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The F*%K Thread


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I just went to Wal-Mart and bought the new Iron Maiden cd. Has anyone else noticed how fucking bad Wal-Mart's customer service is? I wonder if Sam Walton is rolling over in his fucking grave?


Is that fucker dead? I have to say as lackluster as the customer service is, it's not too much worse than anywhere else in fuckin' Jersey, not that that's saying too much... :anon:


I can say though, that when my Mother-in-Law lost a gold bracelet there, they were very fucking helpful, found the fuckin' bracelet and returned it without incident. At least they were fuckin' honest.... :)

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Is that fucker dead? I have to say as lackluster as the customer service is, it's not too much worse than anywhere else in fuckin' Jersey, not that that's saying too much... :anon:


I can say though, that when my Mother-in-Law lost a gold bracelet there, they were very fucking helpful, found the fuckin' bracelet and returned it without incident. At least they were fuckin' honest.... :)


Yea, that fucker's been fuckin' dead for a while now.


Although the customer service at the fuckin' Wal-Mart I go to is actually pretty fuckin' good... I called the store before making the fuckin' drive there yesterday to make sure they had the fuckin' Maiden CD and the fucker I got on the phone was super fuckin' cool... he said "Yep, we have it, and it's got a bonus DVD too," and even told me the fuckin' price. Just to make sure I asked "It ain't one of those fuckin' edited CDs you guys sell, is it? Cuz I don't want the fucker if it is," and he said "Nope, there's no edited label on it, it's the same one you can get anywhere else." That's pretty fuckin' cool. Maybe they're still so nice at this fuckin' store cuz it's only been there for about two or three fuckin' years, therefore nobody has been fuckin' working there long enough to totally hate their fuckin' jobs/lives yet.

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Don't get me started on fuckin EvilMart....


Some b.s. happened at work yesterday, and I'm trying to decide how fuckin pissed I want to be about it. <_< I know if I fuckin wait it out, all will get right again.... but fuck me if I don't wanna tell 'em what the fuck is on my mind. :2up:


At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D

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At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D


Sometimes it's the little things in life that make it all fuckin' worthwhile... for me it's getting to work in the dark to find that I picked two socks that are actually the same fuckin' colour. :woot:

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At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D


Sometimes it's the little things in life that make it all fuckin' worthwhile... for me it's getting to work in the dark to find that I picked two socks that are actually the same fuckin' colour. :woot:


"coloUr"??? What the fuck? Gettin' ready for your trip England......or just gettin' all fuckin' uppity on us? :blink::lol:

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Don't get me started on fuckin EvilMart....


Some b.s. happened at work yesterday, and I'm trying to decide how fuckin pissed I want to be about it. <_< I know if I fuckin wait it out, all will get right again.... but fuck me if I don't wanna tell 'em what the fuck is on my mind. :2up:


At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D


We should fuckin' celebrate!! One day out of the year you're NOT a fuckin' goober!!! Parrrrrrty!!!! :D:lol:


Wow....interesting that it's taking you 24 fucking hours to decide 'how pissed' you want to be about it!! Nice fuckin' restraint!!! That's NOT the norm with the women I fuckin' know!!! :lol:



I don't know about you fuckers.......but the Walmart where I live in Tomball, Texas is very friendly. Fucking karma beeotches.......fucking karma......


At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D


Sometimes it's the little things in life that make it all fuckin' worthwhile... for me it's getting to work in the dark to find that I picked two socks that are actually the same fuckin' colour. :woot:


Socks??!! What the fuck are those??!! :lol:

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Don't get me started on fuckin EvilMart....


Some b.s. happened at work yesterday, and I'm trying to decide how fuckin pissed I want to be about it. <_< I know if I fuckin wait it out, all will get right again.... but fuck me if I don't wanna tell 'em what the fuck is on my mind. :2up:


At least I didn't goober fuckin coffee on me this morning :D



Wow....interesting that it's taking you 24 fucking hours to decide 'how pissed' you want to be about it!! Nice fuckin' restraint!!! That's NOT the norm with the women I fuckin' know!!! :lol:


hahaha.....so fuckin' true.... Some of us just fly off the fuckin' handle for no fuckin' reason....


Fuckin' props to Lisa....

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We should fuckin' celebrate!! One day out of the year you're NOT a fuckin' goober!!! Parrrrrrty!!!! :D:lol:

YEAH! Party! Any fuckin day that I'm not a goober is reason enough for me :bananamac:


Wow....interesting that it's taking you 24 fucking hours to decide 'how pissed' you want to be about it!! Nice fuckin' restraint!!! That's NOT the norm with the women I fuckin' know!!! :lol:


hahaha.....so fuckin' true.... Some of us just fly off the fuckin' handle for no fuckin' reason....


Fuckin' props to Lisa....

The reason always seems fuckin valid tho, doesn't it?? -_- I'm just letting intuition win out over the fuckin impulsiveness... this time :lol:

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"coloUr"??? What the fuck? Gettin' ready for your trip England......or just gettin' all fuckin' uppity on us? :blink::lol:

I fuckin vote for the uppity thing..... it's his favourite thing to do ;)


Right then guv'nor! Havin' a bit o' trouble typing this then, wot wif me pinky stickin' out like the fookin' prick I am, yeah? ;)


Seriously I started "anglicising" years ago just 'cause it seemed fuckin' cool at the time (yes I realise now it is not cool, and I am just a geek :anon: ). Now that I'm responsible for all the fucking translations of our material worldwide and I deal with Europeans on a daily basis I just kinda keep doing it so it's less in peoples' faces that their stuff is being done by a fuckin' yank.


How's that for a ridiculous fucking explanation? :banana:


All that aside, guilty as charged. Nothin' I like more than bein' fuckin' uppity. I've got a fuckin' reputation to maintain... B)

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"coloUr"??? What the fuck? Gettin' ready for your trip England......or just gettin' all fuckin' uppity on us? :blink::lol:

I fuckin vote for the uppity thing..... it's his favourite thing to do ;)


Right then guv'nor! Havin' a bit o' trouble typing this then, wot wif me pinky stickin' out like the fookin' prick I am, yeah? ;)


Oh now that's fuckin' funny.........cuz I DO stick my pinky out ALL the time.


I'm sucha fuckin' lady...... :lol:

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"coloUr"??? What the fuck? Gettin' ready for your trip England......or just gettin' all fuckin' uppity on us? :blink::lol:

I fuckin vote for the uppity thing..... it's his favourite thing to do ;)


Right then guv'nor! Havin' a bit o' trouble typing this then, wot wif me pinky stickin' out like the fookin' prick I am, yeah? ;)


Oh now that's fuckin' funny.........cuz I DO stick my pinky out ALL the time.


I'm sucha fuckin' lady...... :lol:


:lol: I do it too, don't tell anyone... :anon:


Fuck, wait, does that make me a fuckin' lady too? <_<

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"When the fuckin' revolution comes, THEY will be the first ones against the fuckin' wall!"


No, I don't know who the fuck "They" are... I just thought it fuckin' sounded good

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Fuck You Tube, just got a 2nd copyright notice about a deep Purple video I uploaded about 8 months ago. The fuckers have permanently disabled my account. :2up:


Fuck them, Deep Purple needs all the publicity they can get IMHO...

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We should fuckin' celebrate!! One day out of the year you're NOT a fuckin' goober!!! Parrrrrrty!!!! :D:lol:

YEAH! Party! Any fuckin day that I'm not a goober is reason enough for me :bananamac:


Wow....interesting that it's taking you 24 fucking hours to decide 'how pissed' you want to be about it!! Nice fuckin' restraint!!! That's NOT the norm with the women I fuckin' know!!! :lol:


hahaha.....so fuckin' true.... Some of us just fly off the fuckin' handle for no fuckin' reason....


Fuckin' props to Lisa....

The reason always seems fuckin valid tho, doesn't it?? -_-


Fuckin' Aye it does....


at the time..... :lol:


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckin' well...........off to work I go. Laters fuckahs!!! :banana:

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it's fucking pissing down here...i just got the car out of the garage this morning and all the fucking dirt is now all over the fucking driveway....(SHIT now i will have some work to do later).....Fuking hell.... :angry:


P.S..its very windy as well....

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I just cannot fucking believe how fucking busy this thread has been in the last few fuckin' days. The fucking filter is back on at work and I can't access my fucking emails anymore so I had to search back about 4 fucking pages to where my last fucking post was. This brother fucking hates internet filters. They're fucked.

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I just cannot fucking believe how fucking busy this thread has been in the last few fuckin' days. The fucking filter is back on at work and I can't access my fucking emails anymore so I had to search back about 4 fucking pages to where my last fucking post was. This brother fucking hates internet filters. They're fucked.



I fucking agree, internet filters are fucked.

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I just cannot fucking believe how fucking busy this thread has been in the last few fuckin' days. The fucking filter is back on at work and I can't access my fucking emails anymore so I had to search back about 4 fucking pages to where my last fucking post was. This brother fucking hates internet filters. They're fucked.



I fucking agree, internet filters are fucked.


For now our fucking filter lets me go here. Which is pertty fucking surprising based on the fact that one of the things it looks for is fucking profanity... :blink:

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