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Sam has been caught out big-time


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Looks like the case is solved. Sam has taken the Sweet Teaze CD from his website. It makes you think how many of his artists are being ripped off?? It's not the first time Sam has taken CD's off his catalogue due to being proven a fraud and unfortunately it won't be his last!! This is an illegal operation and it must be stopped. How could anybody support this rouge operation let lone buy from him??


Another band that I stopped Sam from bootlegging and ripping off was a Canadian band, Smash L.A. which I have full contracts signed for the release of their self-titled album this year.


The reason 80'sMetalCollector, LV ZOE, and himself aren't replying to this thread is because they have been found out and he would also know that this thread is being monitored by Sweet Teaze's lawyers and anything that is said by them will be used in evidence.


Sam, stop your doggy tactics because this time you had messed with the wrong band!! I have got so many PM's the last day giving me your address in support of Sweet Teaze case, no-one likes it when you rip bands off and you are massing up so many Retrospect haters. There is a good dollar (and a lot of hard work) in running a legit record label but the record labels that get greedy and starts bootlegging artists hard work for their own gain will and MUST be brought to justice.


Anyone here loves the music you are releasing including myself and I also know that you have done the right thing by bands in the past, but why the need to be soooo greedy. Everyone wants to see you succeed with what you are doing when above-board because the music you release is quite simply kick arse!!


Kind Regards


Suncity Records

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I'm not sure the simple removal from his catalog will solve the problem for the band, as Sam will still have in possession the CDs and may get tempted to sell them somehow below the radar. I'd say that the band should go and seize the entire pressing and either destroy it, or re-sell it for their own profit.

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Other than Koogs giving it a go, this thread is way too tame.  :angel:  Something's strange, where the Hell is 80'scollector guy? He should be ripping this thread apart. Anything that involves Retrospect or Sam has him coming to it's defence. Where are you 80'scollector guy? Where?


They're probably panicking & frantically flushing all copies down the toilet! :P

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Guest Matt_Matthews

I am amazed by the lack of respect that Sam (Retrospect) has for my band Sweet Teaze. Over the past year I have heard more and more about the selling of Do it Till it Hurtz over the internet. I thought it was all CD trading/selling from the original releases that were made in the late 1980's. I was then disappointed to find out that Sam was selling my copyrighted material without my authorization or the authorization of the other surviving members.


I am glad to see that he has pulled us from his website. Sam we need to talk. There is no need to carry this issue any further. I expect that you will respect my wishes and discontinue the sale of any Sweet Teaze merchandise from now on. I will be keeping an eye on you. And I am sure that there will be a few others that will be glad to inform me of any "backdoor" bootlegging.


I respect what allot of you independent labels are doing for bands that have worked hard on their material but never were able to share it with the masses and you have given that music new life.


It is unfortunate that there are people that forget why they work in the music biz, and have crossed the line from passion to greed.

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I don't get it! Check out the conclusion of the Sweet Teaze auction. Vegascds ended it early, with 2 hours to go and sold to the high bidder at the time. Why would you do that? Everybody knows the last few hours of an auction is moving time. Why end early? Very strange, very strange indeed.


Ebay item number 4832595503

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No matter how he sold it and to who, he still sold an illegal bootleg....

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Another band that I stopped Sam from bootlegging and ripping off was a Canadian band, Smash L.A. which I have full contracts signed for the release of their self-titled album this year.




Smash LA getting a release ??? that made my day!!!! - AWESOME


Rozy Coyote next ? :D


Good one David ... :)

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Was looking at another thread about New Renaissance Records, and saw that the owner is currently investigating Sam as well:




Read the last post by New Renaissance Records.



I checked out this thread and I see its the Screamer cd. If it was legitite it definetly rates at the top of the list of rare cds. I searched for a year for one and could barely find a lp let alone a cd. I see another person has one on ebay from Germany. If you can find a legitite one its definetly worth paying a good price for. There definetly Metal and have a very good sound to them.

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The sad thing is that all the pleading, bitching, mudslinging and other "kind words" Sam and 80s have thrown around here screaming that they are indeed legit have now been washed down the toilet again.


I told 80s that I would walk away, and yes, I have been rather quiet regarding the Retrospect subject for a while and things died down a little over the last 2 weeks as well. 80s even answered a few of my questions in a respectful way regarding an upcoming Retrospect release and I respect that.


But... now this "bootlegging" subject has hit the wall with full force again and all fingers are pointing Sams way once again. Why is it that every time people start to give the label benefit of the doubt, this shit surfaces again?


As malebolgia has stated, Sam did alright by Manilla Thrills. Other bands have also stated the same, so why can't he seem to stay on that path? It's called greed. I don't care what excuses he or 80s have to throw out there.... "It's for the music", or "It's for the bands", because they just proved once again, that it's not.


Sam, you stated that you have many contacts as well as a pretty nice resume of artists you've played with. What happens when they find out about what your "business" does? Is it worth that risk? I've heard a few tracks here and there with you on keys,a nd I'll admit, you're quite good. They had a good sound to them and fit nicely with the rest of the music. Yes... in case you weren't sure, I just paid you a compliment.


I won't speak for everyone here, but people try to give you chances time and time again, and this crap happens. Why is it so hard to just stay on the straight and narrow, releasing fully authroized silver pressed reissues of music we all love? I don't think it's alot to ask


Maybe being served court papers for copyright infringement will be what it takes to make you open your eyes a little. Maybe it'll take jailtime and a huge fine. Who knows.... Hopefully you wake up before it's too late to change your ways

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HSF: let me put it this way. You see someone on the street getting robbed. There are several other people cheering this criminal on as he performs the act. After all, these onlookers will be getting a share of the money. You stand by, doing absolutely nothing as all this takes place before your very eyes. In fact, from your place on the sidelines, you throw in a few remarks to encourage the thief.


And you feel this is right how?


But then along comes someone who takes objection to this criminal act. He wants it to stop. All of a sudden, you become offended. How dare someone stir the pot and allow this injustice to stop.


Moral of the story... I guess we should all just follow in line, take everything that comes our way and not question anything.


Fuck that.


I'd rather be disliked for exposing a wrong than admired for apathy.

And then you go to trial where you hire Jackie Childs to defend you and they bring in a bunch of people from your past like The Soup Nazi,Babu Bot,Mr Pit,etc.


You are found guilty and are sentenced to 5 years in prison where you may or may not do musicals with your friends for the other inmates and then you notice that the top button on your friends shirt is really not in the right place and then you go on to do stand up comedy while the other cast members bomb over and over on other sitcoms......and then you release your show on DVD and make even more money......................


The End.

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Looks like the case is solved.  Sam has taken the Sweet Teaze CD from his website.  It makes you think how many of his artists are being ripped off??  It's not the first time Sam has taken CD's off his catalogue due to being proven a fraud and unfortunately it won't be his last!!  This is an illegal operation and it must be stopped.  How could anybody support this rouge operation let lone buy from him?? 


Another band that I stopped Sam from bootlegging and ripping off was a Canadian band, Smash L.A. which I have full contracts signed for the release of their self-titled album this year.


The reason 80'sMetalCollector, LV ZOE, and himself aren't replying to this thread is because they have been found out and he would also know that this thread is being monitored by Sweet Teaze's lawyers and anything that is said by them will be used in evidence.


Sam, stop your doggy tactics because this time you had messed with the wrong band!!  I have got so many PM's the last day giving me your address in support of Sweet Teaze case, no-one likes it when you rip bands off and you are massing up so many Retrospect haters.  There is a good dollar (and a lot of hard work) in running a legit record label but the record labels that get greedy and starts bootlegging artists hard work for their own gain will and MUST be brought to justice.


Anyone here loves the music you are releasing including myself and I also know that you have done the right thing by bands in the past, but why the need to be soooo greedy.  Everyone wants to see you succeed with what you are doing when above-board because the music you release is quite simply kick arse!!


Kind Regards


Suncity Records



If by "LV ZOE" you mean me.... Unlike you I do have a life beyond Heavy Harmonies. I am flattered that you missed me, I didn't even know I was that important to you. A suggestion... maybe instead of wasting time here and trying to start shit... you could read over your web site. Hard for anyone to take your company serious with the spelling and the terrible grammer. Maybe instead of worrying about everyone elses site... you could improve yours. Of course, with less then a handful of band... I'm sure that would not take long. :dance:

Funny thing David... some of these people who support you so much... well, I have all f your releases and never paid for one. So maybe you should be worried about people pirating your own bands.





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Funny thing David... some of these people who support you so much... well, I have all f your releases and never paid for one. So maybe you should be worried about people pirating your own bands.


I've stayed out of all the mudslinging up until now, but I couldn't let this one go by.


So, you knowingly and intentionally rip off current releases, eh?


You officially get the "Douchebag of the Month" award.





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Funny thing David... some of these people who support you so much... well, I have all f your releases and never paid for one. So maybe you should be worried about people pirating your own bands.


I've stayed out of all the mudslinging up until now, but I couldn't let this one go by.


So, you knowingly and intentionally rip off current releases, eh?


You officially get the "Douchebag of the Month" award.








Thanks... and would you like to know who sent them to me...?


FYI - when they were sent, I didn't know these had been released. But what about the ones who sent me these..? Do you think they knew..?

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Funny thing David... some of these people who support you so much... well, I have all f your releases and never paid for one. So maybe you should be worried about people pirating your own bands.


I've stayed out of all the mudslinging up until now, but I couldn't let this one go by.


So, you knowingly and intentionally rip off current releases, eh?


You officially get the "Douchebag of the Month" award.








Thanks... and would you like to know who sent them to me...?


FYI - when they were sent, I didn't know these had been released. But what about the ones who sent me these..? Do you think they knew..?



And I see that you just jump to conclusions.... How do you really know I have any of the releases...? Maybe I just posted to get a reaction. But, I proved my point in that people believe anything they read... Maybe I was just blowing smoke... like so many that post here... never know.

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WOW... this "stirring the pot" is alot of fun. Now I see why the select few of you do this.... So let me keep going.


I do wanna make it clear right now that I do not speak for Sam or Retrospect. Retrospect is free to respond on it's own if it feels neccesary. I only speak for myself here.


David's timing on this original post is perfect. Seems like his latest attack on Retrospect coincides with a personal issue. Seems as though David bashes Retrospect whenever Retrospect one ups Suncity. It must be tough for Suncity to keep losing all the bands they want because Retrospect gives them a better deal. This original post was yet another attack because Retrospect just signed another band you wish you had. As a matter of fact, maybe you even thought you had this band. Too bad for your sake that Retrospect pays better. Let the people here know the truth David.... tell them just how many bands you lost to Retrospect and then tell them the reason why you keep losing the bands. Maybe instead of just attacking you should step up to the plate and pay a little more. Think you can beat Sam in the "business world"? Or since you know you can't you come here and whine. Some of the offers you have made to bands is an insult... that's why they go elsewhere... and that is why you have ... what 3 or 4 bands on your label.





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At least all the bands on David's label actually KNOW their stuff has been "reissued". So Mr LV, why don't we try to stay on topic here instead of trying to divert the attention elsewhere? :drink:

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At least all the bands on David's label actually KNOW their stuff has been "reissued". So Mr LV, why don't we try to stay on topic here instead of trying to divert the attention elsewhere?  :drink:


I agree with T-BONE!


First of all, Matt Mathews is here on the board himself and clearly stated SAM has ripped them off -> http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.ph...ndpost&p=134593, so that, and the fact no one from Retrospect and crew had responded speakes volumes on the issue!


Also, the attempt on switching the attention to some poor private trader who had the misfortune to trade Sun City stuff to LV KIX, from a mass-bootlegger who produces hundreds of copies which sells for his own profit is nothing but hilarious!

I don't know who the person which traded LV the stuff is, but the comparison on this particular issue between him and Sam is like comparing apples to pears. 3-rd grade efford at best

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