like climate change will be on the agenda again, which means Australia will follow the US like that simps we are
  7. CureTheSane


    Just saw Trump likened to a dictator in another thread. Thought I'd update here. Here, in Melbourne, Australia, we now have had no new cases for 7 days, and a grand total of 15 active cases out of 6 million people. Yet we still have mandatory masks inside and outside, limit of 25km travel from home, a regional border banning us from entering rural area, and then state borders keeping us out, resturants and pubs limited to 10 people inside. If I want to see all my kids, we have to arrange to meet in a public outdoors area, where 10 of us can gather togerther (we have 6 kids who all have partners) we cannot have more than 2 of them visit our home at a time. Shopping centres are open again under strict conditions, but around 40% of shops are still closed in my area with the impact of 4 to 5 months lockdown soon to hit hard.
  8. Yeah, I knew a few Thunder songs back in the day, but ever really got ito them. About 10 years ago I wet through their catalogue ad it's pretty good. I prefer the slower songs more than the rocker with this band. They seem to do ballads very well. I'll give the new one a crack
  9. Well, one thing most do, is try and undo some of the things the predecessor has done. I love how the US stood up to China, but I didn't like that chnges it brought for me, dealing with china. We have a free trade agreement between our countries which saves my business 5%. If we lose that, it will suck, but like I said, that is a personal thing to me. As for the rest of it, god luck. Personally the dude looks pretty old and decrepid at times, which isn't a good look to portray to the rest of the world. I like strong leaders, and I'm not sure Biden is that.
  10. haha, this all went down well. As I've said before, from an outsiders POV, I see a lot of good Trump did for the US. A lot of stuff many are blinded to just because he created for himself, and the media also created, a lot of hate for him. Sad that so many refuse to give credit where it's due. I kinda hoped he won, because I honestly don't think anything will be much different with a different leader, but it is a source of entertainment with Trump there. But he lost, and realistically, he lost fair and square. As soon as he came out sooking, it was all over. He knew it, which is why he held the press conference at 2am. He planned for it. So Biden will win, and to be honest, for me personally, that is a marginally better result as he will likely mend, if not refrain from further damaging, the relationship between the US and China, which affects allies (us) I guess the shit show will continue wth Trump now in politics, looking for his second term in 4 years.
  11. I love The Apprentice. I hope he loses and makes more series
  12. The problem with Trump is that he presents himself as unwaveringa nd strong as shit. he lets belittling, nasty, funny, personal, etc etc comments just bounce off him. This just brings more of the same. If it was a woman in power going through this, whethere people liked her or not, there would be a massive movement to change the bullying and personal attacks etc On the other hand, I kinda think Trump like it and almost encourages it. Maybe he's using that old "any press is good press" thingy...
  13. Not me. Read the thread on their last album. I was one of the few underwhelmed but it. In fact I made joes about it on other threads, all in fun of course. no need to take stupid butt hurt comments to heart. Just made in reference to everyone here, and all over the internet crying about a band changing singers.:)
  14. You know before the last election, I said that Trump winning would be by far the best thing for America. Either he would do a great job, bringing more business into politics and effecting positive change, or he'd be sucha fuck up that americans would think about who they were voting for more. I think he's fulfilled both options. He's fucked up, but (IMO) has done a lot of good that has been swept under the carpet so as to not get in the way of the memes and ridicule over twitter posts etc. He has also been a prody of himself, dwaring so much negativity and blinding so many to his abilities. So... That predeiction seems to have been somewhat on point, with apparently more people voting than ever before. The problem I see is that the media are so in favor of Biden, the same thing will happen that did with Clinton. People are not open to 'coming out' and saying they are voting for Trump, but they will. The media portrays this as a romp in for Biden. Many supporters of his won't vote thinking he will get in (like they did with Clinton) and it will inspire Trump supporters who wouldn't normally be bothered to vote, to get up and vote to help him 'breach the gap' My call is that Trump will win by a bigger margin than last time. This is because of what I wrote above, but also because his opponent falls short in a lot of areas. Will see soon....
  15. haha Mine has everything off the first and third albums, and 8 off Scarecrow. That in itself probably makes them easily one of my top 5 all time bands.
  16. Butt Cream sales are gonna skyrocket because of HEAT. Lots of butt-hurt people everywhere. Some people can't move on/move backwards. They couldn't move on with Warrant, Great White and Gotthard etc etc, so if that's you, may as well give up on HEAT now.
  17. In my mind, they were a bit more sleazy with Kenny. His voice always reminded me a bit of Juno Roxas. With Eric they became a bit more adult sounding, both in the vocals, as well as the music. Will be interesting to see how they sound with Kenny again, if the production changes etc. In the end good songs are good songs. Not sure if either singer contributed to the song writing, and by how much, but the next album will either be slammed, or loved
  18. Well that was cathcy as fuck. kinda hate that I like it, but I do.
  19. For Me... Wall Street OMG Tides Will Turn Wrong Can Feel So Right Natural High School's Out is a really good version as well.
  20. I liked every album, with 6 keepers from each, except Wig Wamania which had 7.
  21. CureTheSane


    TBH I'm kinda undecided. I come from a science background and I guess I look at these types of thinks in a less emotional way, based on facts. The fact is that pretty much every single country on Earth decided to handle the coronavirus the same way. Lockdowns, masks, isolations, etc, etc. Don't know of any that just said"this is just the flu" and moved on as normal. Doesn't make sense that every country was equally as gullible and poor at making rational decisions. Do to some degree, I tend to acknowledge the seriousness of the virus, and certainly dismiss those who say, "t's not that bad, don't be a pussy, and carry on"
  22. CureTheSane


    What the fuck? What is this? when is this going to happen? What a downer
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