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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. House Of Lords - Big Money I am not a fan of the title track, other than that, I think this release rawks!
  2. As far as the new look, I like it. For the poster design I would have changed one thing, and it is a very minor thing but hey John asked so I'll speak. 2 of the guys are in "action" poses on the top, 2 are in laid back "non-action" poses on the bottom. All 4 of the poses are great. What I would have done slightly differently is I would have put one of each on the top one of each on the bottom, mixed up the poses just a bit. Then again, maybe it is a ranking thing where lead screams and lead strings should be first...or not.
  3. For me, I put Delain over Halestorm. As for the ISSA CD, it has its moments but nothing great IMO.
  4. Bring The Thunder was killer pretty much front to back IMO and while Knock You Down had better production and polish I'm not sure I could rate it better than Bring The Thunder. I think the quality of their music is proven in the fact they are moving on to their third album, they have been part of major festivals.
  5. Houston: 9 Baltimore: 17 New Orleans: 24 San Francisco: 13 Denver: 17 New England: 31 New York: 31 Green Bay: 38 GO PACK GO!
  6. Jeff


    +1 Exactly what I was gonna write, just had to scroll down to see who already said it. So, I'll add my own commentary.... Boring.
  7. "And for the pervs out there" You just described the entire message board. haha.
  8. I think NEH has had it at times, but if you are not in the US that does not help I suppose.
  9. This is a pretty darn good release from last year if you have not heard it. I know there is another thread for the EP (Step Into Paradise). The full length album has some great tunes so I thought a separate thread was deserved. A cool video of the Recording Sessions with probably the best rocker of the CD Close Your Eyes: Not much on their website, I think they prefer you to follow on FB. http://www.paradiseinc.net/ http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=6001&CDName=Time Anyone else enjoy this one?
  10. I would not say the Packers have NO running game, they just rarely use it. But to your point, yeah, of the 2 running games the Saints have a better one. And as the lone Packer fan on this board (am I?) I admit the Saints are the hotter team. The offenses are pretty even IMO, Saints with a slightly better D, but that isn't saying much. As for Brees versus Rodgers, I of course take Rodgers any day. Brees had 3 balls that should have been intercepted against the Lions, 1 of them could have been a pick 6. Generally, you are lucky to get 1 shot at a pick against Rodgers. He is very mindful of ball security which is a complete 180 from the hillbilly before him. Lions could have won that game if they made those plays but they didn't. Bronco's over Pittsburgh....wow, never would figured that one. Did anyone get a look at that slow motion Tebow throw to the end zone? I think the ball was spinning side to side instead of in a spiral.
  11. Those teaser songs sound excellent! And ditto on the video, funny stuff.
  12. Meh, not a terrible song or anything but I would prefer a teaser that was a little more rockin' and a picture of the band where the lead singer doesn't look like someone just kicked him in the shorts.
  13. Jeff

    Crazy Lixx

    Just another update on the April 2012 release...some minor info: http://www.sleazeroxx.com/news/00938.shtml
  14. So now the small market team can watch him go to L.A. next year and they get nothing in return.
  15. I only made it through the K's because I'm lazy but I would check these out to see if they are what you are looking for: Babylon A.D. - Desperate Babylon A.D. - So Savage The Heart Beau Nasty - Make A Wish The Cult - Edi (Ciao Baby) Every Mother's Nightmare - Love Can Make You Blind Every Mother's Nightmare - Already Gone Every Mother's Nightmare - I Needed You Fastway - If You Could See (I dunno, maybe it get's too up tempo for you since I see you do have Fastway in your list) Gorky Park - Sometimes At Night Gorky Park - Try To Find Me Hardline - Can't Find My Way (again, you have them listed, maybe not what you want) Heaven's Edge - Hold On To Tonight Hericane Alice - Too Late Hericane Alice - Dream Girl Jackyl - She Loves My Cock (just seeing if you are paying attention) Jesse Strange - Make A Wish Jesse Strange - The Last Goodbye Jester - Give It Back Jester - All Out Of Tears Kane Roberts - Does Anyone Really Fall In Love Anymore Killer Dwarfs - Up To You And Me IMO, I don't see Giant's Innocent Days as a ballad...or at least "mellow". Great, great tune that totally takes me back to the late 80's, hanging with friends, it does invoke a bit of sadness of missing the good old days, etc....just not a mellow ballad, for me anyway.
  16. Really? Wasn't this sort of an unexpected release to begin with? Then, reading your statement, you found some stand out tracks, and you rated 6 other tracks at 7.5 (.5 point away from a very nice 8). On a 10 point scale, 5 is average. I totally agree the last track was, um, yeah..."don't go there". I actually think this a great release and would make my statement something like "All solidly played with a few stand out tracks accompanied by a lot of really good tracks. The last track is just wrong, but aside from that, great release!"
  17. I think the fact that you just butchered the name one of Vain's best songs means you can no longer be part of this debate.
  18. I do not expect most Vain fans to agree with my statement that "Enough Rope" is better than "No Respect." That album has been out forever and people cannot help but judge it fondly through the filter of nostalgia. But reviews are nothing more than one person's opinion, and in my opinion, "Enough Rope" is the superior CD. What is clear, judging from the comments in this thread thus far, is that everyone agrees it's a good album. I simply cannot imagine any Vain fan failing to be impressed with this latest offering. It has nothing to do with the filter of nostalgia. There is not one song on Enough Rope that is better than those that I listed. Yes, Geoff I could probably list the title track in that group as well. No Respect is just brilliant, catchy, beginning to end. Enough Rope is not, at least to the level of No Repsect. I am in total agreement that Enough Rope is a great album and will be in my top 10 for 2011 for sure. I agree with Wes that it is probably their second best release. The song Vain is killer but does not surpass some of the songs off No Respect. But yeah, it is just opinions. I am not saying your review is bad. I just do not agree with it and it is hard for me to see how anyone could think ER is better than NR but again, that does not make me right either. That is what reviews are for. Had you said Enough Rope was not very good in your review I would be here disagreeing just as much, probably even more.
  19. It is not better than the debut. No way, shape or form. Enough Rope is very good, of course the production is better but IMO there is not one song on Enough Rope that is better than these: Secrets Beat The Bullet Aces Who's Watching You I would say most of Enough Rope is on par with what I don't list above off No Respect. I think the review stating "worthy successor" is accurate...but stating that ER is the best album Vain has ever released? Ah, no. Of course this is just my opinion and we all know opinions are like assholes.
  20. Might as well put my 2 cents in here... This will be very near the top of my list this year. Strong release. Neither Push or Young N Crazy is that great IMO...hence "bonus" tracks. Ranking the songs, favorite to least favorite: Dance (I know some of you don't like this tune...it's killer IMO, maybe just because it is different) On The Radio Born To Break Your Heart Fantasy Coconuts Hot Dirty Dreams Animal Attraction Fight Speedin' Switchblade Babe Young N Crazy Push
  21. The Treatment - This Might Hurt (Japan Ed.) Good stuff people!
  22. I like the spoiler. Hey, where is that picture taken at? Reminds me of some of the villages in Turkey.
  23. You're kidding right, Wes? If so, you should have stayed at 32,000 posts.
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