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Jacob M.

2014-2015 Donors
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Everything posted by Jacob M.

  1. Apparently this movie tanked big time. I'm not that surprised actually. They put it out in the waning moments of summer and expected big results.
  2. I had some demos from bands like Queeny Blast Pop, Krayola Kids, and Revlon Red on cassette. If possible I would like to get them on cd. Not sure how many have heard Play Rough before. They veer into candy glam territory on a few of their tracks.
  3. It seems the older I get the more I appreciate this sub genre. Insanely catchy lyrics and wonderful vocal harmonies. When I listen I imagine all the best life has to offer. I love Big Bang Babies and Tryx. Talks Cheap is not quite on the same level. Town Klown are good as well. Shame all they have is a 5 song demo. L.O.U.D. would likely fall into this genre as well. What are some of the other bands in the genre and how can I get their releases?
  4. Jacob M.

    Blakk Boobz

    Something does feel really off about this one.
  5. Jacob M.

    Blakk Boobz

    Reading "transsexual" is a woody killer if I've ever seen one.
  6. The Oregon store I work at is a lot different. There are still quite a few hot girls. The majority of the people I see are Mexican. There are also quite a few Asians. Not as many white girls.
  7. There are some pretty cool shirts and the price is reasonable as well. The problem is the shipping. Does it really cost $10 to ship a shirt?
  8. I haven't downloaded any illegal songs in a long time. Even then most of the stuff I was after wouldn't have been on anyone's radar.
  9. Is the new Flash Addict release on Demon Doll the same one from Suncity a few years ago? If it is I need to purchase it asap. Already missed it once.
  10. Last night I discovered my store (I work at a Walmart near Portland, Or) has the new Kix cd. It completely shocked me. I might buy it next time I need to purchase something.
  11. Where I'll ultimately end up is still to be decided. At least for a while I'll be near Forest Grove.
  12. Where I'll ultimately end up is still to be decided. At least for a while I'll be near Forest Grove.
  13. It appears you're about an hour away from where I'm going to be. I'm going back to the Portland burbs for a while.
  14. After working for the Decepticons for 3 years now I have determined I must make my own way. I despise working for a company that looks at me as more of a liability than asset. It's easy to say I should just look for another employer. I wholeheartedly agree. The problem is more and more companies are adopting the Walmart model. Quality employers are dwindling. I'm ready to start my own business. The problem is I have no idea how. Anyone here an entrepreneur? I want to learn from you. I'm at the point I would be willing to take an unpaid internship.
  15. I too am moving very soon. It will be an interesting endeavor.
  16. A couple nights ago I remembered why retail can be fun. At the beginning of the night I was in snacks. A cute blonde girl came down my aisle with barely there jean shorts you could clearly tell she had made herself. The pockets were hanging down past the shorts. Before she left she handed me a bag of Doritos she had found that was busted. I told her I would think of something. I honestly wasn't sure what to do with it since it's a vendor item. A few minutes later I saw a brunette girl walking by with skin tight black shorts that were barely there. It appeared she had pantyhose on over it. I couldn't help but stare in awe. A few minutes later I saw another girl with a see through black mesh shirt on. Couldn't tell from where I was standing what she had on under it. Whatever it may have been it was still awesome. By midnight reality began set in. The place is still hell. The eye candy was simply a temporary diversion. Shame because I think I could have a great time in a job like that if management didn't make it so miserable.
  17. It does sound somewhat familiar. The clip is too short and of poor quality to really tell.
  18. When I saw them at Rocklahoma in 09' they said there was going to be a new cd. Anybody seen it yet?
  19. I just ordered this disc. I imported it from the bands label. I believe I paid around $22. That's more than I prefer to pay, but still better than what it's going for on Amazon.
  20. A few years ago I bought their cd on Demon Doll Records. I was blown away by it. The killer vocals and ferocity with which they played made me an instant fan. Things appeared to be headed in the right direction for them. Their fan base was growing and there was talk of a new release. All of a sudden there was nothing. They just disappeared. Anyone know what happened to them?
  21. http://insidemovies.ew.com/2014/05/29/eva-green-mpaa-sin-city-2-poster/ I just heard about this yesterday. Apparently this poster is causing quite the stir. I kind of like it. Eva Green is more than enough reason for me to watch it. There must have some sort of clause when she signs on for a project. She takes her clothes off in almost everything.
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