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The F*%K Thread


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Many Vets say dogs (& cats) fuckin eat grass when their stomache is upset. Helps 'em puke to get out the fuckin irritant. My dad put his dog on a special diet, and now she never fuckin pukes, no fuckin skin probs and has an awesome fuckin coat.


I've heard that fuckin' theory too but he's been eating grass all the fuckin' time, ever since we got him last year, even when he's not sick... I think he's just fuckin' retarded.

After all the fuckin' dog poop I've cleaned up the last few fucking days I'd almost rather that he start fuckin' pukin, just for some fuckin' variety...


Fuckin' UGH. I am in fear for my fucking carpeting while I'm at fucking work today either way.

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The Saga of the Incontinent Pooch continues... the wife just called, she came home to find another fuckin' detonation in the upstairs hallway. Guess who has to stop at the fuckin' store on his way home for some fuckin' carpet cleaner? Fuck. I think it may be time to call the fuckin' vet, this is getting disgusting...

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We have two fuckin' dogs running around the house at the moment. My girls is minding them for a friend at work while she's in Fiji. They're pretty cute, obedient little fuckers. Kitty's not happy though. Keeps hissing at the oblivious little fuckers. :)

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WOW!!!! We had a fuckin' monsoon blow through here tonight. The store fuckin' flooded.....the parking lot flooded......the cars had water halfway up them. haha....the kids with the newer cars had 5 inches worth of water in their cars. My old battleaxe was bone fuckin' dry. And fired right up!!! :banger:


It was awesome......all I wanted to do was go out and play in the fuckin' rain...... :lol:

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The words "OH FUCK" are said to be heard more often now over in ol' England town knowing they are about to hand the Ashes back yo the rightful owners :lol:

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Yeah, my weekend's already fucked off. What the fuck's up with that? Why didn't the fuckin' thing stick around and have a few fuckin' beers with me? What a fuckin' soft-cock.


Fuckin' Eels lost yesterday... 23-0. Fuckin' painful. My fuckin' ear's still bocked too, but maybe getting a little better. Man that fuckin' game hurt yesterday... :(

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My fucking weekend was pretty well fucking shot to fucking shit from the get-go. It's done nothing but fucking rain, rain and more fucking rain. Supposed to do this all the way to fucking Wednesday now. Rain, rain, go the fuck away!

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My fucking weekend was pretty well fucking shot to fucking shit from the get-go. It's done nothing but fucking rain, rain and more fucking rain. Supposed to do this all the way to fucking Wednesday now. Rain, rain, go the fuck away!




Lots of fucking rain here to Keef. I did get to drink many fucking beers during a fantasy football draft yesterday and even more fucking beers last night at a local bar/dive.

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I also enjoyed the bliss beer brings with it as I travelled through my fuckin' weekend. Half of me wishes I was still there, the other half is glad that this fuckin' Monday is over, and as it's been one of the worst in recent times, I'm pretty fucking happy to see the ass-end of it.

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So I fuckin' drag myself out of bed at 3:45 this morning to go in early because I'm so fuckin' busy it's unreal, and naturally we've got a fuckin' power outage... <_< So I waited for 7:00 and here I sit at a fucking coffeehouse with WiFi across the street from my fuckin' office with a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant... well okay then, I guess it's not that fuckin' bad... B)

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So I fuckin' drag myself out of bed at 3:45 this morning to go in early because I'm so fuckin' busy it's unreal, and naturally we've got a fuckin' power outage... <_< So I waited for 7:00 and here I sit at a fucking coffeehouse with WiFi across the street from my fuckin' office with a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant... well okay then, I guess it's not that fuckin' bad... B)




3:45? Holy fucking shit! That is way to fucking early to be up.

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Speaking of beer, I just cracked open my first beer in a week, a Newcastle, fuck yeah, cheers fellow HHers!




I fucking cannot stress enough how much I fucking love Newcastle beer.


Fuck yeah, Newcastle fucking rocks!

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So I fuckin' drag myself out of bed at 3:45 this morning to go in early because I'm so fuckin' busy it's unreal, and naturally we've got a fuckin' power outage... <_< So I waited for 7:00 and here I sit at a fucking coffeehouse with WiFi across the street from my fuckin' office with a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant... well okay then, I guess it's not that fuckin' bad... B)




3:45? Holy fucking shit! That is way to fucking early to be up.


Fuckin' tell me about it... <_< I'll probably be getting up at 4 all week to try and catch up. As much as I hate fuckin' getting up so early, it's a fuckin' great time to get shit done at the office. Just me, my computers, and big fuckin' iTunes library... :woot:

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So I fuckin' drag myself out of bed at 3:45 this morning to go in early because I'm so fuckin' busy it's unreal, and naturally we've got a fuckin' power outage... <_< So I waited for 7:00 and here I sit at a fucking coffeehouse with WiFi across the street from my fuckin' office with a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant... well okay then, I guess it's not that fuckin' bad... B)




3:45? Holy fucking shit! That is way to fucking early to be up.


Fuckin' tell me about it... <_< I'll probably be getting up at 4 all week to try and catch up. As much as I hate fuckin' getting up so early, it's a fuckin' great time to get shit done at the office. Just me, my computers, and big fuckin' iTunes library... :woot:




At least your fucking allowed to log on to HH at work. It's been so boring not being able to get on here from 8-5:30 everyday.

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a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant...

oh.my.gawd. That's my most favorite fuckin bad-for-you food indulgence in the world. You're even more ok in my fuckin book, Pete :lol:


I get up at 3:15-3:30 every fuckin morning <_< Monday's are the fuckin hardest. Then this morning, I get in at my usual fuckin time of 5am, and turns out the fuckin system will be down until 7fuckin30. Bastids. I coulda fuckin slept in an extra two fuckin hours.

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a big ol' latte with an extra shot and a fuckin' chocolate croissant...

oh.my.gawd. That's my most favorite fuckin bad-for-you food indulgence in the world. You're even more ok in my fuckin book, Pete :lol:


I get up at 3:15-3:30 every fuckin morning <_< Monday's are the fuckin hardest. Then this morning, I get in at my usual fuckin time of 5am, and turns out the fuckin system will be down until 7fuckin30. Bastids. I coulda fuckin slept in an extra two fuckin hours.


Yeah, it's a great fuckin' feeling, getting up for nothing isn't it? <_<


I've now had a grand total of 7 fucking shots of espresso in the 2 lattes I've consumed. I think I'm going to have a fucking heart attack... :blink:

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Fuckin A! We just got a fuckin note that the fuckin system will be down until 9am. Glad I got my Monday work fuckin done on Friday... otherwise I'd be here till fuckin 6:00.


If you got your 'Monday' work done on 'Friday...then why the fuck did ya come in in the first place!!?? :lol: And fuckin' EARLY, to boot!!! :lol:


It's fuckin' employees like you that make a bad name for all the rest of us fuckin' slackers!! ;)

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