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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. In the mail yesterday: Hardline - Danger Zone Eclipse - Bleed and Scream Knock Out Kaine - S/T
  2. Parents listened to Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, stuff like that on 8 track all day long, then they would listen to classic country music. I didn't know much better, didn't care that much either, too busy shooting stuff with my gun, climbing trees, etc. Then one day we took a visit to the city to see my grandparents who had many channels of TV. This scrolling through I found a channel called MTV and a song by a little known to me band called Journey came on, Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). I HAD to hear this song again. Later I finally discovered Musicland at the mall and cassettes! I wondered what the heck that thing was on the cover of Journey's Frontiers cassette. I bought it anyway, but a cool cover had to mean cool music, right? Well, Duran Duran was my first favorite band as I saw the cover for Seven And The Ragged Tiger. Before you know it I had a rack stereo system in my bedroom, trying to pull in Dr. Demento, etc on 93.7 out of the Twin Cities an hour and a half away from my upstairs bedroom in the farm house. Then came along the cool album cover with this little kid smoking....1984. Later on I discovered the Headbangers Ball on MTV and didn't have to just buy a cassette based on the cover any more. And there you have it. The Duran Duran posters were moved aside for Iron Maiden, later Guns N Roses, etc. etc.....
  3. Prometheus Despite the things that didn't make much sense I thought this was pretty good. Of course I'm a sucker for most things dawn of time, our creator, evil beings in a far away land, etc. etc.
  4. I think these guys are from up here by me in the Twin Cities....I think they had their CD release party this year down in Rochester, MN and I always see the flyers/ads for them playing at a local bar, usually GB Leighton's Pickle Park. I don't believe I've ever seen them live though.
  5. Evil Rick is gonna pass out when he sees this news. He's been waiting since seeing Corabi do his live acoustic set last summer!!!
  6. Hope the rest of the cd is better than that.
  7. Very cool! Side note, and not to spoil the party, but FnA web admin, if you read this....please lower the font size on that website down a notch or two.
  8. I think they would have gotten even better reactions if they had went a little slower and dropped just a few "tiles" to begin with to give people a chance to jump to solid ground. This way they dropped all the tiles, some people barely got to move before they realized they were not falling. Good stuff though!
  9. The Eclipse one is very very good. I guess I don't spend a lot time ranking by percent so I cannot say if it is 100% or not. Do I like every song? Yes I do, so maybe it is? I dunno. I have not heard the Rick Springfield nor do I intend to. Just not my thing.
  10. Just watched this myself...found it interesting enough to finish, boring enough that I never want to see it again.
  11. Downtown is the only song that I don't care for. I f*cking love "Downtown." I think it's a great track to wrap up the album. Agree, Downtown is indeed an excellent ending to a great album!
  12. Gritty hard rockin' sleaze for your Saturday morning.... Two free downloads here: http://www.last.fm/music/Hollywood+Dirtbags/Sinners+Take+All http://www.myspace.com/hollywooddirtbags/music
  13. First release very solid, looking forward to this one.
  14. I'm with Geoff on this one. And if you like the Badlands vibe that's cool, but then where are the Dreams In Dark, Last Time, High Wire type rockers?
  15. Hi, I see them in the queue, there are a few listed ahead of them. I didn't look to see if you did anything wrong with the submission but no worries. I think it is just a time thing. We work on it in our spare time. Me, I'm doing my fall planting. Don't laugh, seriously. Hey, Fall's the most important time to plant. My aunt and uncle own a nursery. I did not realize that what you plant in the Fall will be three times (if I'm not mistaken) more mature in a year, than if it were planted in the Spring. You bet, I bought a bunch of perennials at half price and been placing them along a cedar fence line. I did NOT know about the better maturity if planted in the fall...good to know, thanks!
  16. Hi, I see them in the queue, there are a few listed ahead of them. I didn't look to see if you did anything wrong with the submission but no worries. I think it is just a time thing. We work on it in our spare time. Me, I'm doing my fall planting. Don't laugh, seriously.
  17. A girlfriend took me to the movie theater to see Meet Joe Black and I had to cover my mouth from laughing out loud when this death scene took me by surprise...and everyone in the theater [media=] [/media]
  18. Excellent release! Killer rockin' start with Crying To Me, cool Tyketto Forever Young sounding "Rif" on Enlighten Me, Hearts Catch Fire is awesome and then who could not like Back To Life? Plenty of good tunes in between. Calling Out is the only tune that I need to give some more chances. I actually like Magic Pudding on here whereas I didn't so much with the R/K version. The packaging is well done...someone mentioned the 2 songs out of order but aside from that, great detailed artwork, booklet has all the lyrics, writing credits, band member photo's, a hot chick with cleavage, a weapon, and candy.... Well worth the little extra time it took to put this together. Plus, when you consider the extras you got if you pre-ordered...I mean, what is NOT to like!?!?
  19. LOL! That is awesome. She keeps popping rounds in him and the same yell starts over! Good stuff.
  20. "I think you're all fucked in the head. We're ten hours from the fucking fun park and you want to bail out. Well I'll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we'll need plastic surgeory to remove our goddamn smiles. You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of you're assholes! I gotta be crazy! I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose. Praise Marty Moose! Holy Shit!"
  21. Edguy - Hall Of Flames A nice 2 disc set of sorta best of, and then unreleased and demo stuff I believe.
  22. In the mail today: The Last Vegas - Bad Decisions
  23. And as for what Tate should say....yeah, I dunno, what do you say? I guess I liked the way Russell Wilson handled the questions afterwards. The interview I saw he sorta smiled and didn't confirm or deny anything, just said they worked hard, etc. "yeah, I caught the ball" just makes him look...like an idiot in my view. Enough said, I'm done ranting.
  24. In the mail today! Tango Down - Identity Crisis Congrats John K. and Tango Down on another release! Great packaging, artwork, etc. Now tomorrow I hope to get to spin it!
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