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Everything posted by Delbert

  1. This. James I concur with Dan and Dave......and of course, block the guy from any further transactions. No matter how hard you try to do the right thing and work with people, the certain element is out there and will cause you grief, so just take the hit with the fees and move on. Del
  2. Because it's 101? Think of it this way, now you can hunt down a Glen Burtnick CD. Some chance! I have a wife-enforced resolution to buy no CDs this year. I've got loads in the post or with family en route to me, but there won't be (m)any more buys for a while, especially not rare and expensive CDs. Still, it will give me a chance to catch up on my enormous backlog... Wow, I sure hate to get that news James....you were a good E bay bidder on my auctions. Maybe you should get a post office box and rat hole a few bucks here and there??? Just kiddin'....you gotta do what you gotta do. Peace at home comes first. I'll definitely miss you though.
  3. It never ends, does it? I can remember back in the 90's, the only bootleg titles to watch for were the ones that came out on that "reborne classics" label. Even then, the quality was absolutley horrible with pops and click having been recorded directly from old worn out LP's. Today, you have to have your antennae up constantly for all these boots showing up. It's a shame too, because it is all contributing to the demise of the music we all love so much in the long haul............just my humble opinion!
  4. Well.....it took me awhile to find this thread......I'm old, so that's why I'm slow-w-w-w!!! I've been around here almost from the beginning and I pop on here 2 or 3 times a day during the cooler/winter months when I'm indoors. During the summer months I find that I'm not on the computer much and try to take a quick peek at what's goin' on at least once a day. The auctions I do follow that general trend too.....I'm just not around in the summer months. Like most everyone, I have my favorite topics to check like the buy/sell/trade.....AOR...metal & sleeze/glam threads. Then of course, I always have to check the computer/tech stuff and that's where most of you guys/gals see me. I try to help when I can. These computers can really be fickle and just like a car, they aren't worth crap if they don't run right. I read Sam's posts about the status of ROCK here in the States. Probably being about the oldest geezer on this board, I've seen the peak of our music and have watched it's demise......I think that started in the early 90's when the record companies started "forcing" Americans to listen to something different (that's my opinion). All the good melodic rock/metal bands we love were forced to go to Europe and Japan to get their music released by the labels over there. Sure, we got some killer indies that came out here that were pressed up by tons of local bands (Oh how I love 'em too). Then the internet age appeared and all of a sudden we no longer passed around want/trade lists, catalogs and publications like GOLDMINE etc etc. Collectors went right to the idiot box and could find things we searched for years and only dreamed of finding. A-h-h-h then they started downloading, bootlegging, CDRs, MP3's and all that digital stuff......record/CD sales started dropping. Only the big name bands have any chance of continuing. Things have really changed over the years....not only in the style of music we listen to, but the media we use and the method of delivery to our ears. Yeah, I love to come here and read.....once in a while I throw my two cents worth in on a thread, but, I generally stay quiet for the most part. I'd really be lost without this board to read.....I see those "handles/user names" and after all these years am able to put real names and people behind them. I bet it took alot of shining stars on the board a long time to figure out that the guy who goes by the name of Delbert is........a ......Delbert!!!
  5. I'm sure I'm not the only collector who has heard a "killer" song that you just couldn't shake.......I was browsing a German site that posted MP3's of some local indie bands. Most were rather mundane, but, I ran across a female fronted German band called CROWN who had 3 MP3 songs posted. They were really good, but, one song was titled "Knocked Out". It was very upbeat melodic rock with some really great hooks, fantastic keys (for which I'm a sucker) and catchy chorus line. Well, the search was on........I scored the net, my reference books....anywhere and everywhere, but, I couldn't come up with anything more on this band named CROWN from Germany. I wanted any recorded material I could find from them...... This all happened about 3 years ago. I had downloaded and saved the MP3's from the site (thankfully because they were taken down last year sometime). Lo and behold, this past week, I pulled a little played CD out of my collection to give it time in the CD player. The band was CRYSTAL PRIDE ....All of a sudden came track 3......."Knocked Out". It was the exact recording under the name CROWN that I had so coveted and searched for the last 3 years.........I was elated. If you haven't checked out this great band, by all means do so.......they rock!! Keep up the hope when you find a band that perks your interest......time and patience usually yields the reward!!! Delbert
  6. I'm a bit different than most I guess.....I get burned out hearing the mainstream stuff.....I always love to dig around for cool tunes from unknown or lesser known bands and make a compilation to play in the car or just to put on the player here at home...... Here are two of my favorites from recent times: 1 Tarzen – Immediate Obedience (Spain) 2 K.C. Rose – Big Fat Kings (Switzerland) 3 Blacksmith – Take Me Home (Sweden) 4 Axtasy – Never Gonna Leave Me (Germany) 5 Theo – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Norway) 6 Fatal Smile – Falling In Love (Sweden) 7 Willow – Strangled Times (Germany) 8 Dragonheart – Valled Of The Damned (UK) 9 Spanky Lee – If You Can’t Be Good (Be Bad With Me) (USA) 10 Rathskeller – She Loves Me Not (USA) 11 Strutt – Love Will Find A Way (USA) 12 Guardian Angels – Every Situation (Sweden) 13 Rawsilk – Irene (Greece) 14 Heaven’s Touch – Shoot Me A Bang (Italian) 15 Anthony & The Animals – You Stand Strong (USA) 16 Louis Michaels – Living For The Music (USA) And this one: 1. Arion – Morning After (Germany) 2. Mystery City – Should Have Known Better (USA) 3. Cinnamon – Destiny (Austria) 4. Sassee – Puppet On A String (USA) 5. Winter’s Reign – Is This The End (Ireland) 6. Rotten Rose – Long For Heaven (USA) 7. France – Dangerous Waters (USA) 8. Rockforce – Touch Of Your Hand (Germany) 9. Purple Lake – Say Hello (Switzerland) 10. Passenger – Be Mine Tonight (USA) 11. Gateway – Miracle (USA) 12. Tygers Of Pan Tang – Sweet Lies (UK) 13. Blu Blud – It Never Rains In England (UK) 14. Hero – Runaway (UK) 15. Envy – Ain’t It A Sin (USA) 16. Step Child – Never Stop Dreaming (Germany) 17. Romeo – Who’s Gonna Save You Now (USA)
  7. I was going to ask the very same thing about you James?????? Haven't heard from you in a couple of months. As far as Charlie.....he is sort of hit and miss.....you see him around for awhile, and then off he goes.
  8. I agree with the others....to me, the first is the best one although they're both enjoyable. In my opinion, they are smooth 80's style in the vein of Mastadon and Idle Cure.
  9. Delbert


    Ditto Dave........I listened to the sample posted on their MYSPACE page and it had a smooth AOR flow to it.....uptempo and melodic. I too am looking forward to hearing more!!
  10. An excellent CD from 1996 that combines powerful rock grooves with slick pop/rock vocal arrangements to yield an original, yet commercial sound. They remind me of 80s style AOR similar to Survivior and Pride Of Lions.
  11. Definitely one that should be in the HH database......What a tremendous addition to any collection. It has a great production with killer guitar work, great harmony vocals and excellent songs in the vein of the boys from KISS. I love this CD which oozes glam in their sound and presentation. Their version of Stephen Still's "Love The One You're With" should have been the one we remember!!! Do yourself a favor and give this one a home in your collection, you won't be dissappointed!!!
  12. Well....according to the official municipal website for this now famous city ( http://www.redlionpa.org/ ) their population is 6,149 people, counting men, women and children and possibly a dog or two......In my opinion, its extremely unfortunate for these 6,149 people should they ever decide to buy anything from me online.......know what I mean????? Hey, for all I know, those 6,149 people could all be inbred into the Arwine family.....!!!!!
  13. Ty, I'm curious......did the guy even contact you prior to leaving a negative feedback? Did he e mail you or anything to tell you there was a problem with the monitor when it arrived? This is what I can't understand. People who just slap a negative up there and they don't even contact you to discuss the transaction!!! You seem to be unaware as to what exactly the problem is so I am assuming he didn't even contact you?
  14. Finally got to hear this......wow, great sounding vocalist. Immediately when I heard him start singing, I thought it sounded just like Ron Phillips of Black Angels (NWOBHM) from the UK. I've also heard there is a Dio tribute band with a vocalist by the name of John Mellini and they have a web site or possibly a myspace or facebook page. Try doing a search for Dio tribute band?
  15. Here's a little something that I've discovered over the years.....as you know, a CDR is basically a dye that is altered by a laser to create the pits and lands that the CD player reads and converts to audio sound. On a pressed silver disc, these lands and grooves are pressed into the aluminum just under the polymer. Take a look at one of your CDRs that have been recorded......do you see the dye change and the end of the recorded area? Now look at your silver pressed disc.....not the same is it? Yes, you are correct that it sometimes is getting harder and harder to tell, but, in the end, there is a difference for the trained eye to see. This is a silver pressed release, not a CDR. If some of you received CDRs, it's time to complain!!!!
  16. Sorry....can't help you on this one.....gotta be a member of facebook to listen and, well, I'm not one of those people.....
  17. To borrow a line from Wes, who summed it perfectly......"It's a fun album" and I think he is spot on!!! Good for something different. It's a pity the vocals on the Black Sweden "Gold" CD were not as good as these. I'm in full agreement with you Dave.....this release is "DIFFERENT".....this isn't the same stuff we hear day in and day out. This disc finds time in my disc player a minimum of once a week and I've had friends hear it and ask "who are those guys"??? They find it refreshing. Of course, I can understand the younger generation of listeners not appreciating the unique style of blending various classic songs. To me, this is a talent to do what these guys do with such ease!!!
  18. From their website where it is on sale from. He states, which is on the email, that it is a CD-R You know, these days, I think some of these bands and band members have no idea what a CDR is. I've asked bands about their CDs and asked them specifically if it was a silver pressed CD or a factory CDR and I was assured it was a silver pressed CD. When I got the disc it turns out to be a CDR. Now, this time, everyone has been told it is a CDR and I get a factory pressed Silver disc.........go figure???????
  19. Dave Don't know who you're buying from, but, my copy is a factory silver pressed disc.....bought my copy directly from the band's website. Delbert
  20. Another of those typical German melodic AOR bands with keys. Their sound is in the vein of JOJO, VALET PARKING and SEASONS IN COLOR.
  21. May your hair curl like a pubic hair and your teeth rot away like a discarded apple while your abused and tongue lashed body lie naked in the street as each HH member passes slowly by to show disrespect for ever making such an "UNMELODICROCK" decision!!!!
  22. Here is a great new band I ran across a few weeks ago that really got my attention. I picked up both of their CD releases and wasn't dissappointed. If you're into bands such as Nightwish, this should be on your play list. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkkHp26w9no http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWGu4m6KJJs And here is their official website: http://www.holyhell.com/
  23. Rick thanks for the heads up.......I've added this one to my blocked bidder list. Delbert
  24. Couldn't have said it better....I got my copy in the mail yesterday and have really enjoyed it.
  25. Delbert

    ice age cd

    I've got a self titled Ice Age that came out in Germany in 1998. Is this the same band? As I recall, the one I have is fronted by a female singer. The cover has a picture of an iceberg floating in the artic.....
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