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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. In the mail today: Underride - One Of Us Underride - Distorted Nation
  2. Killer release! If anyone here does not listen to any other songs off this at the very least you have to listen to "On The Road" and "Since You're Not Here".
  3. Wicked Jester - Royalty Sux "So many ways, to be wicked..."
  4. Sure, I'll give it a go Lindsay, let me know.
  5. II is very good as well, IMO
  6. Actually, now I looked through his inventory and he sells a handful of bands I have not seen before. Mama Kin, pick it up folks, good stuff. That Sister Sin cd is good, a bunch of Kivel releases out there. Dust and Bones, might want to check that out. Thread hijack, apologies.
  7. Tell me something I don't already know!
  8. "bye bye baby bye bye, that was all she wrote..."
  9. Lucky! <in my best Napolean Dyamite voice> I'd pay 15-20 euro to get this in my hands. Anyone from France on the board wanna help some people out?
  10. I hate to rank things but I have said it before, this disc entered my top discs of all time and could be and probably is at this point #1. They also bumped my #1 favorite song (Dangerous Toys - Scared) and my #2 favorite song (GNR - Sweet Child O Mine) back a spot with "Be Mine Tonight". Always subject to change of course but this disc has not faded in my interest level at all. I play some or all of it on a weekly basis.
  11. I tried a few weeks ago to navigate the FNAC website figuring I would just pay the $20-25 for it. After getting through the site and ready to place the order it told me it would be something like 15 euro to ship it to the US. Scratch that.
  12. I believe mine is the same way, but I don't have an answer to your actual question, sorry.
  13. A good day at the mailbox: Wicked Jester - Royalty Sux Rakel Traxx - Bitches Palace Via trade with Rob Pink Cream 69 - Games People Play Pink Cream 69 - One Size Fits All
  14. Jeff


    You could probably replace the alternator yourself if you have some tools. Just replaced mine in the Sentra over the weekend. $115 remanufactured, a little cursing, but it seems to work. Happy birthday on Saturday!
  15. Happy birthday! "You! Got! To! Line 'em up, then you knock 'em down...."
  16. Reminds me of something Counting Crows or U2 would write. Not a bad song I suppose.
  17. Off the "Reversed Trip" CD, which is full of cover tunes. Some I like, some not so much. I will be seeing these guys in a few weeks and hope to get it at the show and get it autographed. The end of the CD also has the "Forget You" version matching the radio edit of Greens.
  18. Jeff

    2011 NFL Draft

    All I could do was scratch my head when I saw that they had picked Christian Ponder. No idea what they saw in him to make them take him ahead of Mallet, Dalton, or even Ricky Stanzi or Tyrod Taylor. Of course, the Panthers took Cam Newton, and now, inevitably, he will wind up starting too soon, and due to having to run for his damn life on nearly every play (pitiful O line), his pro career will fizzle out without ever really having a chance to succeed. Just my opinion, but that's what I see happening.... hope I'm wrong. Is the dudes name really Tyrod? Tyrod Taylor no less? Wow.
  19. Yep, I've had a chance to listen to this in full and it is on my buy list for when DD has one of their sales. Very good stuff.
  20. I'd say...thanks for the comparison. I'll figure out which one to buy I guess. Is the track "It's My Life" on the Euro version Live or studio? Thanks.
  21. Wow, good thing you didn't flip that thing, get smashed by another vehicle or something. Glad you're alright. Toyota had a bad rap going with some accelerator issues last year I think. Defective tires...I'd take that one to court...what a crock of shit.
  22. Sure is. I will let you know what I think of the 2 Japan tracks when my disc arrives. Very cool, I'd appreciate that!
  23. Hey D, do you have the Japan edition? I am seeing 2 different track listings for each version which is not uncommon but supposedly the Japan version does NOT have "This Is My Life"? I have the European release. Yes there is 2 songs on the Euro version not on the Japan version and vice versa. I ordered the Japan version Thursday so I hope to get it this week. Ah thanks. Now that is annoying, I would order the Japan release but I like This Is My Life so I might just get the Euro release.
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