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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Here is another. I like this one too. Does ANYONE on this board own this CD? I'd be interested in some opinions on the disc as a whole or at least how the other songs sound in comparison to the 2 songs in the this thread. If it's all like these songs, I will have to buy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBSSBTgiIDU
  2. Jeff

    Dirty Passion

    i ended up getting the perris issue of this one as it was half the price of the euro verion. without being able to compare the 2, i had no issues with the perris version that i can recall. If you want i can pull i out tonight and have a closer look. Hey Lindsay, that would be great if you could take a peak. No rush but yeah, same take as you on the price. Some stuff I've gotten from Perris has been great, others like Backtraxx from EMN was a one page blurry picture instead of a booklet. That said, I am NOT bashing on Perris...always received timely service from Tom and I am sure budgets vary for different projects.
  3. Jeff

    Dirty Passion

    So I actually kept listening and decided it is good enough to buy. Does anyone here own the Perris Records issue of this one? If so I want to know if the packaging, etc. is done nicely or not. It has been hit and miss with some of what they do. If not, I might pay a bit more and get the euro release. Thanks.
  4. Shakra - Power Ride It arrived in the mail yesterday and it just confirms why this newly discovered band (for me) is becoming one of my all time favorites...yes, all time. Another killer CD.
  5. I think Nothing Sacred is a great CD, a worthy follow up to the debut. As someone said above, to each their opinion, it's all good. For your question, I agree with a few already mentioned, Wildside, Slaughter. I'm trying to think of something not already mentioned...well, though not terrible, I didn't care for but a few songs off Badlands Voodoo Highway. They did go more blues rock which is not my thing so don't everyone jump all over me. Spread Eagle, I liked the first, second one not sure I can recall one song. Bulletboys Freakshow was a major let down for me after a KILLER debut.
  6. Skansis - Take Your Chance Thanks Matt, Geoff for the suggestion...I like this a lot.
  7. I love the Sonic Dynamite...I have been close to tossing the Endangered disc in the trash more than a few times. Some seem to hate Endangered but outside a track or two I've never heard. I have heard Sonic before and yes it pretty good. Of course I really their two sellout albums Change and the one after so what do i know. I think Endangered is quite good. The ones I like... Don't Need Your Touch He Took The World Trust The Wise Man (worth keeping for this song ER) In My Dreams (mellow but nice) One Time Is Not Enough (again, mellow but nice) Promised Land Shadows Of Time
  8. No one responded to this? WTF, nice find me thinks. I just came across these guys on my Amazon.com "suggested items" list and the samples sounds pretty damn good. Anyone own this? Comments?
  9. Jeff

    Crazy Lixx

    I like this first singe quite a bit actually. Crazy Lixx In The Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4swIO_nMcU
  10. One it's way from the USA's awesome neighbor to the north: Shakra - Power Ride In a Darth Vader voice: "Soon....my collection will be COMPLETE!". Only Infected and Everest to go...unless I decide to buy the Live release which I am not sure I will.
  11. Drop over to Retrospect Records. I noticed that they have 4 Shakra releases in their Used CD section...and I will miss NuclearHell as they were a good site to pick up cheap CDs... Ah, good call and thanks for the heads up. I am down to only needed Infected and Everest from Shakra. But I do see a few others on my buy list that I need to check into.
  12. Cheap, legit pressing cd's...I dunno, does a wild bear shit in the woods?
  13. This does not surprise me at all since loving their older tunes BUT I am super glad to hear a "kickass" review!
  14. Yeah, I think Rick said a lot (maybe not all) were Russian pressings, but still legit I think. Ok, Matt, you sealed the deal...guess I avoid. Bummer, nice website and all, too bad. Thanks.
  15. Yes, definitely different band. I think the one you refer to is from Australia? This Baby Jane is from Sweden. The Baby Jane you mention, I do like Are You Listening.
  16. Hmmm, yeah, I like that, good energy/vocals...definitely see if some more samples appear and if like this it should be a good one.
  17. Hey, so Acoustic Rick, I mean Evil Rick, pointed me to this site (thanks ER) a few weeks go as a place to find the final pieces to my Shakra collection for a reasonable price. However, I am wondering if they are still open or not? I placed an order but didn't see a place to choose payment type. But I got a confirmation email "awaiting payment". So I emailed them to get their Paypal address. No response. I waited a number of days, placed the order again. Same situation. I also notice my first order and second order had order numbers that were only 2 numbers a part, telling me they took 2 orders all week? Just curious if anyone knows if they are up and running? I see they have some fairly recent releases listed. Thanks.
  18. Ah man, I think you should at least ask her. I am told I clean up well. Looking forward to the Tango Down, just in time for summer!
  19. haha, one of maybe 2 or 3 cassettes I still own. Good stuff....has Yoda on it I believe? Anywhoo....nice.
  20. Another month isn't gonna kill me...plenty of stuff to check out in the meantime. Oh hey, if I win, does the girl come with the poster? I am a nice guy, truly I am...or a bad guy, whatever she likes.
  21. now that's a damned shame. To be honest I got a little worried when they dumped Laney and said it would have a raw sound. I agree No kidding, why mess with a good thing. Not broke, don't fix it. <groan>
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