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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. It's not that a person cannot navigate the website, I can navigate it. What the problem is that the website is hard on the eyes/brain. It is too busy, cluttered, too many clashing colors. You might think that is being picky or whatever but it is major factor in website design. Websites need to flow nice AND be easy on the eyes. Corporations like Microsoft, etc. use light gradients that blend easily and use a basic set of colors and fonts so as not to distract from the message and navigation. Putting it in very basic comparison....a car might get you from point A to point B because it is mechanically sound and functions. But if the entire interior was hot neon pink splattered with flashing Christmas lights and lime green stripes then you might not want to drive it that often. I'd trade it for something that functions but easier to concentrate.
  2. +1 The website is way too busy and cluttered.
  3. Jeff

    Crazy Lixx

    Mine is on its way, shipped late last week. Bought it from here, a site Wes found, for $12.40 BlowItOutaHere.com
  4. I guess more of the question though is WHY does Amazon want your cd's? What is their motivation to get 1,000,000 copies of Britney Spears cd from all you clowns?
  5. I noticed that Amazon.com is offering to buy used CD's for a credit. Here is someone's theory why they would want to do that. There are some comments from readers at the bottom that are interesting too. http://seekingalpha.com/article/506121-why-is-amazon-buying-cds
  6. Are you a relative or just a huge fan???
  7. Jeff

    Sin 4 Sin

    Ah, here it is, not my thread, Alphamales...but I knew there was something here: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=25179&st=0&p=572455entry572455
  8. Jeff

    Sin 4 Sin

    Dang, I was almost certain I had started a thread for Sin 4 Sin after I bought an EP off you last year Brandon...but heck if I can find it. Maybe I have my wires crossed. Got...to...keep...searching!
  9. Damn Cody you could have just said you hated Axl's voice and didn't like the Illusion albums and saved yourself some time. I guess it just comes down to a matter of opinion but I always dug Axl's voice and lyrics. Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't put him in the same category as say the Dio, Dickinson, Halford group but his voice fit the music well plus he had that thing going with multiple voices going at once on the albums that I loved. Sure I like Appetite more(its my fav Rock album of all time probably) but with Michael Bolton singing it would have sucked big time so don't fool yourself there. I don't mind the softer Axl style piano songs but I prefered the more in your face stuff on the Illusions like "Dont Damn Me", "Right Next Door to Hell", "Garden of Eden", "Dead Horse", "Garden", "You Could Be Mine", "Pretty Tied Up", "Back off Bitch" and I really loved Izzy's Stones type songs "Dust N Bones", "Double Talkin Jive" and "14 Years". The only song I hated was "My World" but I didn't love "Breakdown", "Shotgun Blues" and "Get In the Ring"(sure it was fun at first but the word FUCK got old after a few plays). And the key point made "his voice fit the music well" And I didn't hate My World, but they could have left it off. Personally I think rants like above...well, to each his own opinion but some of the statement are like someone is "smoking crack". You can hate GnR, UYI releases, Axl Rose, all you want...but Michael Bolton? Hope that is sarcasm. And sure, Rose is a douche but that aside, he penned the lyrics for most the songs on Appetite AND he had a hand in that "music" on about half the songs...that music being so good it could have been instrumental or had Bolton on it...yeah right, wow.
  10. Anyone have any luck finding this for a reasonable price? I really want to support these guys and buy the CD but the cheapest I can find so far converts to $26...and that does not include postage from Europe to US.
  11. Not to digress from the topic at hand but I HARDLY think the Use Your Illusion releases were anything near a debacle. Quite the opposite for me. Sure, they were not Appetite but talk about a band that grew, expanded and tried some things...I only wish they could have held it together to see what they could have become. Maybe they would have come full circle back to Appetite, maybe they would have expanded more, tested waters and alienated more Appetite fans. We'll never know. On topic...Axl needs to have his meds checked. Not so much for the hall of fame rant but really, it seems every other member of that band can hold it together long enough to share the stage for a few minutes, say no comment when appropriate, etc.
  12. Jeff

    Crazy Lixx

    Sleazeroxx review, Skid seems to luv it: http://www.sleazeroxx.com/bands/crazylixx/riotavenue.shtml
  13. I ran through it a few times last week. I think it started strong, had some turds in the middle then finished ok.
  14. I do not see any Parasite City in there.
  15. And actually, I was hoping Dan would chime in because the songs that he has posted for "Best of" through the years always sounds great to my ears.
  16. Gonna give CDex a try. If I don't like that I will try Audacity. I do use Audacity for recording sounds from Youtube, etc. but never tried ripping my CD's with it.
  17. I have a waterproof electric shaver so I can shave IN the shower if I'm in a rush, which is a handy time saver. For whatever reason, skin type maybe, I cannot use an electric shaver...it tears my face apart. Otherwise I would do the same to save time.
  18. Yes!!! "What I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?"
  19. Where do I shave? Mostly my face but if it's a Saturday night and I think I'm gonna get lucky I suppose shaving south of the border is not out of the question. TMI?
  20. I da mail today... Seven Wishes - S/T Seven Wishes - Utopia Gotthard - Open Gotthard - Human Zoo Gotthard - Need To Believe Gotthard - Heaven (Ballads Part 2)
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