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Jacob M.

2014-2015 Donors
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Everything posted by Jacob M.

  1. I still have the ability to contact her through FB. She never responds though. It was the same way even when I worked with her. When I saw her frequently it wasn't a big deal. Now it's rather frustrating.
  2. I just ripped the disc so I could add it to my phone. While doing so I was unable to locate the two videos. Are they actually there? If they are how do I access them?
  3. Sounds like something I should take to work and watch with my coworkers.
  4. Leykis are you sure you have the right #? Did your # change again? I sent a message January 14th and no response. It was my original intention to go to Ogden over my vacation. As for my current store I perhaps romanticized it in my mind to an extent. The first 2-3 months I was there it was an excellent job. I had a blast and management really truly appreciated me. Almost overnight the place went to hell. My loyalty to my coworkers still remains. Although, at the rate the idiot manager is going there won't be anyone left soon. While working I took an interest in a girl. She was much like myself in that she kept to herself. I went out of my way to befriend her. Over time we became somewhat close. I always looked forward to seeing her at work. Then on January 4th I was written up. A few minutes later she walked by crying and I found out she had been fired. It completely devastated me. When I got home I cried and I don't cry about much. The time I worked with her I tried to guide her. She seemed rather naive about the world. As hard as I tried I was unable to protect her. That made it that much worse.
  5. I saw Wild August at Rocklahoma and thought they were awesome. I listened to some of the song samples and was not impressed so I held off. I've been listening to Wild August 2 recently. Phenomenal release. The first vocalist reminds me of Ted Poley.
  6. The NFL makes no sense to me any more. The tabloidization of the sport makes it almost unwatchable these days.
  7. I was lucky enough to see them live twice. Rocklahoma 2007 was a phenomenal performance.
  8. At one point I had musical ambitions. Those began to fade when I couldn't find a single person to work with on my ideas. I made some bad choices and found myself in a bad situation. My personal problems eventually overtook me and all of the other stuff eventually got placed to the side. Kind of sad because after the Jungle Blue thing I thought I was on the right track. It wasn't long after that things completely fell apart. A couple years ago while working at Failmart in Claremore I became aware that my coworker was a drummer and had been part of the Tulsa music scene. So perhaps there was a reason I ended up in such a hell hole. He seemed to be eager and completely on board with my ideas. So my idea for a Tulsa music compilation appeared to be back on track. He graduated from his school and became an electrician. Of course he quit Walmart and said he would be in contact. I never heard from him again. And the dream died once more. As for the travel, that's part of the reason I've stuck with Failmart as long as I have. To build on my work history and have the ability to transfer pretty much anywhere. These days you can't just move somewhere without a job and expect to be hired easily. 10 years ago that may have been the case. I still intend to move a few more places. Counting on Failmart for a job when I get there is most likely gone. That will make things more difficult.
  9. I just hit the 4 year mark at Failmart and I began to make plans for the future. About three weeks ago I went on a two week vacation and flew back to Oklahoma. I took care of some issues while there, but never actually accomplished the goal for which I was there. I can thank the weather for that. Anyway, while there I realized nothing had changed in 8 months and that I really didn't want to be there for anything more than a short visit. I left feeling happy I was in the right place and I was eager to get back to work. Then on this day last week I got a message from my friend saying he had been fired along with another coworker. So much for feeling safe again at work. Management was on a rampage again. I was terrified to go back. First night was good. I had the good manager and I was thankful for that. The next two nights I was fearful. First night with the bad boss the task times were way off and things went rather badly. The next night when the bad manager ripped into us I immediately went "shit". My fears were realized as a bit after first break the nitwit pulled me into the office and wrote me up for the second time. It was hard to keep my anger in check when a complete and total moron insulted my abilities and work ethic. So I'm one step closer to being fired even though I've done nothing wrong. I'm sick of being terrorized by idiot managers. I'm going to fight this tooth and nail and put an end to her reign of terror. So before all of this went down my plan was to be down to one day a week at Failmart (as a backup plan) and working somewhere else full time by the time I hit year 5. Now it will probably be full time somewhere else and no Failmart at all.
  10. I'm not so much into her music, but I respect what she does. And I find her incredibly attractive. She does have that going for her.
  11. They could even get Michael Sweet and Oz Fox to guest on their album.
  12. You're right. Instead of Best Of 19** threads we should be flooding the board with Worst Of 19** threads.
  13. Things are way different than I imagined they would be. By 31 I thought I would have had things figured out. I most certainly didn't think I would still be in retail (and thankful to even have a job). I've been keeping a journal for several years now. I believe Geoff said only unhappy people keep journals. I tend to believe that's true. I've tried to read things I've written down and I cringe. It's just a reminder of all the ways I've been kicked around. Recently I went back and read some of the things I wrote over the last few months. It actually brought a smile to my face. I'm still not where I want to be, but maybe I'm closer to it. Coming back to Oregon has turned out way better than I could have imagined. And if I keep pursuing the things I want I might actually get them. One could hope .
  14. Steel Panther went Christian? Could you imagine the awesomeness that would ensue? If Stryper can go mainstream I don't see why this can't happen.
  15. The sound is definitely familiar. Can't place who it might be though.
  16. I caught part of the AC/DC performance. I was in the other room getting ready for work when they came on. I heard AC/DC on the TV so I had to come investigate. It's surprising they had anyone of talent perform.
  17. So you're saying Melissa McCarthy is going to have sex with a ghost? Project Almanac has to do with time travel. One of the things I had been pondering is what happens when you get back. If you changed something in the past you would still have the memories of all that were to follow. Many things would have changed from your actions so you would have no idea what is going on when you get back. You will have done things and have no memory of it.
  18. If you want to see a somewhat original movie check out Project Almanac. What I found most interesting is that it delves into some of my theories. And it makes you think.
  19. Rozy Coyote is awesome. Download it asap and tell me what you think. If there are tracks other than what's on Sharp Edged & Sweaty I want them.
  20. Thanks for posting this for me. It's difficult to do on a phone. I just pre-ordered the Fan Pack 2. The conversion to American currency was not favorable. It went from £19 to $29.66.
  21. I'm really interested in this one. I hope it's released on cd.
  22. I didn't even remember posting in this thread. Kind of surprised me to see that I had.
  23. Here are some of my faves: Cobra Dane- should've been a massive seller. Killer vocalist and guitar work. Crash Alley- second cd is better than the first. Close to a sleaze masterpiece. Heist- as others have said this is great. Kelley's Heroes- Probably the best thing Retrospect has ever released. If you're into Skid Row type stuff. Lickity Split- tongue in cheek humor. It's great if you don't take it too seriously.
  24. I don't know man. They could have used Rob Halford.
  25. Jacob M.

    Buckeyes !

    Everyone around here was so excited about the Ducks. It's safe to say that excitement has waned.
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